Good morning

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Good morning. Finally getting cold here, not. Got down to 79 overnight (better than 80 something).

Nothing new here, sigh.
My thermometer in the shade is 105 degrees as of this post!
Good morning all

Darn bullfrog, 105 in the shade? You don't need a fryer to fry up some fish LOL

nice day here, on the chilly side kinda. Still in the 80s, warm but that underlying cooler feeling, seasons are gonna change now

not doing much this Labor Day. taking life easy mostly
Good morning. Warmed back up, 80 this morning (don't forget the high humidity here).

Happy Labor Day, glad I'm not driving today.
good morning

getting kid appt. for knee Dr. this morning. Knee not improving. ugh

hike day with hubby. Hitting a Greenway Trail. 4.8 miles. Time to get my hiking legs in good shape now, I have a lot of hikes on my to do list ;)
Good morning. Hope the kid gets well soon Roamer.

Got an email from friends in Australia. They are coming to the states for a walkabout. They are flying into Boston and meandering to here (Houston) for "the biggest and best quilt fair". They will be here the end of October. They want me to meet them downtown somewhere on a weekday (my birthday too). Hope I can get this worked out to go. Grand niece getting married in October too near Ft. Worth. I want to go to that too.
Good to hear you are planning things, Brian... and Roamer, hope your daughter's knee heals soon. Have fun hiking! Dean - where are you? Packing to leave?

Today I have things on my to-do list for emptying this apartment: pantry, more book sorting, and some clothes and linens to go through... I need to decide what goes in the discard pile and what I'll try to stuff into my van. Somehow, someway.

Lunch with a friend downtown at 1:30. Also need to get a post office form notarized for my mail forwarding service. Getting my ducks to line up in a row. I know, I know: "good luck on that one" . . .
Hi dwellers going to try to mow some lawns today should be interesting for my day put me on a drug so my  heart rate don't slow down to much
B and C, very cool on that walkabout :)
I sure hope you can plan that in and enjoy that visit! A wedding too....whoohoo you are becoming the social butterfly :)

TA be brutal. As we weed thru we get all gushy and sentimental on things again, don't let that go down :) you clean it out to lighten your life and hit that road as soon as you can!

Hold strong are getting 'settled on meds' as your best ones to travel with :) I am sure your departure will happen for ya!

Good morning dwellers
got 10 am appt for kid's knee...I am sure it is nothing, but with her gimping around best to just go and see

pool covered and done. Now it is all about hiking.

We hiked a short river trail...3.8 miles yesterday. WOW we hit a public Mining Use of River. No sluices or dredge etc...just panning. So me and my metal detector and my pans are planning a gold filled fun day in the near future in this river :)
can't wait.

mostly do nothing day here. boring type :)
Panning and detecting ... great fun and I hope you strike it rich. Big nuggets. You never know where they might be lurking.

I got a lot done yesterday. Tried mightily to get my mail forwarding service set up right. They weren't responsive by email or phone yesterday but I got the documents to them and they sent me an email this morning with my new address. I hope DMV likes it as much as I do. Also my insurance company. Not sure who else I'll ever give that address to.

Today I'll be packing up and clearing out what's left in my art studio. Also will sift more books trying to make myself let loose of more of them. I have a ridiculous number of books for a person who reads as slow as I do. I'm also going to organize my giveaway pile and start giving things away, and advertise some furniture for give-away. Plus I have a few bills to pay. So that's what my day looks like.
not too bad of a day TA, it does sound like you are getting a handle on most of it :)

good morning
kid with sprained knee, no biggie, usual ice it, stay off it, etc. All good, she gets 2 weeks NO gym, she is thrilled beyond thrilled cause her best friend at school had some small surgery before first day of school and she has 3 weeks no gym, so they both get to sit on the bleachers LOL

easy day, to moms to shop, help with with a few things, then home to veg out, few small chores. I ain't doing much today, weather popped up into mid 90s.
Good morning!   :)
Expecting eighties today and sunny in wonderful Oregon.  I am wrapping up my camp host gig, and making a few changes to the van for travelling, changing the van's theme from bedroom & office to: kitchen. Does everyone prefer cooking outside or is it just me?  
Rough summer this year at camp, two camps were actually fired on this year as opposed to random gunfire in the area. We were taking rifle fire and thankfully no one was hit. Thank you trees. That is the down side of camp hosting, that you are stuck there until the end of season even when the neighborhood gets dangerous. On the positive side, many people returned who came two years ago for the eclipse event, so that was fun. The river was awesome as usual. The highlight of the summer happened early when the pink ladys slippers bloomed. That was so cool.    ~crofter
I cook in the van or out side of the van I normally cook outside of the van and I am at a friend's place and still cook on the grill.
we grill our meats outside the rv then do a few small sides inside, like something small in a pot on the stove.
we do super simple meals. Meat and taters. Meat and rice. Meat and veg....done deal :)

Crofter why in heaven's name are you getting fired upon in the sites? I mean....HELL IF that ain't just horrible....what reasons for this stupid crap that can get ya killed? ugh
ahhh, well any meats I do cook on the grill, when it gets inside on my plate I add a pat of butter and some seasoning.
being a no carb eater I need fat :) when I fry in the house in a pan, ALL fat and juice and the good stuff goes over my meats LOL

grill cooking has its bad parts if you believe in them, like the char...isn't it cancer causing etc? all that crap about that? ugh

best we don't eat at all I think thru life HAHA