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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
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I'm new here, still working my way through the forums and sister sites.&nbsp; After reading the thread about lovin' and this lifestyle I'm curious about the numbers of married folk living this lifestyle.&nbsp; <br><br>Most of the threads I've seen read as single people writing.&nbsp; Are there many married people among us?&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm a newlywed so everything may seen rosie to me for now, LOL, but the RVing lifestyle is attractive to me especially since meeting and associating with my now hubby.&nbsp; It just makes sense.<br><br>I respect those able to do the conversion van thing.&nbsp; I think of all the clothing (and stuff) I discarded to come live with DH and the children it would seem to live in a van one would have one container of clothing.&nbsp; With all the religious services I attend, stockings, heels, etc.&nbsp; I just don't know about taking it down that low.&nbsp; But hey, we do what we want to achieve what we want, right?<br><br>
Hilda and I are married. I know of several other couples, but will let them reveal themselves or not. I think this site and forum is quite open and accepting of all relationships, singles, ages, gender and financial status. The focus is mostly on life living in or out of various vehicles. This may be full-time, parttime or just "dreaming"! The key to its success is the acceptance and mutual support that is shared. Please feel VERY WELCOME!!<br>JB<br>
My sweet wife and I were married over 2 years ago now after meeting on yahoo vandwellers group. At least a few people here knew us before that. We annoyed poor Katie to death asking her about each other LOL!&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>We still have both vans, but try to keep what we consider our main stuff in Taj. The other van is parked at my Dad's place and we sorta use it for storage.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>It is a wonderful lifestyle to share as a married couple and totally doable in a van even quite comfortably if you set it up right <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;</div>
I've resigned myself to being a "psycho-magnet".&nbsp; Maybe it's me, after all, I kept getting matched with raspy sounding, chain-smoking bartenders on E-harmony, so who<br><br>AJ<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
I just pictured Mel Gibson (Braveheart) being tortured yelling, "FREEEEDOMMMM"...&nbsp; <br><br>Then, I realized my own torturous; <br><br>"How I envy thee..."<br><br>
&nbsp;We're married too - 40 years with 18 years of fulltiming.&nbsp; We have a little class C which is plenty of room for us and all of our stuff.&nbsp; A van might be too cramped for a family although we lived in one for a year when our daughter was four. If you get a chance go to a show or a dealer and check them out for storage ,sleeping arrangements ,etc. Look at all of the other RVs too. Good luck!<br>
Hi Lyric....<br>While I am not vandwelling at the moment, I can tell you that I have had a life of nomadics and vandwelling, trailer dwelling, bus dwelling and a whole lot of motorcycle traveling. A lot of it was done with two different wives, the first, my sons mother, the second my current bride....<br>The first was in a totally off the grid log cabin for several several years, then in a VW bus with two toddlers for six months a venture to Alasak in 1976, then a self-restored 1955 travel trailer in which we hauled to Alaska and lived in through half a winter. <br><br>A divorce came along after 15 years together, unrelated to living in small spaces ...and I moved into the bus detailed on the side panel on this site. I was single when I lived in it until I met my present (and final) wife. We lived in it for 6 months through an Alaskan winter and then moved into our own small cabin. Many trips from Alaska to the lower 48 and back in vans and&nbsp; in fact our first winter together was half spent in a 1978 Ford E250 van. We knew we could be together after that.<br>We own a home now in southern NM and a single wide trailer in Durango and live apart much of the time but are still married and are best friends.<br>She has her own pickup and camper which we have spent a lot of time in Mexico with and in 2006-07 drove to Guatemala for the winter. That was tough in that it rained all the time and we were stuck in that little thing a LOT! <br>I also have a shorty AstroVan that I use as my own mini-rv. <br>I don't know about anyone else but we both push each other to live to the fullest and do any adventures that come along....<br>She does her own solo moto touring and writes for Rider magazine as a side gig, and I am heading into Mexico on my sidecar rig this winter on my own for a bucket list moto ride that I have always wanted to do.<br>As for the future...another bucket list item I have is a moto ride to Panama and back ( a place we have thought about relocating to) and Kit has said she wants to do the trip together when she retires in 3 years....I will be 70 if still alive and look forward to another great trip with my sweet bride.<br>Can you vandwell married? If you have a good relationship with an adventurous person you should be able to do anything you want to. If not, you might want to reconsider the relationship.<br>As usual, YMMV..<br>Bri<br><br>
Hey 4 x 4, DON'T!!!!!!&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't do it, babe . . . claim the crazy chick magnet thing.&nbsp; Lee kinda thought the same way.&nbsp; Then he met me.&nbsp; Okay, I'm krazy, but I'm the good krazy not the crazy, crazy.&nbsp; LOL.<br><br>
Waving at tony &amp; karen.&nbsp; I'm looking forward to counting 18 with Lee.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ;-)<br>
