Introverts of the world unite!!

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I find that 23.95 hours alone per day is about right. ;) But I travel almost constantly so my environment changes several times a week.
I've spent the last 45 days alone and look forward to 3 more months of the same. It suits me fine.
mockturtle said:
I find that 23.95 hours alone per day is about right. ;) But I travel almost constantly so my environment changes several times a week.

freenez2 said:
I've spent the last 45 days alone and look forward to 3 more months of the same. It suits me fine.

That's called a hermit and again has nothing to do with being an introvert or extrovert. :)
Maybe not by your definition but it nonetheless follows the intent of this thread.
It's funny that most people who meet me do not think I'm an AT ALL..because I'm very friendly and hospitable and outgoing and often loud and gregarious...however I can only do that in short bursts then I need to retreat into my saaaanctuaaarrry and decompress because it absolutely drains me even though I do enjoy it.

Ryannis, I TOTALLY get what you were saying! When I first married my (now) ex-husband, we went to visit his GINORMOUS family at Xmas time...ok sounds lovely right big family Xmas? OMG!! I was an only child OF ONLY CHILDREN, my xmases consisted of 5 people total since I only had one grandparent on each side...can anyone say very subdued and relaxed Xmas days?

So there I am with the Mötley Crüe and after about an hour I was upstairs locked in the bathroom just so I could breathe! Lol hiw long us a person expected to be amusing and charming for gods sake? LMAO

In the next few years the (new and improved) future husband and I are heading to alaska for a few years...he's has a introvert-extrovert personality too so he gets me :)
Gotta graduate first tho ;-)

Hang in there girl!!!
'Decompress', exactly it. :)

I can relate to the huge family thing and big gatherings. I am the one with the big family, and def need to decompress from it after a while. Am I glad to see everyone and hang out? Sure!!! Does it drain me? You bet!!

Glad you found someone who 'gets you' Long, have fun in Alaska!! :D
Haha, a few years back I went with a girlfriend to an event in the bay area that she was performing in. Her home town, her family, her friends, and her event and this girl was the extrovert of all extroverts, knew EVERYBODY but not on the deeper levels I desire to know people. Anyway, I was good for a couple days (I am an extrovert after all) but 3 days into 14 I was finding myself drinking extra water so I could pee more often, volunteering to help her mom with yard work so I could get in an extra shower. I needed a month to recoup from that endeavor! She also really never got my humor, get me in a crowd and I get homicidal and start inventing fictitious dooms day devices, she would never help me design them or give me input :/
Boy, what a bunch of anti-social a$%-holes...
But seriously, yeah I started out life a complete introvert, that's my def not Jung's, lol. I pretty much took after my mother, quite, extremely shy and the nicest person one could ever meet. Then later in life I pushed myself to be, or at least act, more extroverted, which was more my father's personality (a real type A as well). So I can speak in front of groups now, I sing karaoke, and am not afraid to express my opinion (that's obvious ;?), yet conversely I'm still shy (hardest thing for me is to strike up a conversation with a total stranger), insecure and don't prefer the company of others, or at least in measured doses. But I don't prefer to be alone either, not for extended periods of time at any rate. What a mess, lol.

So yeah, I don't know if that makes me a typical introvert, if there is such a thing, but I'm in, let's UNITE, sort of, for a little while anyway, if you want to of course....

"What was that?" someone said. "It's just me peeking out from under my bed because I can relate." I replied. I have a difficult time connecting with people, not sure why, I guess I am to afraid to find out. I found out a long time ago that the open road was the only peace I could find, always moving, not staying in one place for too long. I guess it has to do with protecting my inner person to some degree. Oh, I am able to fake it, like family gatherings and such, but it is a struggle and a hour on the road searching for a new adventure recharges my batteries. It's good to know that I am not alone. This thread prompts me to explore more about me and why I am. I am being to weird? OK, Im taking a risk posting this.
Naw, it ain't weird Von, or maybe we are all weird to some degree or another, but then that would make us all normal, lol.

