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maki2 said:
....Here is a link showing the NFS Washington state districts in Eastern WA with links to more information about road closures.
Thanks for the link, maki !

BLM responded to the email inquiry with some links, subject to change. Posted it all on the "boondocking or driving blind" thread. Travel at your own risk.

Description: Here is the link to that thread on here. So far the thread discussion is about boondocking in AZ, NV, OR, WA mostly.
I went to the closest Lowes store today as I needed a special crimping tool. Unfortunately they did not have any in stock. But I picked up a couple of other items and went through the checkout counter. They really have their act together as far as protecting customers and clerks. Great big sneeze shield at the register and they wipe the side facing the customer as well as the countertop and the pay kiosk down between customers. The register clerk is masked as well as gloved. I had avoided going there this last few months time of course I was not in immediate need of anything.

Lowes was not very crowded this Sunday afternoon because of the Nascar races being on TV.
I'm glad that Lowes is making shopping safe and possible for you, Maki. I wish I lived close to something like that. The closest to me is 154 miles away, in Medford, Oregon. I can get some supplies online from Home Depot, but anything large or especially heavy, they won't ship. Tragic! LOL... Sheesh, Walmart won't even ship TP anymore. Crazy... "in store purchase only" doesn't help people living in the boonies. Also hand sanitizer is "in store purchase only" at ... but fortunately my local market has supplies of these things if you go in on the days they stock the store, or the day after.

Here's a video of me yesterday...


Also yesterday I got my two new 6' folding tables. I'm putting them together for a sewing center... plenty of room to cut out the insulation and fabric I'll be using for my new van curtains. I need 4 window curtains and a large one for between the cab and the homesite.
Nice day today, about 90 degrees. Doing laundry today. 

It seems like the interesting threads on here get buried every day, and we are left with "How to change a light bulb?" Which can be interesting depending on how many people are doing it. I was hoping to see some posts from ppl hitting the road, but not.

If anyone knows this, is there a way to look at a group of threads, or are we limited to today's and the forums? I have been looking back through my personal history to find the threads of interest to me, kind of convoluted work around for this, but possible.
crofter said:
Nice day today, about 90 degrees. Doing laundry today. 

It seems like the interesting threads on here get buried every day, and we are left with "How to change a light bulb?" Which can be interesting depending on how many people are doing it. I was hoping to see some posts from ppl hitting the road, but not.

If anyone knows this, is there a way to look at a group of threads, or are we limited to today's and the forums? I have been looking back through my personal history to find the threads of interest to me, kind of convoluted work around for this, but possible.
When you post or reply to a post look below where you are entering the information and you will see is list of boxes you can check to subscribe to a thread or later remove your subscription to it. That way if someone post something new to their thread you have options to receive notifications to it. Or you can subscribe without notifications but then when you log on take a look at the subscriptions in your list and see if there was anything new in them or go and revisit old postings from that subscribed thread.
maki2 said:
....Or you can subscribe without notifications but then when you log on take a look at the subscriptions in your list and see if there was anything new in them or go and revisit old postings from that subscribed thread.
Great idea, maki. That will give me that list I was looking for. Thanks!

You got any travel plans? I am acting like a homebody this year. Latest excitement was applying some of Bob's cooling advice to the van: reflective coverings.
Good morning everyone.

Great thing, to have a home when we're expected to stay in one. I can't imagine being nomadic while all this is going on. There are times we have to settle down. I stay flexible in my expectations of life.

Today I have more edging to do in front of the mobile home. I'm about half done with that particular little part of the gardening job. I work until I get tired, then quit. I'm not pushing myself beyond that point. The lawn mower is out of gas and I'll have to make a trip into town to get more.

Right now, I'm just watching other people's Booktube videos while enjoying my cup of coffee.
crofter said:
Great idea, maki. That will give me that list I was looking for. Thanks!

You got any travel plans? I am acting like a homebody this year. Latest excitement was applying some of Bob's cooling advice to the van: reflective coverings.
I still plan on going to Arizona for winter and early spring 2020/2021. I have no way to predict when my build will get finished. This week the rain is delaying some of the tasks I need to do on the exterior.

I can always go stealth camping locally in my Honda Element without taking my travel trailer along but I am not feeling like I simply must get away right now. Of course feelings about such things are subject to change on short notice.

I got a phone call back from the WA/Or BLM regional office. The person at the WA/OR BLM regional office had no information available regarding what dispersed camping in Washington state was available.

