Motorhome VS Travail Trailer?

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 My truck has a slider rear window and so does the camper. If worse comes to worse, it's not difficult to get into the cab from the camper.. I've tried it. ..Willy.
Here's what&nbsp;I do when I'm in a tight spot and have to get from my travel trailer to my truck. I take a deep breath to quiet my nerves and breathe slowly and evenly while I slow my heart rate. Once I reach an almost meditative state where I see myself as translucent, almost invisible, I strip off all my clothes and step outside the trailer where I quietly tiptoe over to my truck. I start it and leave without anyone ever even looking at me.<br /><br />
sl1966 said:
Here's what I do when I'm in a tight spot I strip off all my clothes and step outside the trailer and quietly tiptoe over to and enter the truck. I start it and leave without anyone ever even looking at me.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
sl1966 said:
<span style="text-align: left;">Here's what&nbsp;I do when I'm in a tight spot and have to get from my travel trailer to my truck. I take a deep breath to quiet my nerves and breathe slowly and evenly while I slow my heart rate. Once I reach an almost meditative state where I see myself as translucent, almost invisible, I strip off all my clothes and step outside the trailer where I quietly tiptoe over to my truck. I start it and leave without anyone ever even looking at me.</span>&nbsp;<br /><br />
<br /><br />&nbsp;Cover yourself with some of this before you step out&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; ..don't forget to wave your arms, jump up and down, and shriek like you're passing the mother of all kidney stones. ..Willy
"to exit an uncomfortable or dangerous situation"<br /><br />The real question is, what dangerous situations are you putting yourself in and why? What are you getting involved in that makes&nbsp;a 2 second&nbsp;run 10&nbsp;feet from the camper door to the truck door&nbsp;a matter of&nbsp;life and death? If you're in <em>that bad</em> of a situation, chances are a motorhome won't be fast enough to get away from the vehicle you are going to be pursued by.
Good one SL. Just be sure to put on some shorts or something before fighting crime... Oh, and cooking. Cooking naked is NEVER a good idea. Especially bacon.
<p>"dark desolate spot" - That's what I meant by putting yourself in a bad situation. I'm not going to go to a state park this July 4th with my friends and set&nbsp;our&nbsp;tents&nbsp;under a beehive.<br /><br />Just saying, if you're concerned about&nbsp;walking 10 feet, you're going to be <em>really</em> concerned when the abode is in the shop and you're on foot for X amount of days, unable to&nbsp;drive away period.</p>
For the record, I've had all 3 at one point or another. They all do the job.
Sorry, by "all 3" I meant motorhome, travel trailer and van/class-c. And not all at the same time, of course.<br /><br />I never said anthing about wilderness camping. I was responding to the comment about being in a dark desolate parking spot with strangers lurking around the rv, rather than in an area near lights and security. And I forgot to add that it could be a cop, and that driving away without communication will be considered an attempt to evade the authorities. OJ driving his white Bronco comes to mind.<br /><br />As far as understanding concepts goes, the topic of the thread is a "Motorhome VS Travel Trailer" debate, which is exactly what I am doing, spot on.
Having lived almost 3 decades now on the road, and that in sooo many different vehicles, all I can say is that no rig is gonna fulfill all requirements, all the time. It's also not 'writ in stone' that ya gotta get one setup and stick with it till ya go t!ts-up. Experiment and see what you like, or can endure, and stick with what ya find best till something more appropriate comes along. One thing I've been kicking around is having a small aerodynamic utility trailer that I can stuff a bunch of stuff in and stick in storage if I'm gonna stay in one place for a while. Could mean I could get a smaller rig and/or keep the weight down.<br />&nbsp;I had an old Finnish buddy, Kai, who lived in a regular van and he did the storage locker thing. Had a metric ton 'o crap and this way he could get by with rather cramped quarters. ..Willy.
Willy said:
Having lived almost 3 decades now on the road
<br /><br />Holy cow, seriously Willy!?! I don't know if I missed it or just plain forgot, but if you haven't told it ... I would love to hear your story (if you're willing to tell it).<br /><br />Steve
&nbsp;Well, in short, I left home at 19 yrs old after reading this book&nbsp;; (saw it in the library and thought it was about something completely different). Had my Volkswagen van and my dog (had just got her, having always wanted one) and headed to the Okanagan to pick fruit. Did that for about 23 yrs, along with placer gold mining and treeplanting.. then wrecked my back doing a good deed. Now, being basically on disability (for near 3 yrs), I loaf around, metal detect, and practice being an ornery SOB. ..Willy.
Thanks for sharing Willy. All I can say is WOW, and you and I are the same age. That means you hit the road in 85 which is a lifetime ago for me. I was such a different person and never would've thought then that I'm about to do this now.<br /><br />
Well Willy...perfected that orneriness yet?&nbsp; <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
yesican said:
Well Willy...perfected that orneriness yet?&nbsp; <img src="../images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
<br /><br />&nbsp;Still practicing. So far I've managed to get my nieces to chant 'I wanna puppy!' (brother in law is deathly afraid of dogs) and fooled more than a few people into trying some of my coffee.. but gotta start start somewhere. Just like a fine whine, all the disparate bits must be carefully blended and aged before the full bouquet can be realized. Yup, the heady aroma you detect is that of 100% grade A bullsh!t.. which is yet another essential constituent. ..Willy.
I'd say it would most likely &nbsp;be of personal preference whether you would like a &nbsp;MH or not. Being honest, I was dead-set on buying a Class-C MH on the gumption of a Self-contained unit. But having the Class C rv presents multiple issues for me as to how am I going to get to work everyday delivering Pizza's or going to my day job. I would have to purchase another vehicle and tow it behind the rig if that was an option.&nbsp;<br /><br />After doing more research and thinking more realistically, I can buy a TT for considerably less change and buy a DECENT 5speed P/U off Craigslist without having to commit to two payments. I'm very squirrely when it comes to credit and financing. I like to luxury of knowing that I own the vehicle rather than the bank owning it on my behalf.&nbsp;<br /><br /><br /><br />Best Regards,<br /><br />Jake
Erie1200 said:
There's some blatantly&nbsp;major issues that people aren't considering here...<br /><br />If you have a big motorhome, Class C, van, or any other type of RV that is it's own source of mobility... you are taking the risk of having your entire home end up in the mechanic shop. Sure, your van has the best&nbsp;parking ability&nbsp;and mpg, but once it breaks down and ends up in the shop being worked on, your "home" is unavailable to you, you have nowhere to sleep or seek shelter from the elements,&nbsp;everything you own is out of reach. Not smart.<br /><br />You also have to haul around your entire home whenever you simply want to go to the grocery store. Sure, a bike or scooter works great in the sunshine, but how is that going to work out for you in the rain or snow.
<br /><br /><br />This is an important point. You need mobility away from your camp.&nbsp;
<br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>Yup, there are definitely pros &amp; cons to whatever choice U make. Slide-in truck campers, motorhomes, trailers, I've tried 'em all, &amp; there were things I liked, &amp; things I disliked about each one. Still are.</strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family: 'comic sans ms', sans-serif;"><strong>In the end, I think it boils down to a person's own personal preferences AND needs, providing they've first educated themselves, &amp; carefully evaluated all of those pros &amp; cons. :)<br /><br /></strong></span>