How I Became a Vagabond

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"Don't you know there ain't no devil
That's just god when he's drunk"
Tom Waits
Because the Healthy Vagabon lifestyle is one of choosing, of choice, it’s important to understand both the How and the Why of such a choice. For the healthy Vagabon has many options & opportunities to exercise; doors one can open and avenues with which they can utilize but they Choose to rather live the life of Vagabon even tho other fulfilling lifestyles lie before them.
The Why can only be explained explicitly by only a particular Vagabon themselves tho I’m sure all of us have some similarities. For me I’ve always wanted to live my life free of a Murahkan rat race and have always found very edifying to live my life both solitarily among earths wilderness. Living my life as far frum Murahkan Society & Culture as possible but still make a decent living to enjoy Humanity’s modern benefits, pleasure & joys while not compromising my intellectual freedom or my geographical freedom.
To not live the life of a tree or concrete.
No. I’m not a tree destined to grow in but 1 spot nor am I concrete, poured in one place by Man for a building to be as a tree…….

Wanderer, I see you, I am you. The nomad traveling on my way without scorn, without love, with my unfathomable blue eyes, yes moist sometimes sad for even if they were brown my eyes would still be blue…….
…….they mirror a light, a light that is returned, unsated, fulfilled but a sight of fullness from every depth. What have they witnessed there? From a depth where I cannot sigh and a lip that often conceals my contempt. A contempt that is not from dislike but because what I see can do so much better; be so much more!

And a hand that reaches slowly to those who can be so much more? Who is this Vagabond & What have I become?

Rest here Nomad. In that spot that is hospitable to us all, calls to us all to recuperate! To hide , unseen, unknown that secret place that is seen by all but I am not seen. I am not noticed. I will sleep under cover. I will rest as camouflaged.
But give me , please……. Say it! Only in a whisper. Another mask for this stealthy life.
And tomorrow night please Vagabond! Give to me………
……..another mask.
I like your prose, and I somehow identify at times, but I know I'm like a potted plant. I carry my roots with me - now here, and then there, and then further north or south in search of different weather, different people, the unique vibe of the dirt in every place... I stay for a while until I know the secrets and then move on.
The most valuable human beings, assuming that they are also not only the strongest but also the most courageous of persons; they also have experienced by far the most painfull of Life's tragedies: it is this unending suffering & pain that is the reason they have learned to honor & love Life with such a joyful embrace; because it is Life itself that has pitted its greatest opposition against them...........

Who lives better than I do? Ido!
I probably have no right at all to claim any isolated act of containing anymore value to my life than a conglomerate of holidays and Sunday worshiping…….. no prolly not.

Rather do my ideas, values, those things I embrace or reject ; definitions lacking solidity becoming merely ifs and buts; have they grown from me having a sense of necessity?? Do they bear any kind of evidence to Reality; one’s health; ones ground; ones earth; one star- the sun! Our sun?!

Haha! What is that to a wind blown dry desert dust? What is any of it to me?!
If any1 knew me they could easily argue that this lil idea of mine that concerned the most terrible of Humanity’s events and has been celebrated as an opposite happening; well, it entered into my thinking so uninvited, so much in conflict with what I was being assailed with at the time; was so much in conflict with my environment, era, precedents and prejudices!

My curiosity of it all that overwhelmed me; frightened me but embraced and captivated my shock and amazement to capture by slapping my mind & heart in a way of ultimate awesome discovery……..
I call it my first discovery. This curiosity and the suspicions born of it brought my very essence to a screeching halt as I saw the very question itself of where Good & Evil initially originated.
Confessions &
More to follow.
This “problem” I encountered as a young teen barely 13 - an age when I had nothing but whimsy and still had “belief in God” half in my heart. “Where How did Evil come into the World”?! And be behind the cause of This World!?
I devoted ; much to my teachers chagrin; my first teenage essay to this topic and my solution was ; since all things are of God……
Logically concluding the cause of Evil in the World?; I gave the honor to God as logically was only fair and I made Him the Father of Evil in the World.

Was this then some “Categorical Imperative” as Emmanuel Kant would argue?? 😂 ok as I’ve gotten older I confess I’ve listened much more attentively and I’ve not simply “listened”.

Not yet done; will I ever b done? 😆
Some of us were forced into vagabondness from birth. I too had a similar path, being handed off to different 'parents' at a very early age. Then there were some changes here too, and lots of moving and being left alone. I think this may have built into me the spirit of agitation of staying in one place (or with one person) too long. And while I did at times, there was often an unsettling discontent within me to move on. Now I yearn for the day when I can do this in a healthy and joyful way, fully embracing my past path and all the bumps that brought me to the place I am now. Van Living may give me the opportunity to be a vagabond on my terms and enjoy life.
I consider myself lucky that I learned early in my life to be able to differentiate between theological prejudices from Moral Prejudice and thus I quit looking for the cause of “Evil” in the World; behind the World.