They said Oregon is open for dispersed camping but not for developed campgrounds although some developed campgrounds in Oregon are expected to open soon. But the person returning my call had no specific information as to which of the developed campgrounds in Oregon would be the ones that will get opened.

For WA state dispersed camping information I was told call the Spokane 509-536-1200 or Wenatchee office, 509-665-2100.  As I am not going to be doing dispersed camping in the next month I am not going to be calling them.
As far as not seeing a lot of postings about people who are hitting the road and traveling.

For the most part people are not making non essential trips. The ones who are likely realize it is better not to post about it in a forum where there are going to be outspoken critics about such activity at this point in time.
Went to the store this morning and saw a big travel trailer (and truck) in the parking lot. It has been a long time since I've seen vacationers here, but summer is coming so I expect to see a lot more out-of-town people coming in to spend time with us. Locals are apprehensive but I know the deli owner needs more business to remain open long-term. I used to go in there every week to meet with the local book club and buy lunch - and I haven't been back since the C19 crisis started even though they are making to-go orders.
3 pm in PA - but if you don't wake up til noon it must be ok to say Good Morning. Overcast but pleasant mid 70s here. I am almost in the van but have to wait until the SS check comes on the 3rd to buy a few essentials. It is amazing how much stuff I have gotten rid of and the amount of things I have left. After several very severe downsizings in the last two years the things I have left have some value. Not so much $ but emotional, memories ect. These last things I am looking to find someone who will cherish them as much as I did. That is not easy. My 1751 german life of Christ book leather bound and printed on the press of one Benjamin Franklin went to a teacher who will enjoy sharing it with his students. I always thought my students liked holding something in their hands that Franklin did, I know I did. My Irish flagged 3 masked schooner ship in an Jameson whiskey bottle (no fake - the real thing) is still here and too much other stuff so it will be a hard week of decisions. I will also be off line for a week or so as I am switching from desktop to new laptop. So you may not see posts from me for a few days after the 30th. I am certain no one will miss me :) To all my friends who poop in a bucket I will see you here of there.
Because of the social distancing restrictions I have had to put off selling items this spring. Of course with a lot of people out of work and needing to sell things such as tools and other items of value it will mean fewer customers to buy them. But I should do just fine with selling my bicycle and recumbent trike as those are in high demand right now.

Those funds will be needed to help finish my build. Just did a trip to the hardware store today and I had to hand over a couple of $20 bills.
Well the heat is here. It was 105 degrees today, and still 88 degrees nite temp in southern AZ.

Big scare articles in the paper about who's got covid. Less than .05 percent have it in this county, and we are a "hot spot." Also, Mexico thinks sick ppl from US are going there, and US thinks sick ppl from Mexico are coming here. Turns out to be sick ppl returning to their own country after travelling.
Crofter - so you're staying in Arizona all summer?

It is warm here too, but not up to 100.

I'm in the middle of a closet painting project. I wanted to paint the closet first and then put everything in the bedroom, into the closet. That bedroom is what I call my "dressing room" so it is mainly clothing. No bed.. my only bed is in the van. When the closet is done I'll start washing walls and painting them in that bedroom.
Weather is drying out for a few days. Spent the last of the Amazon gift card money my brother gave me on the trailer breakaway brake switch and a 7 pin plug cord for the brake and trail lights. I got a switch with a weldable tab. Now I can get to play with my friends welding machine since the tab is an appropriate thickness for his welder. It has been a lot of years since I took a welding lesson and that was for welding rebar into garden sculptures. But I have a good sense of touch with tools, it should be a little bit of fun among the more routine kinds of task on the trailer renovation. I will practice on some scraps first before I work on the actual project parts.
Mid 80s and thunder storms in PA today. Bigger storm in my mind and body as I find out just how much junk I have in this one room apartment. I am a pack rat, descended from a family of pack rats, who downsized in steps from 4500 square feet and two car garage full of tools, to to 1800 sq feet to 200 square feet with small closet and now to a van. ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Ha... the pack rat problem. I've been digging out from under for years. Doing pretty good right now though except for the unfortunate 9x5 storage space I have to deal with in Idaho someday. Soon, I hope.

Today... finished painting the closet except for the ceiling. I'll deal with that at a later date when I figure out how I want to do it. I'll start on bedroom walls in a few days. I'm feeling hopeful. This mobile home has so many potential projects I didn't know where to start... the opportunities are massive. Then I realized, just one thing at a time.

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