Good morning

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Oct is coming fast at us Dean!

good morning
off to moms to take her shopping, home to relax and few small chores, life will be easy as I can make it today :)
Good morning all!   Hot yesterday. Got a lot done on my rig. Going to go look at 8 acres of riverfront property in the mountains today. It will be a good  day for a drive.
Way too late for morning. Alas!

I got my insulation yesterday. There's another huge task ... I won't start on that until the apartment is empty.
chilly morn here actually. sign of the change coming

few errands to handle. nothing much. then home to relax a bit and enjoy the fine day.
Good Morning from OR!

A balmy 63 degrees and supposed to be in the 80's all week.  Wrapping up the mountain camping for the season, so I can get on with MY camping.     ~crofter
ahhh, elaborate the mt camping not yours and what is the new YOUR camping gonna be?
Happy fried-day (what I used to call Friday) everyone. It will be a busy weekend out (not for me) with the holiday on Monday. Stay sane and safe.
I hope I'll see both AZ and South TX this winter. Maybe even Baja. I don't know. Just somewhere that isn't cold, I guess.

Life goes on. Every day I make progress on this downsizing. What else can I wish for? I'll probably put off my decision about buying a cargo trailer until the last moment when I'll know for certain if I'll need it. There's rain here today. It was cold last night.
Way to go Dean, more downsizing. I gave up towing altogether. I towed a Geo 4x4 convertible for awhile and then my motorcycle trailer. A lot of extra work and turning around sometimes in the wood was tough.
There's the reason I wouldn't want a cargo trailer, Brian. I've enjoyed the freedom of driving the van without one. Still, it looks like I have too much stuff for my van. I've thought about driving it down to California then putting a lot of things in storage there, in Yreka. If I have no cargo trailer I'll need to do that so I can insulate the van and do the paneling.

So many decisions... and I really just want to focus on getting the apartment emptied, but I know very well that there's not enough room in the van for all my stuff, even after so much has been given away. Right now the van is comfortable enough to live in - I can walk around in there. Once I put all that stuff in, I won't be able to walk around in there. It is going to get crazy. That's why I'm considering getting a cargo trailer.
TA keep whittling down the stuff :) Thing is even if you pack in more than ya want in the van, while out on the road you will also see what you never touch, and you can stop and donate it anywhere or hell, just stick it in the next big dumpster ya see out and about :)

good morning
nothing much
easy day, taking life simple today
kid came home from day 5 of high school limping off her leg. hit in the side of the leg/knee by a dodge ball in gym.
Dodgeball? What a f'ing stupid game, hell I thought they stopped doing it in schools? Not sure where I thought I heard that, lol....Gosh almighty give me strength from the heavens! ugh, like a hole in the head her being off her leg now....might shopping at the mall be cancelled for tomorrow? she said she needs more clothes and needs a trip to the different mall wait and see on that one. Hopefully knee will heal fast for her.
Yes, I heard that dodge ball is now considered a dangerous and unnecessary game in schools, some schools... maybe Canadian schools? Now I see why. Sorry your daughter was injured. It was in the news recently.

Today I'm moving on with my plan. I have a major task planned out for each day and when that is done I can work on other plans. Today's plan is to finish cleaning out my bathroom, which I've already worked on a bit. Not much left in there to do. Of course I'm still using it for showers, until I leave town. I just have to figure out what to do with a lot of little things that were in the cabinets.

Tomorrow's major task is books - I want to finish that culling and storing and sorting and figuring out . . . you know I have a Booktube channel on YouTube so books are a big issue for me. It will be good to have that done by tomorrow and then I'll have some boxes of books to take to wherever I can give them away. I'm allowing myself one bin of books to take with me, and they will go away one at a time as I read them.
Dodge ball was one of my favorite things to do in the gym on those rainy days. Sure taught me to jump, duck and move. Sorry your daughter got hurt.

Keep on keepin' on TA. You're making good progress. You may want to insulate the van while you have a place to get out of the weather.
TA have you considered that kindle thing for books or something like that? I know book lovers love real books :) but if space is a biggie, that kindle electronic thing looks like a good solution....I think they have tons of books to download for free to read.....of course I can't give solid advice on this cause I am not a kindle or whatever gadget user but maybe a possible option? lol

Thanks guys....I am sure when the ball came at her she did an avoidance knee jerk twist, swivel type maneuver and hurt herself. I have to say I hated dodgeball, who in the hell wants a ball being hurled at ya and be hit on purpose? Not me LOL So far she is walking a bit better, icing it down etc...I think all will be good. wait and see, good thing kids heal fast :)

good morning
simple day
working on closing pool, nights are so cool and pool water getting colder by the day now, not worth it and moving my brain from swim to hiking. I got a waterfall theme this year...tons of waterfalls in my area of the foothills of the Blue Ridge so gonna hit trails with waterfalls and just get out into nature and enjoy.

Next trip is Oct 21 (kid off school Monday) to Helen Georgia. They got Octoberfest happening. Ahhh a few crazy brews to taste :)

I still hate being a vacationer vs. a full time nomad just wandering. Chill Karen Chill :) Your time will come..ugh