There's some blatantly major issues that people aren't considering here...<br /><br />If you have a big motorhome, Class C, van, or any other type of RV that is it's own source of mobility... you are taking the risk of having your entire home end up in the mechanic shop. Sure, your van has the best parking ability and mpg, but once it breaks down and ends up in the shop being worked on, your "home" is unavailable to you, you have nowhere to sleep or seek shelter from the elements, everything you own is out of reach. Not smart.<br /><br />You also have to haul around your entire home whenever you simply want to go to the grocery store. Sure, a bike or scooter works great in the sunshine, but how is that going to work out for you in the rain or snow?<br /><br />Get a small 18' travel trailer around 2000lbs, and a 6cyl truck. You won't be handicapped by having everything you own in the shop if the truck breaks down, and a 6cyl is good enough to tow AND have decent gas mileage. You will have much more mobility, and you can even store some things in the truck bed, under a cover, or in a locked truck box. A small truck and small trailer is the most versatile platform.