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Jan 13, 2017
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Hello to all hands...I are an unedumacated ward of the gov. I spent 20+ years surviving the loving embrace of my Uncle Sam's coastal Guardians. 

I am applying to join your "band of brothers".

I was married for 25 years, 4 kids grown and gone. Got remarried and my spouse then sucumbed to cancer from exposure to agent orange in Vietnam. I relocated to northern maine with me wee cat. My cat (toebut) and I have decided to leave Northern Maine before the next snow I submit for your approval and hopefully wise counsel for my circumstances.

I have a 2015 Outlander Sport (small suv'ish). 4wdr low miles 17k. Not the ideal mount for full time living, but I think I could get used to using it as a bedroom with wheels. I have a octagonal tent that would be my living room, kitchen, boardroom, etc.

A greatful nation puts 1300 a month in my bank. I used my 45.00 a month cell phone for internet access. My GEICO is 50 a month, I get health care via the VA. Those are my expenses that would follow me. 

I have no great attachment to my current residence or society. I so want to deploy again and feel alive, instead of waiting to be interred in a veterans cemetery....

Questions....where is a good first Port of call?...where should I set my compass to?...if you had to choose a destination and planned on wintering over, where is a good spot?

So many other questions, but I need a destination for a humble inexperienced fellow traveler!

Thanks for any and all replies...Semper Paratus!
Welcome aboard !

I'm in southern Maine so wherever your course takes you plan on a stop down heah dontcha know!

I really can relate to leaving before the sn*w flies again and have done it many times . My usual destination is"anywhere that it won't snow".
Sometimes I do well and other times not so .....

Have you ever been to or do you think you would enjoy the lands with no trees or would you prefer something a bit more tropical or maybe a little of both ?

Either way staying south of I-10 would "usually" be a safe bet.

Your plan for your land ship sounds very doable.
Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh matey.

Ask all the questions you like .
Plenty of crew here to help you along.
Welcome cpal to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Rvpopeye...thanks for your reply. I was thinking of wandering down the pike to Nevada or AZ for my first sortee. I would like the comfort of being kinda near (not too close) a supply point..(walmart, etc.) i know a lot of military bases have camping facilities, but I am attracted to boondocking to save precious money...have you stayed out west much? 

If I set sail, it's for good. My situation is that my house was purchased in my deceased husbands name and his credit, I wasn't on the loan paperwork). I couldn't qualify (on my own for a mortgage, credit issues). 

So if I take the plunge, I gotta swim....which means the repo man will foreclose take the home back with all that portends. I really can't afford to keep the house and "part time-full time". I suppose some would take umbrage about walking away from the homeowner commitment. Those are the things swirling around the synapses this am.

Also I would have to try to establish residency someplace new, to get a new liscence and plate . I couldn't imagine returning to maine every year to renew the car plate.

Well so much to ponder on a very pleasant day, a mile away from Canada.

Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Welcome! Your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.

You should definitely make your way to Quartzsite, AZ in January. We meet up there annually. I'd link you but I'm on my cell phone. Check in the gatherings forum
Cyndi...thank you much and I will check that out...
Welcome, cpal. If you do a search for your questions here on the forums you'll find a lot of answers! There's been recent discussion of which state might be the best for residency for a mobile dweller! Bob also just recently made a video about the pros and cons of certain "friendly" states on youtube. Here's the link for the video:

Enjoy your journey!!
cyndi said:
Welcome! Your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated.

You should definitely make your way to Quartzsite, AZ in January. We meet up there annually. I'd link you but I'm on my cell phone. Check in the gatherings forum

I think my compass is now set. Quartzsite sounds like a ideal intro into a new life and new experiences. Gives me the rest of the summa in maine to plan, shutter the house for winter, then Wagons West.
So Fort Kent or Machias or ???
If it's Machias stop at Mt Desert Isl and pick up your Nat Park Pass.
Free if you're disabled , $10 if you're over 62.
The price goes up soon to $80.And you'll get lots of use out of it on the trip !!!

And PM me before you go past Brunswick . I'll treat you to some yummy onion rings and a rootbeer.

There will be no thoughts of wrong from this bunch about letting that house go. We have seen the light and it's a beautiful sunset in the desert.
Tag , you're it . Now go get yours!

Good choice of new winter location.
I've actually done that trip many times.
I highly suggest the back roads .
WAY more to see and you'll actually be able to at the slower speed.

Getting a new license/registration is pretty easy.
There are a lot of posts already here on that too.

Ask anything here , no judgement , just help getting to the good life.
I'm in limestone...and those onion rings and root beer...are they from fat Boys?.
Spent a good bit of time at old nas.

I must say that you guys are all making me feel very comfortable with this new chapter of my life. Thank you so much for your information and fellowship....!
Yup but don't forget , they close in October !!

I'm actually sitting on base right now!
In the not so old hotel on Neptune.
(Just around the corner from the EM Club)

Limestone , I served some time up there !
No , not a propeller head (or a squid )
I was in a band , actually many bands......

Blue Angels will be here Aug 26th.
Welcome cpal. If you still feel the need to be near water, come visit the great lakes state. 3200 miles of coastline here to explore. Of course you will want to clear out by October. We get winter much like you do in Maine.
My situation is that my house was purchased in my deceased husbands name and his credit, I wasn't on the loan paperwork). I couldn't qualify (on my own for a mortgage, credit issues).....which means the repo man will foreclose take the home back with all that portends. I really can't afford to keep the house and "part time-full time". I suppose some would take umbrage about walking away from the homeowner commitment. 
Are you executor of his estate? Can't you sell the home if so to make some profit? Of course you can walk away from it since you're not on the paperwork but if you can make some money it will add to your living fund. Also,do you get any survivor benefits from the military or VA since his death is service related? Every little bit helps, whatever direction you choose to take. 
I would have to try to establish residency someplace new, to get a new license and plate . I couldn't imagine returning to Maine every year to renew the car plate.
Look into registering the car in states many rv'rs do like South Dakota or Texas. Lots of resources to help make the process quick and easy. 

Good luck and looking forward to hearing about your journey. My buddy is a CWO Coastie and will retire in about 12 months after 24 years. He's already living full time in a class A in TX and loving it. Said he wishes they had done it years ago. We plan on looking for a plot of land somewhere in the Blueridge to use as home base for several rv's (my future one and his), and travel the country as we see fit. He'll have about a 10 year head start on me since I plan to wait until the kids are out of school and on their own path. His are already grown so he's set in that regard. Damn the luck, having kids later in life!  :shy:  I wouldn't change it for the world but I am REALLY looking forward to when I can finally break free of The Man and The System and do my thing. 
Thanks so much for your reply and suggestions. 
Rich died in Oct 2014. Prior to that we purchased a home up in maine. I moved from Alabama back to maine shortly after he passed. The estate was settled a while back by his daughter(lawyer). I guess affairs up here are a different matter, legal wise. At this point in time, my best option may be to pack up, gas up, and mail in my key. 

The ironic bit is as the cancer progressed and I knew time was relativley short, he wanted me to have a place, but I kinda wanted to wander the earth, reconnect with a lost part of my spirit and had the barest root of a life on the road sprouting up. But I caved into conventionality and we bought the house up here. Had I followed my heart, I suppose I would be the one offering advice here. I like to think he went to his rest, at peace knowing he did his best for me. I had to honor his devotion and love. 

I will check into the residency angle, make a few phone calls to find out the latest. 

Fair winds and following seas to your warrant friend. And to you also. Enjoy the kids, but keep your sanity adventure must surely await your efforts and perhaps we shall cross paths in the miles ahead......cheers !