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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2018
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Ok I had a very interesting idea. Short of the story I have 10 acres I bought as a younger man in Queen Creek AZ when it was nothing now its all built up and expanding and I got an offer for today. And I had found 160 acres in Colorado for a nice price that could be a cleaner safer version of slab city. I have a second location in NV that's 39,900 acres of prime nothing ness that I can get for half of what there giving me for my AZ land. that I may just buy to have that much land. lol never know when you need to bury something in a secluded spot!!! lmao

My question is has this been tried? anyone interested in sorta communal style area where u get a free spot in exchange for some basic chore or contribution? there are no code or other law requirements if it is less than 5 sites per acre. I'm flying to Denver Friday and renting a car and driving down to the spot near New Mexico boarder. less than a mile from an interstate exit. 

I may just let it go unchecked and free range with yearly taxes at $1051.00 a year  it could also sit empty for all I care.

Any input or links to other trys at this would be huge help
Been discussed only.

Only way to escape The Man is to become The Man.

Intentional communities need an active cause, not just leaving "the mainstream" but something inspirational or at least in common that binds them together.

Not to mention a very high Nice People vs dickheads ratio.
Water is the usual problem with cheap land. The county that it is in may have usage restrictions and building codes. You may have to do it as a trailer park.
Check the condition of the access road into the parcel, assuming there is an access road. Check right-of-way easements. That's #1.
With so much BLM land available here in the west why would free sprits that like to wander tie themselves up with property and the responsibilites that go with it? With a parks pass and a nearby park water, even hot showers, trash, sewer, lodge wifi, and in some cases electric power for charging are all provided. In our case BLM land borders the National Rec Area land. Meeting the moving requirement every 14 days is easy if living simple. Granted weather conditions have some challenges as well as forest fires and such but over all as long as basic needs are met figuring out what to do to keep occupied is the biggest challenge for most. I've lived in a such a setting as your describing and raw land in todays society of throw away and self centered lazyness will soon result in a polluted trash heap. Just look at our National Parks and some of the BLM lands people have abused. Have you been to Slab City? The only thing that will get buried will most likely be you when what few neighbors figure out it was you who invited all these people that destroyed someplace they enjoyed and used as their own special place. Do a good title search you may find some rancher just thinks he owns that federal land.
Speaking of research, if you're buying a huge chunk of land at a bargain basement price, maybe look into what is going on in the surrounding area. My dad lives in Oklahoma and his neighbor apparently lost a huge chunk of his ranch land to an oil company because he owned the land but not the underground minerals. Something weird about the way the laws worked against the landowners. Worst part was that the fracking process screwed up one of the watering areas making the water nasty and they're now in a fight to get the co to clean it up. Maybe before you buy any land you should talk to the neighbors first to see how pristine your chunk of raw land is. Just because there's no buildings on it doesn't mean it isn't polluted. It would really stink to find out about something like that AFTER the sale.


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Escapees did about as well as any group at establishing something similar to what would meet the needs of nomadic living. Take a look at their history. Sounds like your almost in Tooley's neck of the woods, he might have some thoughts, as he has delt with a few Colorado agencies I'm sure.
I am going out to the Colorado spot Friday. road in not a huge deal My brother owns a construction company He can hace a grader or D9 what ever I need there in a couple of days.
yea and I would have my Lawyer find me a lawyer there. I have done many many real estate transactions I would have mireal rights and title search done. I also found a hector(1000 acres) in north west texas with water. mainly I want huge amount of land that never seen snow. I'm not on a tight budget. I have been looking at homesteading off grid to but I plan to travel a lot and would come back to everything stolen!
Check also for possible uranium mines in the area, ie soil that glows. There is also a large army base n.e. of Trinidad, so possible artillery shells flying overhead. Bombing ranges, etc. Also, Trinidad was one of the most horrid little cities I've ever seen, but I think they were trying to fix it up.
losthighwaydrifter said:
(1000 acres) in north west texas with water. mainly I want huge amount of land that never seen snow. I'm not on a tight budget. 

If you want cheap land that rarely sees snow, (meaning south) you might want to look in far west Texas. 

The large area between El Paso and the Guadalupe and Delaware Mountain ranges is a vast, empty, waterless place, but lots of cheap land is available. 

Over 4000 listings right here:

Filtered to under $75,000:
I am in Colorado got the rental stopping to eat and heading to property. ill get a hotel near by and go have a look see first light.
lol riverman I am looking up well drillers in the area to see what the possibility of a well is. I have been thinking about old Mexico lately. no law, no rules and I hear the ground is easy digging for "trash" burial! lmao but if it wasn't for the riding the Harley bit of my plan it would me old Mexico for me.
I rode to Mexico city from mesa AZ back in 2003 was a blast but cartel does not like outsiders floating around.
I can afford a solar well, but this 90-degree heat where I am now is getting to me.

There are definitely two sides to that 'no law, no rules' coin.


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how so? only the strong survive? I like the wild west kill or be killed settle problems at high noon or just shoot the cheater/person you disagree with. I made my peace with god when I was blleding on the street in Somalia.
Sorry LHD, I should have been more clear. I was specifically responding to the last half of this sentence.

losthighwaydrifter said:
I rode to Mexico city from mesa AZ back in 2003 was a blast but cartel does not like outsiders floating around.

Meaning that in lawless situations people with good intentions (regular civilians) and those with less than honorable intentions (the cartel mentioned above) both types of people operate within the same lawless conditions. Less regulation vs. less protections for average citizens . Thats what i meant by there are two sides to the 'no law, no rules coin.'

I'm not trying to make a big political statement here. Not at all. I was merely saying that everything comes with pros and cons. I think that balance is necessary in all aspects of our lives. While being free and unregulated is a pro, being the victim of a cartel (that is acting as the "law & order" for the place you're living/visiting) is in my opinion a con.


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