Good morning

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TA have you insulated yet? Just curious. I found Thinsulate a very easy and viable installation process, a pair of good scissors and 3M 90 spray adhesive.  Plus side it is Hydrophobic. 

Good morning all!  Another errand day, sheesh!
Thanks for the advice on custom cabinets, insulation, and getting help!

I've found someone to install the ceiling fan (or should I get two?) . . .

I'm planning to use the thinsulate - thanks for the good review, HS ... that was my plan and I should go ahead and buy now. Get with it. Maybe the ceiling fan guy would like to insulate too.

Not sure still how the paneling will go. Taking one thing at at time. While I'm here cooling my heels stuck with apartment clearing and cleaning, I should get some help in my van getting everything taken care of. I have to spend the money on it sometime... so why not now? It might make my future a lot easier.
TA it is hard to do a gazillion things at once tho :) I feel ya on that. It seems your focus on hitting the junk is important now cause you are on a serious time limit with that. So much to do and no time to do it :)
Hard to juggle a lot of balls at once when ya don't really want to juggle a lot of balls at once anymore, lol

good morning
icky rainy misty muggy and cloudy
sinus headache going down, taking my sinus drugs and just get thru the day without a lot on my plate. don't want anything on my plate today LOL
Good morning all! Another work on the rig day. Cool morning 54 degrees, suppose to get to 72.
Good morning. A deadline is sure good to get me off my behind to get stuff done. In any case it always seems to come down to the last couple of days with a big push to git er done.

Fifty four to 72 sounds like heaven to me right now. Eighty two this morning with on 62% humidity felt good for a change. It will only make 91 (supposedly) today with high humidity, so it will be hot again today.

Have a great day!
Thanks everyone... I'm making progress. I ordered the thinsulate insulation yesterday, and one Fan-tastic fan (after reading reviews thought that would be better than a Maxxair. We'll see. I guess when they break down you just get another one for your 14x14 hole in the roof? I'm going to have to get the spray glue for insulation from HomeDepot or Lowes . . . Amazon's delivery date was so far away for that item. I'll need 4 of them.

Lots to do today too. Cleaned out most of my laundry closet and will pile things there that will go with me.. except the bicycle. My bro gave me a bike hitch thing for the back of the van and I'll deal with that last.

Oh, I'm going to have a good day cleaning and tossing and sorting. Sounds like fun, right?

Roamer, I long for the day I'll have nothing on my plate!!!
TA I forget which but at either home depot of lowe's , if you buy 4 0r 5 cans you get 10% off. I saw it on line the other day. That is the 3M super 90. Make sure you line up the insulation after spraying. It adheres instantly. No wiggle room for adjusting. Also make sure lofty side is adhered to the walls ceilings etc. Backing side (Black) is external.
Morning, sitting here highs of mid 50’s just dreary and rain as usual in Washington state. Nothing can be done, broke my hand two weeks ago so everything is at standstill, hope National Forest people don’t make me move for being over 14 days. Can’t shift a semi with a broken hand. Poor B and C, it’s why I left the area though will watch your posts more in October and November to see when it cools down to visit my relatives there.
Plus one on Super 90 it’s what I use to hold my cellulose insulation I was putting in, spray and stick it.
I think I'll take the heat over non-stop rain although I really don't like the heat either. I'll be glad when this stage is over so I can chase the weather again and not have to put up with what I don't like. It'll probably take a month to get the van back in shape after all this sitting it has been doing.
good morning all

weather got chillier here. still want some good heat for swimming tho. some nice hot days are coming back to us here so that will be good, close to season changes now for a lot of us

mostly doing nothing today, I like that, easy, calm, day
Good morning. I can only dream of cooler weather. July, August and September are our hottest months. At least we are more than halfway through. Maybe I can get out for a little bit today.

Have a great day.
I guess we are all waiting on cooler weather.I bought a new to me fishing boat but it"s been too hot to fish.I think we should have stayed in Wisconsin another month.
good morning
oh yea our summer here is far from over, hot hot days will kick back in for a bit :)

kid first day to high school :) countdown begins to college and her independence time and our freedom to sell the house and ditch it all time!!
Good morning!

We’re having that up and down, all over the place weather right now; cool then hot, dry for a couple of days then a deluge... fall doesn’t happen in Illinois in August, it’s confusing.
It has been a cooler than normal summer here. Thank goodness tomorrow is suppose to reach 80. Finally a li'l bit of summer.
Good morning. Reach 80? Morning's here are 80 with high humidity.

Got out for breakfast yesterday. Some different scenery.

Have a great day.

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