My Trailer

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"Glad you got home, Gunny! The place ain't the same without you!"

Not to be left out.....

Your a GOOD man Pat!
Whew, glad you're back safe and sound, Rob! And remember, adventures always suck when they're happening, the fun is inn the memories and retelling.
My 'little whoopsie' began with a small wiggle in the trailer and VERY quickly started going full side to side until I jack-knifed, in the middle of I-10 during rush hour, in the the City of Banning.

Once I started to slide with no control I held on, bracing for impact....there was none. When I looked up I was facing west in the three middle lanes with traffic stopped. No contact whatsoever. I managed to get my truck restarted and finish the 360 and make it to the shoulder. The odd thing was no one honked, made rude gestures or anything, just watched my circus act and went on. One kind lady waved as traffic resumed moving. 

I got out after a few minutes and checked for damage and it was driveable so i went to next exit in Banning and found a dirt lot with a no parking sign and parked anyway.

Jimindenver had called while I was sitting facing oncoming traffic but I had to let the call go. After I had smoked a cigarette and quit shaking I called Jim and told him what had happened. His first question was "where are are you?" When I told him Banning he must have looked at his map and told me to stay there, he was on the way. It's a 2 hour drive from where he was and he and Pat showed up and got the propane bottles situated and tied down, the battery tied down and me calmed down.

He hooked my trailer to his hitch and we went to near Yuma. 

It's hard to express in words how grateful I am to Jim and Pat and to the many others who commented or sent pm.s offering help. 

Here are a couple of pictures of the truck and trailer after I got it to a storage lot.




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Damn Rob, when you head off on an adventure, you by god have one.
I didn't show the pry bar marks it took to get my ass off of the seat.

Never heard that called a pry bar mark.   :p
Gunny said:
I didn't show the pry bar marks it took to get my ass off of the seat.


I imagine the pucker factor was off the charts.  I did a 360 on an icy bridge overpass one time, fully expected to head over the guardrail, but just spun in a circle and stopped... I think that seat must still bear the marks from that.
well the important thing is you are ok. a big shout out to Jim and Pat, they put their capes on and came to the rescue. highdesertranger
I wrecked the bed of my truck getting firewood in the forests of Ca. I decided it was cheaper to make it into a flatbed.DSC01525 (2).JPG


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Gunny said:
The odd thing was no one honked, made rude gestures or anything, just watched my circus act and went on. 

After watching your interstate ballet, they probably figured you have already been through enough.
PS, I cannot see everything from here, but it looks like your trailer held up pretty well?