Proposed NM State Park camping fees going up

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May 4, 2017
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This is still in the preliminary stages but it looks like most or all of the fees for camping in State Parks in New Mexico will be going up.

I think most importantly to some of our members who enjoyed the ACP (annual camping permit) the fee is going WAY up...if the projected fees pan out.

According to the new proposed fee schedule, the ACP for residents will go from $180 to $300 per year. NM residents who are seniors would see a more modest increase from $100 to $150 per year.

For non-residents the fee will jump from $225 to $600 per year. Ouch.

It looks like the daily electric and water hookup will go from $4 to $15. Another ouch.

Again, these are the proposed increases. But....knowing how government agencies generally operate, I am fairly sure the final fees will be at these values or higher. was good while it lasted!

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The email I recently received from Reserve America (and referencing New Mexico EMNRD, Energy, Minerals, Natural Resources Department) seems to indicate that they are planning to raise the fees, your graphic from March CurrentArgus notwithstanding.

The fee increases might not happen this year, or they might. The information I received from them and provided here are the revised fees under proposal (again, these are the published proposed increases).

But I'd be willing to bet the camping fees will increase, if not this year, then within a year from this latest information. And it's common for new fees to go into effect many months after they are approved.

There are about 4 more in-person listening sessions and 1 online meeting scheduled for this month....June.

Government agencies don't normally go to all this trouble if they are planning to let things stay the same.
The New Mexico Legislature will not meet again until January of 2025. The fees will not be increasing in 2024.

I am not given to speculate what will or will not happen or when it will happen. There are too many factors involved and one of those is congressional members wanting to get re-elected by constituents in that state. Many of the more leading vocal constituents have businesses that are based on tourism dollars. If camping fees for out of state visitors go up then income from tourism goes down. Not just income from merchant owners but also sales taxes including the taxes on fuel that help fund road infrastructure projects. So there is incentive to keep the State Park fees affordable. It looks like in 2024 keeping fees low and the resulting gain in tourism was the deciding factor.
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Still seems like a good idea to keep informed, especially if there are public-comment sessions available to participate in. When there is a chance of something negatively affecting people, that's the time to do something. That's not about speculation so much as informed citizenship. (Meanwhile, speculating that it won't happen is as much speculation as speculating that it will.)
I'm just relaying information so that our members who are affected by higher fees in NM State Parks can plan accordingly.

It's not 'the sky is falling' scenario, it's a 'proposed' fee increase.

As in 'possible', 'maybe', 'requested' or 'likely'.... take your pick.

If I sound like I'm 'speculating' that the fees will increase, I suppose I am, but I DO hope I'm 100% wrong. That would be a GOOD thing.
If you buy one in late December and the current price will be have the current price for 12 months! I guess that might qualify as advanced, just in case planning🙂 New Mexico will certainly appreciate your patronage.
I just cleared out of the online webx meeting and I gather from the information presented, that the rates will be increasing in January of 2025.

There was some simulated 'give and take' but they are adamant that they need to raise rates to cover costs, and will be sticking closely to the chart of proposed fees I published in my original post.

That's the first time I have ever used the webx app and although I finally figured out the basic functions, I had no idea how to 'raise my hand' to be put in the que to be able to ask questions. None of the buttons or icons in the app have descriptions or names. Just idiotic symbols: Squiggly lines with circles. Arrows pointing at each other. A box that had a pointer inside. Oh the one that looks like a speaker...I touched that. It asked me if I wanted to 'call' the meeting. Huh? I'm using a tablet for this meeting. How in the heck is it gonna 'call' the meeting?

Of course, I googled it and found the answer, but too late to be able to comment live in the online meeting. I found out the smiley face emoji with a plus sign on it meant raising my hand. But how would anyone know that? When others in the meeting 'raised their hand' it actually showed a little yellow hand like this> ✋ so I'm looking all over the settings and app icons for something that looked like a raised hand. Oh...its the smiley face emoji with a plus sign. Got it. I thought maybe the smiley face emoji with the plus sign meant you could 'invite people'...

Arrgh. Well anyway...continuing.....

One of the ladies that had logged in asked about the possibility of a senior non-resident annual camping permit, and the host replied they had not considered it and probably won't. And why am I NOT surprised.

At any rate, there are a few more live meetings...but I'm sure those will be the same format:

"Here are the new rates, we need the money, have a nice day"

I used to be able to afford camping and fast food, now I have trouble paying for either!


(please, PLEASE give this post the 'frown face' or the 'mad face' since I guess we don't have 'thumbs down'!)

Dang emoji envy.
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Thanks for going and checking it out!

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