After a certain amount of historical research regarding ancient cultural & anthropological evidence; along with a personal; perhaps inborn developed taste with respect to psychological inquiries; and make no mistake! Please! These are matters of psychology; my problems soon evolved into other matters of question:
What were the conditions that existed that motivated ancient Humanity to invent these moral judgements of Good & Evil?
…….and what intrinsic value, if any, do they themselves contain? Have they thru these millennia hindered or advanced the Human Condition? Our health as a species?

Or have they by their cultural implications become a sign of a species in distress, impoverishment perhaps even the degeneration of Life?

Or are they , oppositely thinking, the manifestation of a strong & healthy animal embracing a healthy Will for Life, courage, certainty, a healthy mature Future?

From these questions I exacted many answers; these findings lead to many more questions which lead again to more possibilities & answers until from my conclusions I had developed a country of my own; a soil of my own; an entire complete thriving & flourishing place of my own; like a secret Garden of Eden the existence of which no one knows or suspects!

How fortunate I am to have embarked and discovered my very own existence! Of who and what I am. Provided now I can simply keep my discovery to myself and keep my own fuking mouth shut long enough!!

How DOES one become what one is? There is no universal truth for this as everyTHING! is unique; different; not only in genetic makeup but also with differing experiences and geography.

Tho there are many persons who impose upon every1 who may come within there own pitifully small world vantage some semblance of their own closed thinkin or feeling. These persons are generally of a weak but idealistic moral grasp who use such things to give their lives some sense of strength & confidence - a sense of control & stability; they are generally of a psychological frail make up but I’ll move on from this subject but may return one day……

What has been important for me on my way of discovery & embracing the reality of what I am are the things of healthy diet & nutrition; healthy climate which also includes geographical locales which have such agreeable climates and lastly but equally important experiencing one’s own kind of healthy recreation.

To summarize:
Healthy diet & nutrition
Healthy climate & location
Healthy recreational experience

I’ll elaborate on each of these independently and then show how together they’ve been integrated into my life as a holistic life style that aided in the discovery & becoming of what I am.

We are gonna need an outline. People have very different base conditions and values, it would help to know your condition when you decided you needed to change, if you did. A few have always been nomads. Some have been several things. Many have never looked.
Healthy Diet & Nutrition is the most important part of anyones life. One can only grow into who & what they are by first eating & exercising in a healthy fashion. This enables one to optimize the foundation needed to experience the best in life that one can live.

There is much info out there on this and here’s a link for a place of beginning:
I was following right-along, until you posted the harvard link that postulates the necessity of 'sustainable' foods. Good propaganda for bean eaters and cow fart combatants.
On the plus side, I'm 65, I can not die young anymore. That train has left the station.
I was following right-along, until you posted the harvard link that postulates the necessity of 'sustainable' foods. Good propaganda for bean eaters and cow fart combatants.
On the plus side, I'm 65, I can not die young anymore. That train has left the station.
Agree with you. At 69 my train left the station a bit before yours. My plans are to get off before the Old and Decrepit station.
Cymbals have always covered a multitude of sins for a drummer and with someone good on a keyboard you just don’t need the bass player.

jonny boi well he’s playin different tunes while on the Dark Side of the Moon.
To continue with the topic of what is MY proper diet & nutrition.
For a general ordinary application how do I eat in order to attain & maintain a maximum of strength? A proper virtuous energy?

Actually religious difficulties for example, I know little of from any experience as I never comprehended at all on any level what way I was supposedly “sinful” and I completely lack any bite of a conscience regarding the topic on a personal level.

I don’t know atheism as any option on a nutritious menu either; little lone as an actual meal. It’s simply a matter of “course” with me. I am just too damn inquisitive, too questionable too content and joyful to tolerate any type of large but simple pizza…….

God & Atheism are a large pizza to me a complete unhealthy indelicacy. I’ve always been much more interested in real answers to “human salvation” than the meal put forth by theological appetites.

My experiences, especially when young, on the matter of idealistic nourishment were probably as bad as possible and I’m embarrassed about how long it took me to hear the questions in my head; how late my logical, rational mind finally began to taste Reason.

Only the utter complete worthlessness of the Murahkan idealistic education explains to me that I spent most of my youth probably backward to the point of a patriotic heavenly holiness…….

More on diet & nutrition to come but I need a short break.
To add a lil more then……
A hearty meal is much more easier to digest than one too small. Sayin……
That my stomach as a whole becomes active is my first hint that I’ve eaten well for my health and will experience great digestion. I’m glad I know the size of my stomach.

In a similar vein, I need to be wary of long drawn out dinners like those offered to me at Thanksgiving & Christmas time as others partake of such unhealthy cuisine which can only be referred to as “sacrificial feasts”.

Also it’s important that I sit as little as possible and that I give no credibility to any thought or feeling not derived while being outdoors in movement. The muscles too must have their feast or suffer jaundice.

The sedentary life is the real sin against my holy spirit.
intjonny luzsha baybee alway have alway will

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