My Trailer

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I want to see as little of the Pacific as I can. I'm still trying to remember if I paid a ticket from years ago in Kern County. I suppose I best check before I go.

Yeah you might better. You wouldn't want to be held up dealing with a pesky old ticket.
Phantom Blooper said:
"I am paying a sitter for my apt and cat."

Good luck in picking up your new to you trailer and ALL is well with it and it handles well.

Also PLEASE tell me you are not leaving your neighbors in charge of staying in the rear with the gear......

Phantom, you snuck one in on me, I didn't see your post until just now. As they say"If you'd been a sniper you woulda got me".

No, the neighbors don't know of any of my plans. I've only seen them once today and that was to borrow a tool. I think the aunt brought food to them, I was out most of the day enjoying this nice weather.

Haven't found a sitter yet, I hate to hire one off of Craigslist. 

Thanks for the well wishes.

Dennis said:
Yeah you might better. You wouldn't want to be held up dealing with a pesky old ticket.

I've tried looking up every site I could find and nothing shows. Oh well, there is always bail.

Anybody in the tribe in Gunny's general neighborhood??
You can board the cat with the Veterinarian, and don't worry about the house. Your Vet may also be able to recommend someone to go to your place once a day to clean litter box and put out fresh food and water.
I'd offer to apt and cat sit for you, but it'd be sort of a long commute to work and back :D
Called and renewed my Good Sam coverage and called USAA to get insurance on the trailer, already covered under liability for the truck and a whole $9.00 for six months comprehensive. And was told I already had road coverage thru USAA. Oh well, doubly covered.

Now all I lack is that elusive cat-sitter.

Hey , Gunny, 

I just saw this thread... I went through this last month.  I drove to Waco to pick up my new trailer, and frankly, for me, it was a nightmare trip..

On the other hand, when I saw my new trailer most of that s*t just went away!  Mine is still pretty bare-bones, mostly just a bed; but I'm at the RTR.  All of the trouble was worth it.  Every bit.  

I know you will be having the time of your life.  I hope to see you down the road.  

God Bless,

Pat aka Wanderin Pat
I answered a Craigslist ad for housesitting. I got my first response at 0130. I'm up because of insomnia. I can get a NCIC check run on her but I am curious about a bond, anyone know if I can get a bond?

I may be mistaken but you want the person to be bonded possibly.
While speaking to a bail bondsman/bounty hunter recently I asked about a personal surety bond.  When I worked for Gordons Jewelers many years ago in TX the company paid for my "bond" through their ins. co.. ,I think.  He said to contact my ins. agency first to see if they provided this type of bond.  Since my only ins. is Geico and Medicare I haven't followed up.

For several years I considered obtaining a personal surety bond as I thought it would come in handy if I worked as a property caretaker. Especially with a concealed carry permit & a background in community corrections.  I shouldn't have a problem   :D  Unlike some folk who couldn't pass a drug test while trying to be hired at the facility I worked at....I got so tired of that I finally started interviews with " you will be required to give a urine sample while being observed doing so.  If you are unwilling to do this or do not believe you can pass a drug test please say so now.  I was under staffed and short of time, also I do not suffer fools lightly.

Perhaps a Ins. Agent in your area could help?

I just don't want my camera gear and a few other expensive odds and ends to grow legs. I have renters insurance but I would bet they wouldn't pay since I invited someone in. I don't know.

I may just board her. Less risk.

Some law enforcement agencies do home security checks on property if you call and set up the dates you will be gone.

I would personally board the cat....that way they can call you with updates or you can call them and as "professionals" they have no reason to not tell you something is right or wrong.....a house/apt. sitter can tell you all is fine and your cat hasn't ate in two days and the litter pan is overflowing.....while they are grazing in your cabinets and personal effects.....

Off subject.....I also have military/war related PTSD and I don't want anybody at anytime in any abode I am staying in..... that I don't know.....and even if vetted/and I know them it would make it hard for me to complete my mission without my head on the gear in the rear/loved ones and critters.

Might trigger some things I try to forget!
Thanks Phantom, that's the way I think too. My distrust and paranoia kick in. My Granddaughter, age 12, has volunteered but that was vetoed by everyone.

The security guy at this place is an off-duty cop and is a good guy, but he can't be here all the time. The one from Craigslist never called so that is a relief actually.

I'll probably board the cat as suggested and just lock up. ATV is insured so most I would be out is 500 dollars.

Part of mt PTSD is I detest change, I will worry about stuff that I shouldn't and I know I shouldn't but...And I won't drive when I take my Xanax.

I know you have spent a lot of time on your ATV getting it rigged just like you want it.  Is there a good storage facility near you?  A few locks and a mo rent would probably be way less than $500 if the worst case scenenario happened while you were gone.  Justa  :idea:

Txjaybird said:
I know you have spent a lot of time on your ATV getting it rigged just like you want it.  Is there a good storage facility near you?  A few locks and a mo rent would probably be way less than $500 if the worst case scenenario happened while you were gone.  Justa  :idea:


That may be what I do, I'm going to have to find a place to store the trailer while I get things ready for an extended trip. 

Once the trailer is here 90% of my worries are done. 

I want to get a few short (two week) trips done as sort of a shakedown. 

I have two can't miss dr's appt's exactly a month apart, one 22 Feb and one 22 Mar. ...March is with the Pacemaker guru and I want to actually see the readout.

Can't wait.


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Gunny said:
The one from Craigslist never called so that is a relief actually.

Did you give them any info that would trace back to your address?
I was thinking if a person wanted to know who was not going to be home and when, They could post a pet sitting add. 

Perhaps you could get a special rate on a one week storage unit.
No, I haven't given any stranger my address or email. I used the blind email on Craigslist. Talked to my vets office and it's only 17 a day to board her so that's the way I'll go.
