I have read back and forth on both threads and wondered if I should even comment but decided I would add to the discussion/debate.
When it comes to thinking that men don't understand the fears or what can happen to women it has been my experience that most of us that have been husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, etc. have made it a point that the women in the circle are constantly reminded about being aware. Badger them about self defense.....whether it be physical, firearms, mace, whistles, don't go alone to certain places and certain times, or whatever it takes. We have done that because we do know.
Even though statistics tells us that the majority of sexual assaults on women are committed by men known to them I don't subscribe to the notion that yeah, you will be fine don't worry about it when travelling. Chances are you will be but being prepared helps ensure that you will be. I take precautions myself!
I spent a decade as a LEO and that included answering many calls relating to assaults, reports of rape...which was almost without exception dates, husbands or live in boyfriends or exes of both. Seldom could I convince the women to go for a rape kit and file charges. When the domestic violence laws came to be at least I didn't need a complaint from a woman that just had the crap beaten out of them by a bad dude boyfriend that was still at the scene to arrest and file them myself.
But yeah, even though I am one of the good guys reading some of the posts gives me an empty feeling. I do understand that the words come from previously abused/sexually assaulted women.
No worries about me, ladies. I'll just be taking pictures and looking for rocks and gold nuggets and bothering no one.