Men Only! Women Keep Out!!!! No Women Allowed!!!

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slynne said:
I am also sad that most men cant feel free to wear skirts in the hot summer because thaey are super comfortable!

Q. What is worn under the Scotsman's kilt....?

A. Nothing is worn----it's all in perfect working order.

Putts said:
In a crude generalization, it berates things like authority and assertion, and asks men to be sensitive and nurturing beyond their nature and to the exclusion of more natural characteristics.
^^^ Yep!
I think we are reading the same chapter. Maybe not the exact same page, but still in the ballpark.
lenny flank said:
What I keep hearing under all this is "Hey, if we let the women-folk raise the boy, he'll grow up to be a sissy. And probably gay."

Well I never said that...sexual orientation has been proven to be mostly genetic, and of course, shaped somewhat by culture.
tx2sturgis said:
 Maybe not the exact same page, but still in the ballpark.

The middle way is narrow.


Love never fails.

(Just so no one jumps to conclusions, while I'm well versed in theology---of many religions---I'm not religious.)
slynne said:
I am also sad that most men cant feel free to wear skirts in the hot summer because they are super comfortable!

We might get along over a drink, after all!

At Sturgis, the huge bike rally in the Black Hills every summer, there are always lots of men from all over the world, and we do see the traditional kilts being worn by some....

One guy even plays the bagpipe in the campground while wearing his 'skirt'...

Then hops on his Harley and does a righteous burnout!

I have pictures!
tx2sturgis said:
sexual orientation has been proven to be mostly genetic, and of course,  shaped somewhat by culture.

Well, humans have been proven to all be descended from Africans about 200,000 years ago, but that doesn't stop the racist goo----uh, I mean "those gentlemen who hold an alternative opinion about the equality of the races"--from blithering over it anyway.
Dennis said:
I have read back and forth on both threads and wondered if I should even comment but decided I would add to the discussion/debate.  

When it comes to thinking that men don't understand the fears or what can happen to women it has been my experience that most of us that have been husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, etc. have made it a point that the women in the circle are constantly reminded about being aware.  Badger them about self defense.....whether it be physical, firearms, mace,  whistles, don't go alone to certain places and certain times, or whatever it takes. We have done that because we do know.

Even though statistics tells us that the majority of sexual assaults on women are committed by men known to them I don't subscribe to the notion that yeah, you will be fine don't worry about it when travelling.  Chances are you will be but being prepared helps ensure that you will be. I take precautions myself!

I spent a decade as a LEO and that included answering many calls relating to assaults, reports of rape...which was almost without exception dates, husbands or live in boyfriends or exes of both. Seldom could I convince the women to go for a rape kit and file charges.  When the domestic violence laws came to be at least I didn't need a complaint from a woman that just had the crap beaten out of them by a bad dude boyfriend that was still at the scene to arrest and file them myself.  

But yeah, even though I am one of the good guys reading some of the posts gives me an empty feeling. I do understand that the words come from previously abused/sexually assaulted women.

No worries about me, ladies. I'll just be taking pictures and looking for rocks and gold nuggets and bothering no one. :)

I am copying my post from the Womens' room in case any men didn't read it:

Ya know, when the men posted a thread on their prostates on the Mens' forum, I didn't see any women complaining. Why not? Because we can't really relate! We will NEVER have a prostate or the symptoms they cause. So that's how I see this thread. Unless you're a man that's been sexually assaulted, you'll never truly "know" either. I can pretend or imagine to have a poorly working prostate all day long, but in the end...

I DON'T 't think Cammalu started her thread with the intention to male-bash. I for one don't hate men or hold any of the men here responsible for raping me. I think most of you men reading this are great. Many are even awesome, from what I can tell. For any of the men here to avoid the women here simply because they told you they were raped, is punishing the "victim" (and I use that word loosely.) We are survivors. Don't punish us and make us suffer again for something we had no control over, please.

I just want to add something because it seems there is a misunderstanding about who the perpetrators of sexual assault are. Some on the other thread think most women knew the perps.  As a 15 year old girl I fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up to a knife to my throat at 3 AM. I didn't know the person. After about an hour, I was able to talk my way out of being raped, thank God. I still suffered from ptsd and fear of sleeping. In other words, it affected my young psyche. BTW, he was a serial rapist that usually did it to elderly women.

When I was an adult, I was drugged without my knowledge or consent and gang raped by a group of serial rapists. I didn't know any of them.

P.S. Would you men prefer we didn't talk about it and go hide in the corner?
Putts said:

In my way of thinking both man and women have masculine and feminine attributes in various proportion. Some women are unusually authoritative and warrior-like; some men are inordinately sensitive and nurturing. The diversity of human psychological makeup in these areas and others is huge. To make a blanket statement that, "It DOES take a MAN to make a boy into a MAN" is a blinder to the real complexity of who and what humans are.

Humans are far too complex to be labeled, put in boxes, and trained solely of the shape of the meat between their legs.

And that seems to be the very crux of the problem here with these two 'hot' threads...generalities, while quick and easy (and mostly lazy) to use, almost always fail to fully address a true answer to reality and specific circumstances. (<- whew, narrowly dodged making a generality about generalities)

People operate on generalities for expediency, of course, but if you're trying to apply them on specific humans that happen to fall into a group based upon, as you've said "the shape of the meat between their legs", one can't possible account for all of the variables that defy such generalities and make them untrue.

