Mentoring Nomadic WorkCamper Program

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Mar 30, 2019
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Ladies and Gentlemen,
Here is my question...
Wouldn’t it make sense to create a WorkCamper Mentoring Program?

Example:  I am a newbie evaluating all that the nomadic lifestyle “potentially” holds as I consider next steps in my future.

Problem for Newbie:  Not sure it’s for me and i’d Like to figure it out before making the big plunge.  I do know that IF I do this I would do it in a Class B with a V-8 Chevy engine.

Problem for (some) Current Active Nomads:  Making money while maintaining their lifestyle.  

Potential Solution: Create a mentoring program where experienced Nomads take on a Newbie for an agreed upon price.  

Everyone wins as a newbie gets first hand experience from an old pro and the Pro makes money while doing it.

Got to be a collection of “Pro’s” who would love to teach and help a newbie and plenty of Newbies who might jump at someone willing to show them the ropes.

Maybe CRVL can create the marketplace for a brand new WorkCamper type program where all would benefit.

There is only one way to find out if you can thrive in a nomadic lifestyle and that is to commit yourself to giving it a try.
Maki2, “no go” vote for the Mentoring Program.

I’ll say only this...
There is never only one way to do anything.

Appreciate your response.
I know Bob has talked about having a mentoring program but to be honest I don't think it would work. People have different needs and what works for one person may not work for the other person.
it's kinda of what the caravans are meant to be and they are free.

While I agree that there is never only one right way to do anything,

I would also consider, "It's hard to compete with FREE".

In order for you to have something people would be willing to pay for
it will have to have value to them and such products are generally called
"value added" products. 

As an entrepreneur,  it will be up to you to figure out how you'll go about it.
I would suggest avoiding internet based data as there is just so much  free stuff
there to compete with your efforts.   Publishing on xeroxed pages to make a pamphlet
with info on it may fetch a couple of dollars each.  You may have to sell 30 of them a day
in order to be comfortable in that venture.  Then you may combine this with something else
so it may be attractive enough to get 5 dollars a copy.   If you were a good public speaker
you could combine lectures in park amhitheater's (like Ted Talks) and sell pamphlets.  Your talks
may only be about the places you've been an seen while on the road.  This wouldn't be too complete
but it could double as entertainment providing you can be an entertaining speaker.  If you had a digital
projector, laptop, and digital camera, then you could incorporate a picture show of odd things you have
seen and unique ideas others have created. 

But it is going to be on you to think like an entrepreneur.
I think my attempt at communicating my idea has fallen short...
My idea is that those contemplating the nomadic life might consider it a great deal if a pro would take them in and show them the ropes for a period of time and of course be willing to pay them for the training/exposure for the experience.
I’d much prefer paying someone for the opportunity to learn from them than rent a RV and stumble and bumble around on my own.
The primary issue as I see it is “the match” or pairing process. For the pro who primarily desires privacy and living an isolated life this would not fit with how they want to live their life. But to the “teacher” who resides in a class B who would love to show a person on the sidelines how the game is played it would be a perfect arrangement.
A mentoring WorkCamp Type setup where the Pro gets paid for helping the newbie. Seems like this should be a fairly simple undertaking but anything that appears on the the surface as simple rarely is.
I think some people think they need a mentor to pump gasoline, too.
It gets to a point where the mentoring they are asking for becomes a little silly.

No matter how many videos you viewed, there will still be that step off the diving board...and that is all on you.
Ideal situation:
I’m looking for a pro in a Class B who would be open to me joining them on the road for a period of time. Two weeks to a month probably.
What’s the cost of something like that?
Whatever price can be agreed upon by the two parties.
I would think that there is a market for such arrangements it’s just a matter of creating the platform to make it easy for the two parties to connect. Which is why I pitched it in the CRVL forum.
Are you wanting to stay/travel in the same B as your mentor or do you have your own rig? If you are wanting to stay/travel in someones B, I don't think you would get any takers. They don't have space for another person and their things, I know I don't and have a larger B.
You might consider getting yourself and your Class B to a public campground for a week or so, while you live in your RV, try out all the systems and get some practical experience in using it.

If you get stuck with something you can’t figure out, in my experience there are always very helpful people in campgrounds who will answer questions and give you a hand.

Good luck.