Good morning

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Ahh crap Dean.
But like TA said, with changes how you tackle the med troubles maybe good changes can happen for you!!

Good morning all
dog to groomer later, the little thing is a monster stinker right now. wet dog from a few days of rain ain't ever a good smell :)
mostly a do nothing day except for small things to get handled around here
Good morning. Working on the paperwork to transfer title of the '93 cobra and '96 Geo convertible we used to pull to my son. Their son will get the Geo. The son has had possession of the cobra for a few years already. Just trying to get some of the paperwork taken care of before I can't.

Hang in the Dean. We need an update when you get one.
Hello dwellers and wannabe dwellers and everyone else. I'm under a shade tree in front of the old mercantile in Happy Camp. Nice breeze. Yesterday we got rain . . . just a little. My daughter phoned and walked me through turning my phone into a hotspot. Nice daughter. Today - no plans though a friend may come for lunch... hopefully with my former landlady who is another friend I'd like to see while I'm here. There's a nice coffeehouse / gift shop in town so I'm sitting here with a delicious Americano. Just a peaceful, happy and relaxed moment in the shade. Let's see if I can give you a visual on that.



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TA great pic of where you are hanging out. Glad you are doing so well.

Dean taking one day at a time is all any of us can do. wishing you well!!

today is waiting to hear how my SUV is doing in the shop. ugh. not gonna like repair bill I am sure but I have 26 days left on the warranty so.....

misty rainy here
usual simple home chores, ain't tackling anything big here
My big outing to Costco is today as well as a stop by the bank to get notary work done.

Tropical storm is supposed to miss us but we will have a rain event for the next few days.

Everyone take care and have a great day.
Good morning good folks... another day of sunshine, shade trees, fans, and whatever comes my way here in Happy Camp... afternoons get hot and early mornings are chilly. This late afternoon there's a Farmer's Market... and after that, I'm invited to a Bible study. A full day of happy camping ahead. Enjoying my morning Americano.
Good morning. Dr visits are not fun. Hang in the Dean.

Went to Costo yesterday and spent waaay to much money but we were darn near out of everything. The son helped me rearrange the closet late yesterday. More space, better organized now. He went to the DMV this morning to get the Cobra and Geo titles changed. I will go and get the Tahoe inspected and tagged this afternoon. It is always something that takes money and or time.
Good morning. Today... I'm across the river at the campground's day use area. Looks like the campground hosts who were here on the 4th pulled out. I'm waiting for noon to go get my free lunch at the Karuk tribe's "Senior Nutrition Center "... I've been eating there the last 2 days. Nice to get one good meal a day. I don't have a kitchen in my van.
B and C....yea time and money. a real motto in life ain't it? :) time is precious and so is money in our pockets. Seems we never have enough of both!

TA it is great you have a senior center to help til you figure out how you want your kitchen set up. You do have a little grill etc with ya in case of emergencies and can cook something easy right now if needed?

good morning all
simple day. this and that.
leave tomorrow for 3 day trip to Richmond VA. HOTEL. omg the costs on it are outrageous. We RV everything, boondock and more but this time kid begged for a hotel downtown....she does ask for so little literally that we thought what the hell....omg the costs are over the top, thru the roof and this will be her last hotel on my dime :) in 5 when she graduates college she can rent all the hotels she wants on her dime LOL
Hi dwellers going to be a warm day picked up a job working on a couple of tractors to make a bit of survival money but all is good. Roommate cost alot of money sharing bills have a awesome day to all.
Dean it is great you got a nice side job working on tractors for some bucks. Keeps one busy :)
Hubby was a diesel mechanic long long ago. being a farmer he works on tractors all his life. It is a way he could make some bucks also when needed. COOL for ya!
ahhh you do the other work well you can tackle tractors :) :)
learn something new every day tho is a good thing!
Good morning. Work gives you a reason to get up each day:p Tractors just have bigger nut and bolts.

A hotel is nice every now and then. Expensive though. Remember when motel 6 was $6?