Men Only! Women Keep Out!!!! No Women Allowed!!!

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highdesertranger said:
there has been a report on this whole thread.  
LOL, I'm sure there was. Just can't please everybody, can ya? :p 
About being civil, everybody on this thread thus far has been civil. :angel: it's the one's that haven't been here I'm worried about.
Yes it was good abuelaloca!

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I think most men are aware of the special attacks that women can get, as they have mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and/or female friends/co-workers. They see the stories in the news. Did you see the youtube video of women talking that Bob has put up of the women's roundtable? 3 women discussing being on the road alone?

So, yes, women are more apt to fall victim to sexual crimes, I don't think anyone disagrees with that. Yes, sometimes remarks are made here that leave something to be desired, I write it off to "immaturity" and go on about my business figuring they will learn.

I think that maybe, in general, that is where the men come from on this. Assault, other than sexual, is a real threat to them also. The two meet in the center where it isn't about what could happen, but how to minimize it, and that really is not so gender specific. If the idea is to come up with ideas to minimize the chance of becoming a victim, in general, no one could get too much input. I can see that you realize that and two thumbs up for being a part of this thread.

Some may follow "InstellarOrchard", a young lady named "Becky" does a very good blog where she talks about many things, safety on the road is one, Bob interviewed her for his youtube channel: Bob actually has a number of youtube videos of single women on his channel.

I am aware of how cruel and horrible things can happen to people across the board. Other than coming up with ways to minimize them happening there really isn't much that can be done.
Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the OP asked why *Womens' or Women only* was placed at the beginning of the subject of a thread. Going back to re read the OP
Just re read the OP and that seems to be the case. Perhaps Ballenxj can clarify. Seems we've gone way off topic.
What amazes me most about this is 7 pages of posts in 7 hours.  Yikes, talk about a lightning rod!

cyndi said:
Just re read the OP and that seems to be the case. Perhaps Ballenxj can clarify. Seems we've gone way off topic.

Can I make a suggestion?

Maybe change the thread title to reflect the content, or just allow the thread to meander and stay interesting and vibrant.

Why should we repress free-thinking, especially here on this forum?  It's not a technical topic. This is a right brain topic and a bit off-the-wall anyway. It is also in the off-topic and chit-chat section. This IS what chit-chat looks like.

It seems productive enough to me. Sometimes a detour results in an adventure.
cyndi said:
Just re read the OP and that seems to be the case. Perhaps Ballenxj can clarify. Seems we've gone way off topic.
Not really, this was meant to be a fun and informative thread where we can "all" air our thought's and concerns. Why only use have the collective when others of a different gender may be able to shed some light on a subject with a different perspective. Maybe there are issues that the "other" gender is not aware of? This thread is meant to bring us all together, not tear us apart. I see some have a problem with even that? Like I told HDR in a reply, can't please everybody. :( 
No matter what you say or wrote, there is always someone that will say you meant something else.
Here is a direct copy and paste of the OP so there is no confusion.

Ballenxj said:
Just kidding, Ladies are welcome too. Luv the girls, and hearing their points of view.
Now that I have your attention, (I do have it now, don't I) I sometimes wonder why we separate certain subjects by posting titles that exclude others. If you have a real problem you want to deal with, you are effectively eliminating half the brain power by being exclusionary. If my daughter had a problem, I want to hear about it. If she's being bugged by a guy, I "really" want to hear about it.
Now I can understand things like feminine hygiene not being a topic for both sexes, but there are plenty of other sites that deal with those specific things. 
I have always tried to be a helpful kind of person, no matter the situation. We should put our collective thinking caps on.
OK, roast me if you want to, I've just finished zipping up my fire suit.
This is an I interesting thread.
I have posted in the "women's only" section. I posted there because I had just finished my first year as a solo disabled female nomad. I wanted to share with and inspire other women, so many people tried to tell me that a woman alone shouldn't camp by herself. I have for over a year now. I have never met a man who had experience as a solo disabled female traveler, so why include them in the conversation?

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Blanch said:
This is an I interesting thread.
I have posted in the "women's only" section. I posted there because I had just finished my first year as a solo disabled female nomad. I wanted to share with and inspire other women, so many people tried to tell me that a woman alone shouldn't camp by herself. I have for over a year now. I have never met a man who had experience as a solo disabled female traveler, so why include them in the conversation?
Everybody is welcome to tell their story here. :)
To be honest, after reading through the womens section the issues of being assaulted and or raped it makes me hesitant to meet or spend time alone with a female member. God knows I don't want to offend anyone or have them feel threatened by me.

I almost feel like I have to defend myself and I have done nothing wrong. Period
RobndaHood said:
I almost feel like I have to defend myself and I have done nothing wrong. Period

Rob, Over and over its been pointed out that there are so many nice men. I know you are one - you aren't just nice, you are a hero. You are the ultimate in man - a protector. We love you and there is no fear here.

Nobody wants you to feel you have to defend yourself. We aren't talking about you at all Rob. We are talking about monsters who just happen to be the same sex.

I know you've met women that could make the hair rise on your neck. There are certainly those that are truly evil. You may not fear them in the same way but you know what they are. You know they don't represent us all.

Good men have nothing to fear. Quite the opposite.

Love you Rob.
slow2day said:
Guilt by association sucks.

