B and C, very cool on that walkabout
I sure hope you can plan that in and enjoy that visit! A wedding too....whoohoo you are becoming the social butterfly
TA be brutal. As we weed thru we get all gushy and sentimental on things again, don't let that go down
you clean it out to lighten your life and hit that road as soon as you can!
Hold strong Dean...you are getting 'settled on meds' as your best ones to travel with
I am sure your departure will happen for ya!
Good morning dwellers
got 10 am appt for kid's knee...I am sure it is nothing, but with her gimping around best to just go and see
pool covered and done. Now it is all about hiking.
We hiked a short river trail...3.8 miles yesterday. WOW we hit a public Mining Use of River. No sluices or dredge etc...just panning. So me and my metal detector and my pans are planning a gold filled fun day in the near future in this river
can't wait.
mostly do nothing day here. boring type