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Save me an acre.... i got the cash. Will buy or lease.
There's so many things to consider when buying rural land:

Good water
Septic system
Power or Solar
Street address
Mail delivery
Cell tower nearby
A decent road in wet weather

All it takes is $$$$$.
Has anyone looked into doing this before?  I haven't been on the forum all that long, so I dunno if anyone ever tried to set up a large area for campers.  I've lived on a rez.  I'm a tribal sort of person, but I don't think the average American is ready for tribal life.

You might not like it as much as you think for long term.  You still need a governing body, which in this case is the owner of the land.  You'd have to be okay with his rules.  The thing that is different is you all aren't related to each other.  In the native sense, we're related to each other.  We have a vested interest in the well being of everyone in the group.  Social stuff is important because it binds people together.  This is not (generally speaking) the mindset of most I've met out there.  I mean the first thought people have is, I'd like to own/rent my own small part of the acreage and cordon off my part...not that they are looking forward to sharing the land and the labors of the land.

And the other thing is among real tribal people, the one who gives the most away is the wealthiest person, not the person who has all the newest gadgets, satellite dishes, super bandwidth on 7 different wifi servers, solar covering every square inch of the roof so he/she can have a/c and mega possessions crammed into a six or seven figure RV.   I hate to be a downer in this, but I'm not sure the people I've met in this lifestyle are really tribal material.

I roll my eyes sometimes when people call others in this lifestyle a "tribe" because this is not a tribe.  It might be a movement, but not in any sense a tribe.  Most I've met are rugged individualists, and that's great, but they don't make good tribal members.  Loners, introverts and egocentric folks don't work out well either.  Generally and ideally speaking, tribal people live with the good of the group as a whole in mind. 

So if you're setting things up, it might be easier and work better to just set yourself up a normal campground where people just pay to stay and be on their way when they're done staying like any other campground.  I suppose you could make the cost low so that it would be do-able to those with limited means.  You could even make the cost of staying on donations.  Put up a secure box and people can drop in whatever they can afford.

At any rate, good luck with your endeavor.
Owner sets the rules. No discussion of any community building, much less tribal living in the native American sense.

He's already clarified if you make trouble your body won't be found.

What could go wrong?

I think it'll just be his show and a few compatible buddies coming and going.
Yeah my bad, I was reading something else and then read this and mixed the two.  This isn't the first time I've done this.  Sorry.  OK, I see he's not trying to make this a tribal thing.  It's really just a campground.   Got it.  :)
you hit the nail on the head! Vandwellers and American society in general are the exact opposite of "tribal" mentality. I real would like a area of 50 acres or so more if needed. For people who want/need a safe place to go. I don't want to see the land trashed and raped like slab city!!!

The problem with free is no one respects it easy come easy go. no pride in ownership that way. and everyone doing a "chore" for payment requires a person in charge and there 24/7 some thing no one in this lifestyle wants.
Really? I was taught best not to ask Qs like that until you really got friendly with someone IRL.

But yes, must be nice
lol....well the large figure is printed right on our screens....and this is a 'cheap' rv living website.

And it was more of a tongue-in-cheek remark...I don't request financial statements from anyone...that's between them and the IRS!


Hey, if success 'smiled' on the OP, I'm quite happy for him. But a lot of people here are struggling to live on $500-$1500 a month so the 6-digit purchase price might seem quite exorbitant.
I can guaranty you do not want to be there in the winter. after all Nevada means "snowy place". it's funny because when you say Nevada people think hot dry desert but northern Nevada can get a lot of snow. highdesertranger
yes the neighbor down the road 15 miles or so told me about real bad snow but not much last few years. I said global warming. to which he replied "naw damn Mexicans...everything white is being driven out of this country!" . old people! they don't give a dam!!!!
and yes it is CHEAP rv living but I have it 1: because I don't like to spend it. 2: I earned every penny working all day everyday,weekends,holidays. I came from nothing parent abandoned me to drugs I been poor homeless and hungry at a young age made that made a true workaholic. with the goal of retiring at 40 to do what I want.

you know I never got why people will cringe at racism/sexism, but make fun of a fat person and think nothing of it.

kinda the same hating the rich for you not being rich. is the same as racism/sexism.
I agree with your statement about hating the rich being the same as racism/sexism!  I was always the fat kid who got chosen last for sports too, so I understand that also.  Good luck on your new property.
Texas you beat me to it. there is water in that canyon to the left or your marker. highdesertranger
tx2sturgis said:
I ain't no dummy!


Might even be gold in them thar hills......
[font=Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif]that's funny cause they is gold mining in sorta the area. and the rights are owned by a gold mining company although they went out of business some time ago. I have a lawyer looking in to that. the is a couple small streams.[/font][font=Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif] T[/font][font=Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif]hat the old guy down the road called "sometime" rivers as in sometime there  sometimes not! [/font]
losthighwaydrifter said:
you hit the nail on the head! Vandwellers and American society in general are the exact opposite of "tribal" mentality. I real would like a area of 50 acres or so more if needed. For people who want/need a safe place to go.  I don't want to see the land trashed and raped like slab city!!!

The problem with free is no one respects it easy come easy go.  no pride in ownership that way. and everyone doing a "chore" for payment requires a person in charge and there 24/7 some thing no one in this lifestyle wants.


Yeah, I know what rez living is like and nobody on here that I know would like that.  It's not just the relationship aspects too.  You have a tribe, you got the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) into all aspects of your life.   You wouldn't have the BIA, but any type of commune type place is suspectful to the govt too.  The gov't doesn't like groups of people, especially with firearms living in harmony together.   It's the tribal thing that makes me roll my eyes when nomads talk (not you, but others).  Folks that talk that way just don't know what it means.  And really I'm joining YOU ALL in a virtual way to be away from that.  I'm a rugged individualist wannabe.

I agree with you that the land has gotta be watched and protected all the time unless you know everyone really well.  There are those who will take advantage and those who will trash it up if allowed.   I would like to hope they would be few in number, but I've seen some free campsites in my travels and sometimes I spend a lot of time picking up other people's trash.  

I can think of some other hurdles, not to be negative, because this is doable, and that is to make sure the zoning will allow for RVs to move in and out of there.   Digging a well might be pricey too.  Just lots of things for you to consider....EXCITING nonetheless.