Good morning

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Good morning all.  Today is go to town for dentist appointment, and run a few errands.  My COBRA runs out at the end of November so I am taking care of medical and dental needs. Tomorrow I drive to Seattle to see a specialist. I hate driving to Seattle. Even off peak traffic times makes me shudder. The good thing is I should be able to hit the road by October 1st. Fingers Crossed.
very smart HS....before coverage goes get it 'all handled!!' I would be doing the same thing!
Seattle when I was there years ago had all the interstates and 11 square blocks shut down for several hours by one person with a samurai sword, he kept cutting the nets they threw over him and they finally caught him with a ladder! Lots of crazy people there and not just mentally ill ones.
I haven't been in Seattle since about 1995. It was nice back then.

Spent the night near Cabelas on a side street where there were a few other dwellers parked. When I woke up at 7:30am, I was the only one left.

My friend came and helped me empty my kitchen cupboards today. Lots of work done. I'm grateful.
The ladies volunteer fire dept. near me is having their annual garage sale at the fire station next weekend. They encourage donations. Hmmm? I think I will load them up.
good morning all

off to the mall for back to school shop for kid. shoot me now LOL but something that has to be handled. kid is not a fan of shopping either so this should go fast. :)
Off to Seattle in a bit for an appointment. Going to have lunch with my daughter. That will definitely make the trip more palatable.
B and C said:
Good morning.  Darn, I NEED to get outta this place!

Have a great day everyone.

Been there, done that, and the tee-shirt sucked.  A friend of ours gifted me her 1984 3/4 ton Toyota Pick up. I used to help her with it when she had issues, they were always minor issues, that truck was well built. I would change a lot of components just to keep busy during quiet time. I turned around and gifted the truck to my son in law. He absolutely loves the truck. And uses it almost daily. My Grand Son wants the truck  in a few years when he get's his license.
HS - That truck is getting around! It is good to have friends.

Brian - This too will pass.

Dean - When will you be traveling again?

Roamer - How did the shopping trip go?

Maki - I'm sure you have something wise to say - it seems you are full of great suggestions.

Well...... (deep subject)

Yesterday my friend helped me empty kitchen cabinets and told me to work on my place every day until 3pm before going out to have fun. I tried that yesterday - having fun at 3pm took me to an overcrowded park near the river where I baked in my van as there were no shade trees available. However, I survived, and after a night of Walmart parking I'm back in my apartment with the intention of sorting out my books this morning. I have a list of tasks to do from now until the end of the month. I gave notice to the apartment management team yesterday so I have only 30 days to get my life organized (for the first time ever?) and somehow condensed into the size of a large van.
very cool now have a time line for true freedom on the road....ah, don't worry, the 'junk' will go and the few important things you do want will go with ya in the van and fit well :) be brutal....don't let stuff keep ya from what you truly time and less clutter :)

yea the heat is a killer. sorry you have to go thru that right now!

Shopping went very well actually. Kid got stuff fast and furious and we had the mall to ourselves mostly so I can say it was kinda painless, except for the wallet LOL but done deal right now

Good morning all
kinda boring easy whatever kinda day here, nothing taxing which I like :)
Good morning.

TA- nothing like a deadline to keep you moving.

Another nothing day here.

Have fun everyone.
Hello again...

I went to Home Depot today to look at cabinets. Saw a shower surround for $350 . . . but that's not a priority. Cabinets are.

Came here and saw the van-build event dates in November and think I'd better go there to get help, get pointed in the right direction, etc. . . . I have an uninsulated, unpaneled van needing massive cabinet space about right now... So much to do . . . so much to learn!
TA - have you drawn up for what you want in cabinetry? No one is going to be able to build what you want without it. Custom built cabinetry will work so much better than store bought.
TA good idea to get some help. You have a blank slate it seems and those people have good experience so it would be a great benefit to ya I think :) cool

good morning
today is go off and find sneaker shopping day here for kid for back to school. ugh
other than that, all easy and slow

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