Yeah I struggle with trying to figure out why it is I feel anti-social, even just flat out dislike most of the human race some days. But just watch a reality show or Jerry Springer, or get cut off by some a-hole in traffic and it's easy to figure out why, lol. Then again I try to keep reminding myself that the great majority of people out there are alright, they're a lot like me, or actually better than me in a lot of ways that count. Maybe that's part of it, in my case at least, I feel insecure about myself when I'm around others and because I feel that way I prefer to just avoid exposing myself and so avoid the feelings of insecurity as well. :huh:

Sometimes I try to trace those feeling back in time and find out when or where it all started, and I've concluded a lot of it may have stemmed from my childhood. I was small for my age, up until 11th grade when I finally grew close to my adult height. But before that I remember being teased a lot about being short, got in a lot of fights over it, so some trauma there, <sigh> yeah I think I need a couch to lie on, lol.

Ultimately it boils down to how you deal with it I guess. Constantly working at pushing yourself into social situations, and then dealing with the feelings that evokes, sort of trying to desensitize yourself a bit. Also it helps me to sometimes concentrate my attention on one or two people and try to get out of my own head and really take an interest in them, what they're doing/thinking, sometimes that works (but only if they're interesting and likable, lol, yeah NOT judging is another flaw I have to keep working on ;?).

Many years ago I attended an event, sort of a group encounter session that lasted for 3 days. This happened while I was living in Costa Rica, and was visiting the newly founded University for Peace. A lot happened during those 3 days, but long story short one of the things that stuck with me was how they talked a lot about the way we tend to judge people around us all the time. We'll could be sitting on a bus and glance over at a perfect stranger, and begin to tell ourselves some narrative about that person even though we don't have the slightest idea who they really are. Usually our thoughts are negative and judgmental, the point of which is to make us feel better about ourselves.

Even with people we know, when we are thinking critical thoughts about someone, like how dishonest John is or how lazy Sue is, what we are really saying is, look how honest I am compared to John or how much better a worker I am than Sue. That is more often than not what is at the root of our critical thinking about others. And it is this constant judging of others that makes us feel uncomfortable around them or untrusting of perfect strangers for no real reason.

And the key they said, was to try to really LOOK at people and to understand that the truth is that deep down, in the core of their very being, they are just like us. No different. We all have the same wants and desires, the same fears and the same aspirations. And they challenged us to take every opportunity when we were around perfect strangers, to look at them and see if we could see ourselves in them. And I found that, at least at that time while I was around a community of people/teachers who could support me and continue to remind me of this truth, that I could actually see that in others. And that made it so much easier to like them, all those strangers. In the end, we're all on the same bus, traveling together to our destinations and wrapped up in our own little worlds, getting on and off at different stops, but we are all the same, we are all one, we are all on the same journey that is life. I like that. I just keep forgetting, lol.
To a very great degree we are born with our personalities. Then our environment conspires to either enhance that personality or to tone it down.

There is a theory in AA that addictive personalities are the result of instinct run a muck. So if you are born with a fearful personality and then you grow up in a very negative environment you can become a very fearful adult. Which can result in you either being a violent criminal who constantly attacks people or an alcoholic who tries to drown his fears. Or the CEO of a giant corporation who can't let anybody how afraid and know what a failure he feels like inside. So he compensates by being a huge success.

Or, you can be born with not enough fear and then grow up in a very negative environment and the two balance each other and you grow up to be the healthiest person ever!

Way too complex to try to figure out!!!
like I said this thread is like psychology 101. which somehow I passed, don't ask me how I don't know. highdesertranger
Aced psych 101, still can't figure out the why's.

Interesting takes from everyone though. :)
This post is wonderful to study. However, TucsonAZ is correct. Introvert/extrovert should not be confused with social anxiety or being shy. It is a clinical definition to the way we react in the world around us. Looking outside the 'self' or internally at the self. We are degrees of both at any given time. I am an extrovert, but I have a shyness when meeting new people due to my culture and other issues. That is simply being shy or a form of social anxiety. Our personalities come from our DNA and our experiences and environment. Introversion or extroversion are aspects of the personality. We social/tribal animals. An extreme need for solitude is another issue, another completely different dynamic of the personality not related to introversion or extroversion.

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