Hello Bri,<br><br>What's "<span id="post_message_1270252171">As usual, YMMV"?&nbsp; You know we're new here (then again, you might not).&nbsp; Okay, well, we're new here.&nbsp; Learning all the lingo and stuff.&nbsp; Your story is fascinating.&nbsp; Lyric is a lil too immature to be married and live apart.&nbsp; She's used to the creature comforts of being married and all that distance just wouldn't do, LOL.&nbsp; For that matter, so am I.&nbsp; WOW, your bucket list is getting a way cool workout.&nbsp; I'm impressed and wish you every experience that you need.<br><br>We would love to see Alaska someday.&nbsp; Lyric has spoken about cruising there on one of those ships.<br><br>Meanwhile, we're still looking up laws and codes trying to put our park model rv on our land and hopefully be left the h alone.<br></span>
Hi Lee, and Lyric....<br>YMMV is "your mileage may vary" other words you may get different results.<br>Yeah well what ever winds your watch as they asked and I told you my experiences. I certainly am not suggesting anyone do what we do and truthfully a lot of people couldn't or wouldn't want to....<br>I like that we have stepped out of the "norm" of relationship and found what works for makes lots of people uncomfortable and they often tell us so...but I encourage anyone that if something is not working for you, to look for what will work and only listen to your heart, not those who you make uncomfortable...<br><br>I think it is great you have found a spot to live on and I am a big fan of that....we owned a great acre in Alaska that was perfect for us....and have 1/3 acre right downtown Truth or Consequences now...the critical thing for us is to actually own it...not be paying on it. Paying on it you are chained to it...having it paid for you can come and go and if you run low on money you can come and recoup for a while. I live far cheaper in our home than when I am on the road.<br><br>I am a little bit different in that not only do I not want to get away from folks but actually love to interact with them exp. if they are from a different traveling is a large part of my life.....<br><br>Anyway...glad you are here and hope you enjoy the stay....<br>Bri<br><br>
Lyric said:
Are there many married people among us?&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm a newlywed so everything may seen rosie to me for now, LOL,&nbsp; ...
</P>Hi Lyric,<br><br>And welcome to this forum.&nbsp; It's one of my favorites.<br><br>I'm married and, like Bri, often travel separately from my&nbsp;spouse.&nbsp; I actually know several married couples where one spouse travels&nbsp;while the other stays home.&nbsp; And, at least as many who live&nbsp;in a van&nbsp;together.<br><br>I'm relatively new to the traveling lifestyle, having just started a couple of years ago.&nbsp; So, am still trying to figure out the right balance between&nbsp;car-living&nbsp;and sticks-and-bricks time.&nbsp; Last year I was on the road for six months, this year I haven't been traveling for more than 2-3 weeks at a time.<br><br>I love being on the road, and I love being a home-body with hubby too.&nbsp; I feel fortunate to have both loves.&nbsp; And, I think I need to partake in both to be the happiest I can be.&nbsp; <br><br>A few months ago we got a small 13' travel trailer that we're fixing up.&nbsp; Once road worthy, I'm hoping hubby will leave the home place for a couple of weeks at a time and go on some&nbsp;trips with me.<br><br>So, that's how we're working it out.&nbsp; The best to you as you work it out.<br><br>Suanne ... who's focused on downsizing right now<br>
Been married for 34 years - first last and only. We don't FT yet but travel extensively in a 19' camper van. Retirement in a few years, and her one demand is a vehicle with a separate sleeping area. It's difficult in a van when one wants to sleep and the other read late lol. An iPad is an excellent solution, but we're scoping out small Class Cs. Just to keep us sane when it's time to leave the stick and brick. We only bought it when the kid came along. He's finishing college now. Maybe I'll just hand it over to him lol.
<b>@ seraphim, please don't think this is silly but I am always so impressed with someone who is able to make a marriage work.</b><br><b>Diane</b><br>
dragonflyinthesky said:
@ seraphim, please don't think this is silly but I am always so impressed with someone who is able to make a marriage work. Diane

I second that. We seem to have a lot of divorcees on here. Mine won't be official for another few months, but of course I count myself among them anyway.
Seraphim said:
...her one demand is a vehicle with a separate sleeping area. It's difficult in a van when one wants to sleep and the other read late lol.
<br><br>Would a pair of black out curtains behind the front seats work?&nbsp; That's what we use for separate rooms.&nbsp; Also handy is a good eye mask.&nbsp; (We've been working that stuff out since 1975!)<br><br>Hope you find just the right set-up for your ongoing travels together!<br><br>Vickie<br>
My wife and I are truely two very different ppl. Seperated 4 months ago, divorce is final in 8 days. We are good friends and talk almost every day. Vans are not the reason we divorced but now I'm able to do something I've always dreamt of doing. I've never been happier.&nbsp;<div>I too think it is great when two ppl can make a marriage work. I believe that it can happen if they are in love and committed.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>My parents got married on the 10th day after they met, are still together, and are an inspiration after 40 years of being together. They lived in a Honolulu city bus in the jungle mountains of Hawaii with three small children. I was one of them.</div><div><br></div><div>Sorry for rambling, relationships have been on my mind lately...</div><div><br></div>
Welcome Vanimal....glad you are here and glad you are finally able to do some of the things you have wanted to you can stay friends with your former wife as well.<br><br>Hope we can share a campfire some day as I would love to hear the Bus living childhood...I'll bet you have some good stories...<br>Bri<br><br>
"<span id="post_message_1270315810"><b>@ seraphim, please don't think this is silly but I am always so impressed with someone who is able to make a marriage work.</b><br><b>Diane"<br><br>@Diane,<br><br>Bless your heart.&nbsp; I see it around us everyday.&nbsp; Thank God.<br></b></span>