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The feds are letting the governors have the authority to say what gets closed within their state land including the ability to say that the federal land is closed for camping. Of course the governors do not have the right to overturn the federal government decision should the feds decide to close federal lands. So in Washington state at present all camping on federal and state lands, including dispersed camping is closed thru the end of this month. What will happen in June has not yet been announced.

There are still some private campgrounds open. Those were businesses deemed to be essential as they had some long term residents who would have had no other place to go.
maki2 said:
The feds are letting the governors have the authority to say what gets closed within their state land including the ability to say that the federal land is closed for camping.  Of course the governors do not have the right to overturn the federal government decision should the feds decide to close federal lands. So in Washington state at present all camping on federal and state lands, including dispersed camping is closed thru the end of this month. What will happen in June has not yet been announced.

There are still some private campgrounds open. Those were businesses deemed to be essential as they had some long term residents who would have had no other place to go.
maki2 said:
The feds are letting the governors have the authority to say what gets closed within their state land including the ability to say that the federal land is closed for camping.  Of course the governors do not have the right to overturn the federal government decision should the feds decide to close federal lands. So in Washington state at present all camping on federal and state lands, including dispersed camping is closed thru the end of this month. What will happen in June has not yet been announced.

There are still some private campgrounds open. Those were businesses deemed to be essential as they had some long term residents who would have had no other place to go.

Please link to something official. Because that isn't what the official USFS covid19 site says -, nor what the official BLM covid19 site says -
jacqueg said:
Please link to something official. Because that isn't what the official USFS covid19 site says -, nor what the official BLM covid19 site says -
I am not going to hunt down every one of the federal agencies individually to prove the veracity of what I stated.
But here is one of them. The other federal agencies that have camping in Washington state have also adopted the same cooperation policy. Region 6, USDA Forest Service official website link below.

excerpt from this NFS (national forest service) website:
The health and safety of visitors as well as Forest Service employees and volunteers is paramount during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are working across the Pacific Northwest Region to align with the Governors' orders in Oregon and Washington state as well as the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control to help reduce the spread of the virus.

BLM release from April:

There is currently Day use only in some area parks and trails however at least through the end of May there is no camping allowed on the public lands in WA state.
Good morning/day... I'm a little past noon. It has been raining this morning and I've been housecleaning and reimagining a few rooms here. Everything is so green outside and there is an abundance of flowers in the yard - especially the roses. The lilacs faded and I want to go cut them back as soon as the weather allows.
I was sorting through some boxes of supplies and found 4 more N95 mask.

Can you tell my life is pretty much uneventful when I am happy about finding some extra dust masks in my stash ;)
maki2 said:
I am not going to hunt down every one of the federal agencies individually to prove the veracity of what I stated.
But here is one of them. The other federal agencies that have camping in Washington state have also adopted the same cooperation policy.  Region 6, USDA Forest Service official website link below.

excerpt from this NFS (national forest service) website:
The health and safety of visitors as well as Forest Service employees and volunteers is paramount during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are working across the Pacific Northwest Region to align with the Governors' orders in Oregon and Washington state as well as the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control to help reduce the spread of the virus.

BLM release from April:

There is currently Day use only in some area parks and trails however at least through the end of May there is no camping allowed on the public lands in WA state.
 Um, yes, that's the same site I posted. Absolutely nothing is said, in the forests I looked at, about dispersed camping being closed.

Developed sites/campgrounds on both state and federal lands are indeed closed, I have never said different.

Your statement that dispersed camping is banned on federal land is what I am interested in. Surely you had a basis for making that statement?
jacqueg said:
 Um, yes, that's the same site I posted. Absolutely nothing is said, in the forests I looked at, about dispersed camping being closed.

Developed sites/campgrounds on both state and federal lands are indeed closed, I have never said different.

Your statement that dispersed camping is banned on federal land is what I am interested in. Surely you had a basis for making that statement?
The dispersed camping closures are on Governor Inslee's official WA state Covid 19 website.   Go look at it, he created the official order for it in March when he created the Stay at Home orders. He knew that just closing state campgrounds would not be sufficient to contain the virus. So the federal agencies cooperated in this matter.
Here is the DNR website for the State of Washington. It clearly states Day Use only with no camping until further notice. That was posted on the site as of May 5. Camping was closed in March and has not yet reopened. That situation according to Governor Inslee will not be changing before June.

It is not just the DNR lands, it is all public lands in Washington state that are currently closed to camping.
maki2 said:
The dispersed camping closures are on Governor Inslee's official WA state Covid 19 website.   Go look at it, he created the official order for it in March when he created the Stay at Home orders. He knew that just closing state campgrounds would not be sufficient to contain the virus. So the federal agencies cooperated in this matter.

This sounds like something you saw on facebook, which is just full of misinformation. If you actually know where this information is located on the website you cited, please post a link to the citation. To make it easy here is a link to all of Governor Inslee's covid-related proclamations.
I have read through them and found nothing like what you claim.

Every valid source that I have read says that BLM and USFS lands in Washington and Oregon are open for dispersed camping, including at a link that you posted above.
"The developed recreation closure orders are limited to developed recreation - many general areas (including trails and roads) remain open for various activities, including hiking and dispersed camping, unless an additional area closure is in effect."

 I have also heard same from reports on the ground, people actually camping in those areas.

Another site that I visit had to start a policy, because of so much posting of misinformation, that any post about camping closures must be accompanied with a valid link to substantiate the information, or the post will be deleted. I wish there was a similar policy here. People rely on this site for good factual information.
maki2 said:
Here is the DNR website for the State of Washington. It clearly states Day Use only with no camping until further notice. That was posted on the site as of May 5. Camping was closed in March and has not yet reopened. That situation according to Governor Inslee will not be changing before June.

