Mike the Mechanic, who has helped SOOOO many people needs help!!!

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So very glad things are going well. Hugs to you both, Mike and Brenda!! :)
Facebook update from Brenda

Michael Brown, is up and walking around with walker and busting his butt at physical and occupational therapy-hard to keep that man down, I tell you. Thank you to all who are sending up prayers and positive energy
I spoke with Mike last night. He's doing well; walking without a cane or a walker. His proposed release date is June 16th. He may stay in the area over the summer.
Wow, that must be one determined man to be that far along so soon. I just checked and it's just over 2 weeks!

Congratulations Mike and continued best wishes!
Mike, if you see this, I just read this thread - haven't been active here for a while and just didn't see it until now. I am very glad to hear you are working your way back to good health. You are one of my favorite people from RTR and I know you have a lot of love and respect from others. Big hug and best thoughts to you. Sassy
Facebook update from Brenda

"Thank you to everyone who sent messages, said a little prayer (or many), or sent positive, healing energy to Michael Brown. 26 days ago he suffered a stroke out at our campsite and was left with almost no function on the left side of his body. Today he walked out of the rehab hospital with no cognitive or speech difficulties and very little remaining loss of function on his left side! We drove three hours to Tucson where he will have more physical therapy at the VA hospital, and we'd appreciate more of that good juju, please! We are blessed as we have so many mutual friends who care and who have called, texted, and sent tons of cards to keep things positive. He walked out surrounded by cheering staff members who reminded him yet again what an inspiration he has been to the patients who were there at the same time we were. Bless you all because we know every bit of this care and concern, plus his positive attitude made it all possible....yipppeeee! Thanks again....bless you all...."