There is no guilt by association here. None. I don't know you slow but I hate that you would feel that way. I'm really sorry for that. This is not intended to make righteous men feel uncomfortable. It is intended to help good men see there is a problem
I hesitate to post. I got my hand slapped, in a different post,  already for being unclear. My fault and I deserved it. I believe there are challenges that each gender faces a little differently. All of this is caught up in the cultural minutia that we all supposedly subscribe to. Two inaccurate statements that are often taken as facts, you probably just read them this way. We all don't believe in the same cultural identity of America. We all probably couldn't pin point what that is. Gender again is loaded. We could probably only agree on one thing that identifies one gender from the other. The ability to carry and nurture a growing human.
Women SEALS?  Check.
Men SEALS? Check.
Transgender Seals, Probably check.
Rocket scientists? Yup
Spies? Ditto.
Presidents, and Prime Ministers. Yes (not yet in the USA but one day).
So at the hook we are talking about generalities in both cases of Gender and Culture. These general ideas start to form generalities that we use to make decisions. They start to form part of our internal programing and this starts to effect our perspective of reality. We see a little, we perceive more, and we add our programing to the situation to give, or assign a meaning to it.
We are all affected by our hormonal make up. Boys and Girls. This chemical addition to our decision making process should be understood by all genders.

Remote Siberia, late fall.

We are six days behind schedule, emotions are strained and everyone is keeping to themselves. The weather is not being kind and we have had too many breakdowns to afford another. We all want to meet our Class A at the big town supported by a "highway" and are tired of the slog. We have to do a river crossing and the cold weather may have given us a present that we all desperately need. My wife is editing some dialogue notes into Russian and I am spotting our driver in the Hummer. We reach the river and the boys get out. We pick a crossing and send the Jeep (the lightest) no problem. The ice doesn't creak or groan and we are all inspired as we can see an old timber cut road a few yards from the river. This is a straight line route to the class A. We are vindicated, and insert hormones here, INVINCIBLE!! One Uaz, two Uaz, three Uaz four Uaz, all cross without a problem. My wife gets out and goes to the expedition leader and says something. Then I see her go back to the Hummer, take out two pieces of luggage, and then start to walk across to the other side. I catch up with her. ""Whats up?"

"I feel like the Hummer is too heavy and we should attach the winch to one of the UAZ before going across. Ivan doesn't agree and told me to be quite."

I see her point, a moment earlier I did not, and I was certain the ice was thick enough. Why should I be? I don't have any advanced knowledge in ice physics. Ten minutes to run the line seems like a good time expense. I begin to walk over to Ivan when the Hummer crosses. The ice broke. Remarkably the hummer made it 3/4's of the way across bobbing like a floundering whale, and the winch was only a couple of feet under the frozen water. But it did add an hour, and some blue fingers, to this segment.  

We often make the mistake in thinking that only one of the genders are affected hormonally. This is most certainly not true, however culturally it is more ok to say one gender is over the others. To put finer point on it the appreciative glance may be perceived as a leer, depending on all the factors influencing the perceptions of those involved. Talking about it, learning about it, sharing about it, should never be discouraged. I myself am not smart enough yet. I don't know about anybody else but having a place to share these kinds of thoughts is helpful in making me a better person than yesterday, and that is all I can do.
Personally I would love a MENS only section. there are topics I would love to talk about only in the company of men. I find many women get easily offended. As men I am sure most of you are aware of stuff we say to each other that we would not say in front of women for various reasons. Definitely could use a men's only group at the RTR, I suggest a night session with a fire and beer.
Cammalu said:
Rob, Over and over its been pointed out that there are so many nice men. I know you are one - you aren't just nice, you are a hero. You are the ultimate in man - a protector. We love you and there is no fear here.

Nobody wants you to feel you have to defend yourself. We aren't talking about you at all Rob. We are talking about monsters who just happen to be the same sex.

I know you've met women that could make the hair rise on your neck. There are certainly those that are truly evil. You may not fear them in the same way but you know what they are. You know they don't represent us all.

Good men have nothing to fear. Quite the opposite.

Love you Rob.

Good morning forum members and, in particular, posters to this thread. First thing this morning I found myself put in the dunce's corner for this post by a person much smarter than me. I wasn't wrong in what I said exactly but I certainly fell right into the blame game myself.

Let me explain in the most gentle possible way. I have no intentions of upsetting anyone and love our great men. (dang, just did it again).

It was pointed out to me that instead of having sympathy for the actual victims I was having sympathy and comforting those who only had to hear of the victim's plight. I'm guilty! That's exactly what I did. It's in my particular makeup to comfort those who need it and I would have to go against my very nature to change the way I think.
I never had any children but still have a strong "Mom" drive which leads me by the nose.

I ended up, some how, with way too many empathy genes, and way too much emotion and passion for everything I do. I'm way too hormonal female for my own good. Even as a soldier I really could never conform. I did wear the camo but underneath it had to be soft lace. Silly I know.

Anyway, I'm very sorry that I may have offended the victims by redirecting my sympathies away from them.

And for Rob and all you well meaning other men, if just hearing about the plight of these women makes you feel you can't even be around them please reconsider. They were victimized and need your support. Think about them. Don't cast them to the side because you might feel uncomfortable. The strong good men are so needed to help women get through rough times. Be the rock we want. You are so needed.
Itripper said:
Personally I would love a MENS only section. there are topics I would love to talk about only in the company of men.

I'm not sure this forum has the technical capabilities to truly segregate like that. Besides, if you have something to say that you don't want everybody else reading, use personal message (PM) or phone, then your conversation will be private, or at least as private as one can expect these days.
Anyway, that is not what this thread is about. Sorry for the misleading title. This thread is about coming together on issues that we have, and hopefully learn something.
Everybody gets a voice here. I know that this thread seems to have pissed at least two people off, and I have to wonder why?
Cam, I think Rob was just making a point and so was I. You don't need to reassure me as I know myself and the facts.
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