Men Only! Women Keep Out!!!! No Women Allowed!!!

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Cammalu - Fair point. The world isn't a nice place. One of the reasons I advocate for firearms. Also, it certainly wouldn't be helpful for the topic to be brought up just for others to belittle the commentors with the voice of opposition. Reality is what reality is. So, as far as that specific topic is concerned, even the mentally disturbed unconsciously run a risk/reward analysis (though it may be skewed if they are ill enough) and therefor it is always beneficial to be a "hard target". "Soft targets" offer the greatest reward for the lowest risk and are therefor the primary victims of criminals.
I raised three daughters.  

The fairer of the species need a break from the way men think.  

Like it or not, it is reality.  Give the ladies their space and you will live longer.  I have hurt my brain more than once trying to follow conversations I have no clue or reference points to work with.   :blush:

I just wait until a decision is reached, or my input is requested.  Viva Le Differance!   :D
slow2day said:
Would it be fair to say that the "bad boy" attraction phenomenon is part of the blame aspect?

Victim blaming is a minefield at best. Though, if one is truly pragmatic, it can be some level of an argument I suppose. 
The entire concept should be avoided though as it welcomes erroneous arguments along with it in the best of cases.
MMM I too have read the women forums. I see it as SHH no men talking. We are talking. No problem with that what so ever. I think as mature people, for the most part, we know all the good the bad and the ugly that could be discussed. Personally I kind of revolt against safe zones. And Safe Zone mentality. This is the internet EVERYTHING YOU WRITE ON HERE WILL BE VIEWED BY SOMEONE NOT IN OUR CLUB. Period full stop.
Do we Men need similar? I guess that is part of this posts question.
Cammalu said:
Ok ballenxj, you asked for it.   The problem is men telling women they are safe out alone camping.  Women aren't safe anywhere.  I know the nice men are totally unaware of what women go through.  They can't imagine the hell and fear that women face.  


Play nice boys.
You will never catch me telling anybody how safe it is out there, in fact, in case nobody noticed, I am usually one of the first to advocate situational awareness for everybody. 
BTW, I am playing nice.  :)
Cyndi, I hope the girls posts in here don't get deleted? <--- I also hope you get that was said with tongue planted firmly in cheek? :p
It is DAMN funny and ironic that the women sashayed in here and posted even though it PLAINLY says, Men Only!

I guess they smell kinda good so its ok...


C'mon guys lets go crash the Womens Sorority!  Who's with me?

( I hope there is a pillow fight in there...)
slow2day said:
Would it be fair to say that the "bad boy" attraction phenomenon is part of the blame aspect?

Interesting and good point slow2day. I suppose that could be a problem with some women just not in my corner of the world.

Although it hasn't been my experience, I believe many women are targeted when they are very young by family members or friends of family members.

As they age it can be total strangers. I won't put details on this forum but it's always been strangers I've had trouble with. I was a soldier and a cop and went on to be specialized from there. If things can happen to me imagine the everyday woman. I don't mind telling my stories if it would help men understand how we need to be hyper vigilant but in a PM only.

I've never been one for looks or liked a bad boy anyway. Brains and confidence were my weakness [emoji15]

I am one of the few who has come through unscathed. I hold no ill will towards men in general at all. So many more women however have a real problem with men at all and will never be able to have a healthy relationship. So many can't even have men friends due to the fear and damage causes. It's awful really.
There are so many other examples of unfairness to one group or the other when you consider the "Way of the World".

It's not just divided down the middle by gender,either.
slow2day said:
There are so many other examples of unfairness to one group or the other when you consider the "Way of the World".

It's not just divided down the middle by gender,either.

Of course you are right but in this case the point is violence towards women and how its mishandled and how many people have their head stuck in the ground and don't want to acknowledge it. My whole point is that we are not safe in the cities, in the country, nor camping alone.
Well we have a little drift because ballenxj's original topic was how to best discuss things in general and not divide things up by gender. But I understand the concern with safety, that's for sure. I was a semi-bad dude when I was younger but these days I could be thought of as easy pickins' by some.
slow2day said:
There are so many other examples of unfairness to one group or the other when you consider the "Way of the World".  

It's not just divided down the middle by gender,either.

Yup. Lots of ways to slice and dice it. The trick is, in the process of understanding and strengthen our diversity, we need to look toward a better whole in the end rather than leaving a chopped up mess from the naturally intense experience of our individual viewpoints. It's tricky business.
Meh, I'm tired of hearing about how white men are "the last group it's OK to oppress" or whatever.
lenny flank said:
Meh, I'm tired of hearing about how white men are "the last group it's OK to oppress" or whatever.

It's not a matter of oppressing white males it's a matter of lifting up other groups to the same level.
That said, I do understand your sentiment and many do push the pendulum too far. Better to dissolve the pendulum.
Cammalu said:
I was a soldier and a cop and went on to be specialized from there.

Americans are 55 times more likely to be killed by cops than by terrorists.

There are almost 1000 killings in the USA by police every year. (most are probably justified)

Seems to me that us men should be scared of some of you women!

tx2sturgis said:
Americans are 55 times more likely to be killed by cops than by terrorists.

There are almost 1000 killings in the USA by police every year. (most are probably justified)

Seems to me that us men should be scared of some of you women!


Based on an analysis of prior research, the Johns Hopkins study estimates that more than 250,000 Americans die each year from medical errors

I will take my chances with the ladies.   :heart:
I've raised 4 daughters, I helped with the 2 oldest and as a single parent to the two youngest. Two sons in the middle there also. All of my kids were taught where it was inappropriate to be touched and when. We had code words if someone tried to say I had sent for them.

The two oldest told me that one of their uncles made them"nervous" I had a chat with him, end of problem with him. My kids, boys and girls, were allowed to play outside unwatched and allowed to be a kid like I was.

My daughters will fight you like a man and since reaching adulthood they have all carried a weapon. As has been said 'situational awareness' is a priority. I taught them that if in an uncomfortable area to find an open business, any business,and go in and ask for someone to call the cops.

Nothing anyone can tell you to do will stop a determined rapist or mugger. Except violence toward him.Or her. Just since living here in the 'hood' I've had a couple of females ask for help, not because I am a physically imposing person but because they know I am armed.

Self defense classes taught by qualified instructors are a good idea. Don't look like a victim, keep your head up and pivoting, looking around for trouble. There's so much more that could be added. But a lot has to do with common sense.
Gideon33w said:
It's not a matter of oppressing white males it's a matter of lifting up other groups to the same level.
That said, I do understand your sentiment and many do push the pendulum too far. Better to dissolve the pendulum.

I'm not sure you understood my point.........
tx2sturgis said:
It is DAMN funny and ironic that the women sashayed in here and posted even though it PLAINLY says, Men Only!

Bahahaha. Tx2. You are the one you didn't read what ballenxj wrote. He wrote it's ok for the women to be here. Check his first couple sentences.

Pillow fight? I get to swing two pillows because I'm female right? Huh? Right? [emoji16]. Pillow fight it is!!!!
tx2sturgis said:
Americans are 55 times more likely to be killed by cops than by terrorists.

I think that a lot of that comes from having to be hyper vigilant at all times. They also have to deal with horrendous people on a day to day basis and that can certainly make you mean.

I remember, during a trip home from being overseas in a particularly rough environment, my Dad looking at me and saying, "What happened to you Camilla? You used to be such a nice person." I growled back, "WELL I'M NOT ANYMORE!!!!!"

It took me a very, very long time to find my way back to "nice". I think I'm much nicer now than I ever was.

All that said, there are some very bad people who become police. I wasn't one of them but certainly knew them.
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