Men Only! Women Keep Out!!!! No Women Allowed!!!

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When I first went to work in a hospital I had the notion that everything was performed perfectly and all precautions were made to ensure safety. Didn't take long to see how wrong I was.
slow2day said:
When I first went to work in a hospital I had the notion that everything was performed perfectly and all precautions were made to ensure safety. Man, was I wrong.

Humans are human. No one is superhuman. No one.
slow2day said:
When I first went to work in a hospital I had the notion that everything was performed perfectly and all precautions were made to ensure safety. Didn't take long to see how wrong I was.

I do get that which is why I'm suing a hospital right now.
Cammalu said:
Scared of what?  Scared you might learn something? [emoji12]

oh,i would learn a few things that i have absolutely no interest in learning about,i'll stick to water pumps,i know how to stop them from leaking
Cammalu said:
Ok ballenxj, you asked for it.   The problem is men telling women they are safe out alone camping.  Women aren't safe anywhere.  I know the nice men are totally unaware of what women go through.  They can't imagine the hell and fear that women face.  

Like I said on the woman's group.  I have never met a woman who hasn't been sexually assaulted, raped or otherwise been a target only because she was a woman.  Now I do know that men get targeted sexually by monsters also - usually at a young age where they are vulnerable and can't protect themselves.   It's always like that for women because we are, by nature, smaller and not as strong.  
Then it's about time you met me!

I am definitely a woman, I have not been sexually assaulted, raped or otherwise been a target simply because I was a woman.

I did encounter attempted assault at the hands of my ex-husband inside the confines of our home and dealt with it, both at the time physically and emotionally afterwards.

I am 5' tall and not strong, well not physically anyways! Strong mentally and emotionally, extremely so!

No I do not carry a weapon at any time. I carry protection when I go hiking against wildlife not humans.

I don't understand a lot of things in life and one of them is 'the hell and fear that woman face'.

I have camped all over North America and lived alone on the road full-time for over 16 years accumulated time.

If for no one else than me, please don't generalize. Feel free to use some, even most but don't use the word always please!
That's GREAT for you almost there! I'm very glad to hear that. Unfortunately many of us don't get to live that way. Only takes one time and you can kiss your peace of mind goodbye.

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I just don't see it as a gender issue, except sexual assault and rape for the most part. Males are in danger also when out alone. It is a dangerous world.

Maybe I am unusual, I have not been preoccupied with the possibility of rape or sexual assault, but certainly that it is dangerous world and to think about my actions, and am concerned about any number of possibilities when I am out alone. Actually, I am angry that the world has come to what it has become, and I refuse to let it freeze me place, because no one is ever safe. If I knew of a living situation that guaranteed that I would be totally safe for the rest of my life, that is the option I would choose.

I am not sure what the "take away" from the conversation here really is. If someone doesn't feel that they will be safe as a vandweller, and that is a dealbreaker for them, no discussion will change that. Most of what we get are opinions here, you take the ones you can use and leave the others behind.

I still say it is toss up as to whether vandwelling is safer living than sticks and bricks. It is all about choices and comfort levels.
I'd have to say vandwelling would be a bit less safe since car wrecks are one of the leading causes of death.
I never said it was any less safe or safer than any other lifestyle. My point was that things can happen anywhere.

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Almost There said:
Then it's about time you met me!

I am definitely a woman, I have not been sexually assaulted, raped or otherwise been a target simply because I was a woman.

I did encounter attempted assault at the hands of my ex-husband inside the confines of our home and dealt with it, both at the time physically and emotionally afterwards.

I am 5' tall and not strong, well not physically anyways! Strong mentally and emotionally, extremely so!

No I do not carry a weapon at any time. I carry protection when I go hiking against wildlife not humans.

I don't understand a lot of things in life and one of them is 'the hell and fear that woman face'.

I have camped all over North America and lived alone on the road full-time for over 16 years accumulated time.

If for no one else than me, please don't generalize. Feel free to use some, even most but don't use the word always please!

You are definately an exception.  There are animals that are so drugged up that no person alone is safe.  Woman or man.  

You walk with extreme confidence, making you a much less likely target.  

The point is Cammalu is right.  Most women are targets, and society is kind of recognising it.  For example, look at our current leader...He is an admitted abuser, and made the situation worse.  

Guys, change your additudes.  I am out of this thread.  It is only causing hard feelings.
Snow Gypsy said:
I just don't see it as a gender issue, except sexual assault and rape for the most part.  Males are in danger also when out alone.  It is a dangerous world. 
You're absolutely right! Bad things can happen to anybody regardless of gender. Which leads me to the reason I initially started this thread. One reason it was not started for was to bash anybody! I just learned that someone in another thread has called this a loud thread whining about men being left out? To that person I say, Learn reading with comprehension 101.  This thread was crafted to try and bring people together and help each other where you can, if you can. Think of it as sort of a campfire session to talk about your concerns.
If somebody has a particular problem, discussion might help.
PS, I knew the women would show up here. :p
Cammalu: I think some, myself, included are unsure of what you are looking for. You say that you realize it is unsafe everywhere, do you feel it is less safe vandwelling, looking for someone to convince you that one lifestyle is safer, or just trying to educate some males that some women have justified concerns because of being a woman that as men, they 99.9% of the time don't have to worry about? The thread seems to be "wandering" in different directions.
there has been a report on this whole thread. keep it civil, have respect, do not generalize or group people into categories. highdesertranger
Snow. I don't feel it's any less safe vandwelling at all. I believe it's less safe to be alone but that's anywhere.

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Ballenxj said:
You're absolutely right! Bad things can happen to anybody regardless of gender.

Nobody ever said anything contrary to that. But I was never referring to that. I was referring to the special attacks that women get that men don't generally have to worry about unless they are maybe in prison.
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