But on this forum it seems, the problem is compounded when you make generalities from a 'protected' area/platform and then claim said generalities are being made for enlightenment while at the same time the subjects of your grouped-generalization are dis-included from defending blanket judgment statements against themselves.

I am a man. By being so, the thread in the Women's Forum has innately lumped me into the general group 'men: dangerous to women'. I cannot 'un-group' myself from being the topic of that post. (probably should have ignored it though...ah, hindsight)

But I have never:

- 'wolf-whistled'
- stalked anyone after our 'nothing' relationship (what is that exactly?)
- failed to ask for permission to 'grind my groin into anyone'
- or any other of the more serious items from a list of indiscretions specific OTHER males have perpetrated.
(from one of the comments that got lots of 'Thank You(s)'--either from agreement in viewpoint or just general support, motivation unknown but evidently a chord-striker.)

If I want to defend my own honor of being 'me, a man' in a thread I CAN post in, it's claimed I must have a control issue that I can't seem to manage. As if being simplistically lumped into a group that matches my sex but doesn't cover anywhere near my specific moralistic spectrum is something I should just shut up and 'take it like a man'.

Or perhaps if I'm lucky and get anointed into the 'good men' category, I'll get the badge that says: "I will gladly do things for you that you can't do for yourself...feel free to pat me on the head as a reward for my time and effort and tell me what a good boy I am". ("Aww,'re sooo, STRONG!" pat-pat)

Anyhow, I don't personally know a single solitary soul on this forum (although likely alienating a few just now) so how in the world would I know what anyone's capabilities, histories or motivations are such that I could put people into 'groups' for judgment on sexual assault safety on the road?

Evidently there are a few "nice" and "good" humans in the world...but you just never know.
I don't think she did either XFILE36. Cammalu has not seemed at all like a man basher.

I'm sorry that happened to you by the predators in our society. There are many that aren't assaulted by family/acquaintances, I know. Also a lot aren't reported so we don't know about those. Most of us know there are a lot of dangerous people in the world unknown to us. We may go years without running into any of them or some go a lifetime without any major issues with others. I have dealt with too many of them to not be cautious though. Not at all trying to be a fear monger in saying that either.

What I said doesn't mean I will turn my back on a female in trouble. Far from it, just that I am not in the habit of making a a pest of myself.
I think it is always good to remember when talking about violent behavior, that the vast majority of members of the group are not violent. Even in groups that are more violent than others statistically.
slynne said:
It just breaks my heart that so many men are raised to think of emotional expression as weak or not masculine. Really it does because crying isnt weakness, imho, and actually is a source of strength

It doesn't break their hearts but many men are aware that if they do emote, the first ones to criticize them are women. Other men may understand but too many women will see that as an undesirable weakness. Again, generalizing here.
My oldest living brother is very soft hearted however you ever met him, you would think manly man. Only the ones closest to him would see it. He's been married 48 years and his wife is equally soft hearted so I think perception and wisdom to know what's healthy.
Dennis said:
I'm sorry that happened to you by the predators in our society.  There are many that aren't assaulted by family/acquaintances, I know.  Also a lot aren't reported so we don't know about those.  Most of us know there are a lot of dangerous people in the world unknown to us. We may go years without running into any of them or some go a lifetime without any major issues with others.  I have dealt with too many of them to not be cautious though.  Not at all trying to be a fear monger in saying that either.

What I said doesn't mean I will turn my back on a female in trouble. Far from it, just that I am not in the habit of making a a pest of myself.

Dennis, thank you. Many survivors don't report it, you are very correct.  Statistics say 1/3 are reported, meaning the majority, 2/3, don't get reported. 

I really wasn't directing that statement about men punishing us a second time because we shared the rapes to you, and the fact that they said they don't want to be around us.  I was trying to save space/bandwidth. 

To all the men, you truly have no idea how many times, if any, your wife/girlfriend, etc. has been raped.  Some women find it too painful to ever discuss with anyone.

Dennis, thanks for being one of the men we can trust.
lenny flank said:
Nevertheless, it is the undercurrent to this entire thread.

I didnt see it that way.

I was expressing observations...about how the world seems to work, or not work, if you prefer.

I'm not trying to be politically correct, or incorrect. Its a forum, at least so far, to express opinions about real and perceived gender differences.

How we relate to the opposite sex and how that affects our lives.

I think this thread got started in response to the...uh...sideways male bashing that seems to happen (at least a little bit) over on the Women's forum. They have a 'safe zone' for them to express fears and frustrations, and just regular female stuff, over there. If I dont wish to read the stuff, which I have found that I mostly dont, I just dont click on it.

I have read some threads in there that expressed negative opinions about straight men, but it's a 'safe zone' so it is a valid place to share that stuff.

If you have an opinion, please share it. You're in a 'safe zone' here I think. If you don't wish to, that's fine also.

But condemning the 'entire thread' does seem counter-productive.
Omg moonfreed. The whole crap again and again has been to not group all men together.... why does this keep coming up? I don't understand why some of you keep jumping back into the tiny group of monsters that just happen to be the same sex. That ain't right. I'd hate to start nominating [emoji12]

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what the hell does any of this have to do with "Cheap RV Living". think about that when you post. highdesertranger
Just my opinion, but we have to live in our cars and need info on safety, security, etc.
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