Good morning

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I've had better mornings. Don't ask.

Still a lot to declutter and get rid of here in the apartment. I'm doing the clothing from the closets now. Still have book sorting going on in the living room. Seems impossible. Huge task. Prayers welcome.
Thanks Brian. That's encouraging.

I just went to Walmart and bought the largest black trash bags I could find. I guess you could say, I'm getting ready for that magic moment.
I don't know how many trash bags of clothes we had between the wife and I. Saved one suit, shoes and tie for that event that calls for it and the rest are comfy clothes. Probably need to throw that out too and just buy a blazer when needed to go with the jeans. That's now in style isn't it?
TA it is so true. Black trash bags are your friends :)

You can donate only so much. Take so much. Give away so much. AND THEN the hammer comes down and bye bye it goes :)

You will feel so light and free the minute you are done!!

Good morning
dog to vet later
few small quick errands

home to do some chores and then goof off thru rest of the day
sounds good to me ;)
Good morning. Dean, if you don't talk to anyone they won't find something for you to do for them :p JK

Have a great day everyone!
Thanking God for air conditioning! I will miss the temperature controls in my apartment.

Meanwhile --- I won't have any problem finding something to do today. I have an extended list of to-do's...
It is going to be warmer, low to mid 80s for a few days. So I have decided to work in the evenings and nights as all my current build tasks are inside the vehicle. This summer has not seen temps in the 90s so I did not bother creating an adapter plate for my little window AC unit. It has been one of the most pleasant July and August summertime temps I have seen in Seattle in many years, lots of sun with just enough rain to prevent water rationing issues and enough partly cloudy days to keep it from turning into a furnace.
good morning
dull cloudy kinda day while storms clear

not doing much :) few fast errands and mostly do whatever the heck I want thru the day....ahhh, relaxing sounds nice
Good morning. Dean, the Dr days will be behind you before you know it amd you will be out and about.

82 this morning and high grey clouds. Will someone up north open the door, turn a fan on and blow some of that cool stuff down here? Ug.
B and C said:
Good morning.  Dean, the Dr days will be behind you before you know it amd you will be out and about.

82 this morning and high grey clouds.  Will someone up north open the door, turn a fan on and blow some of that cool stuff down here?  Ug.
We could try moving the mountains to Houston but it would be much easier to move you north.