It is not just the DNR lands, it is all public lands in Washington state that are currently closed to camping.

You seem to be conflating Washington DNR public lands with other federal public lands. WA Department of Natural Resources manages Washington state owned lands, which are public lands, but are completely different than US public or federal lands, which include BLM or Bureau of Land Management, part of the US Department of the Interior, and USFS or National Forests, the US Forest service, part of the US Department of Agriculture. Neither federal agency are related to Washington DNR.
maki2 said:
The dispersed camping closures are on Governor Inslee's official WA state Covid 19 website.   Go look at it, he created the official order for it in March when he created the Stay at Home orders. He knew that just closing state campgrounds would not be sufficient to contain the virus. So the federal agencies cooperated in this matter.

Yes, I read Inslee's order. ALL the specific sites mentioned are state land. There is NOT ONE WORD about federal lands in the entire release.

Yes, federal land managers do and are coordinating with local officials. For instance, we know that the BLM's popular Alabama Hills recreation area in California is closed to dispersed camping, in part because of the local community's concern about the limited capacity of their hospital. And if you go to the BLM website for the area, you will see exactly that.

Closing all federal lands to dispersed camping is a very big deal, it would affect tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people, both local residents and travelers, as well as the businesses who rely on cash infusions from those travelers. So it is very odd indeed that even on the federal websites, there is no mention of such a blanket closure. Even in Utah, one of the states most stringent about covid19, there are people right now camping on federal lands.

I note that a well-known YouTuber and nomad, who could be expected to know better, accompanied his report on Oregon's closure of ODF lands to camping with a photo of a USFS campground sign. I am unclear as to why people don't understand that PNW forestlands and rangelands are owned/managed by quite a few different entities, including private corporations and counties. But unless I hear it from BLM and USFS, the folks who actually manage most of the forest and rangelands in the PNW, that they are closing USFS and BLM lands to dispersed camping, I will continue to question anyone who says there is a blanket closure.
jacqueg said:
....But unless I hear it from BLM and USFS, the folks who actually manage most of the forest and rangelands in the PNW, that they are closing USFS and BLM lands to dispersed camping, I will continue to question anyone who says there is a blanket closure.
Here is the contact info for BLM OR/ WA. They want you to check with the local BLM office before going there. They say they are answering the phone, but offices are closed.

Description: link to BLM OR/ WA site

503-808- 6001
You can't trust a 3 day forecast, they were predicting nice weather for this weekend. But it looks like I will be dodging rain showers instead. Maybe I can get the work under the trailer finished up despite having to crawl around on wet pavement. I want to get the trailer off the ramps so that it is lower down for working on preparing the roof for solar.

Almost time to start thinking about designs for tilting the panel up. Fortunately I have an in-house product designer to consult with although I don't always get as much help as I would like to have. He is pretty busy at present designing new products for a couple of customers which is a good thing. Better a feast of work than a famine. Of course he always has projects of his own going that he wants to get to.
crofter said:
Here is the contact info for BLM OR/ WA. They want you to check with the local BLM office before going there. They say they are answering the phone, but offices are closed.

Description: link to BLM OR/ WA site

503-808- 6001

That's the site I've been citing for the past three days...

I do believe I know what's on it by now.
Good morning! I'm just sitting around... I posted a video on my Booktube channel and am watching other Booktube channel videos now. It is a large community of people who post videos on YouTube about books and reading. Great fun. (If you like books.)

I always give Amazon my street address but more and more lately they've been transferring my packages to the Post Office which has no street delivery in this very remote, rural mountain community. Therefore I'm forced to go to town to pick up the packages. That's kind of inconvenient when you're trying to "stay-at-home" ... so that's on my agenda today. I have three packages to pick up there today. I'd much rather have the packages delivered by UPS or FedEx... they bring them into the yard and leave them on my back porch!
Good morning from southern Arizona where it is cooler, 92 degrees so far today and 70's at night for good sleeping temp in the van. I am getting by with covered parking and a fan at night for cooling.

Taking a break and heading for the pool for a workout. It is a community pool with very few ppl here, but they are supplying us with cleaning sprays and cleaning rags. You can't just jump in there anymore. Just like gym apparatus, you have to clean before and after.

On the bright side, they have given us back our showers. Yay, a pristine shower to use. More cleaning products in there, can't just jump in the shower either.

Sent an email to BLM OR/ WA to find out about dispersed camping there. Memorial Day in eastern Washington is kind of a thing. Just call me travel agent.
Woke to rain but now the storm is just about passed over. By lunch time I can get back to work on finishing the work under the trailer. But I will have to dry off more of the padded floor mats and find some flattened cardboard boxes to lie down on as the pavement won't be dry. Supposedly two more days without rain to come. I had better take advantage of that. I need the emotional boost of getting at least a few task crossed off my to-do list.
crofter said:
sent an email to BLM OR/ WA to find out about dispersed camping there. Memorial Day in eastern Washington is kind of a thing. Just call me travel agent.
What might be of use to you if they don't reply to your email is to find out about the road closures on the NFS lands. If you can't get in by road then of course you can't get to the dispersed camp sites. BLM is not the only type of Federal Land in WA state where there is dispersed camping.  Not all road closures are related to Covid 19 issues, some of them are due to the road condition or situations such as rehabilitation of the forest areas due to things such as overuse, flooding, logging in progress, fires, etc.

Here is a link showing the NFS Washington state districts in Eastern WA with links to more information about road closures.

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