Good morning

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Supposed to be 80 today but breezy.
Have to go on an "essential" errand today, buying some electrical wire for wiring up the trailer brakes. A quick investigative browse on the web and the etrailer website says I should get 12 gauge. So I will head over to the marine supply stores and get some marine quality tinned wire for that since it is being used on the exterior of the trailer. Still lots of components to purchase to install for the trailer brake system but those will be coming in from internet orders. Today I am just focused on splicing onto the wires that are on the axle and running those forward to the tongue. I still have to order the breakaway switch to mount on the tongue, the 9 pin plugs and the brake controller unit for inside the tow vehicle. My stimulus check finally arrived so now I can go ahead with ordering those components.
Good morning! Woke up with sand hitting me in the face at 3am, blowing since about 10pm. Is it the Polar Vortex? Records show wind speeds of 14 but the howling sound made me think it was more than that.

Hanging out watching a big tan dove check me out.
Oh wow - the world pulls the old "sand in the face" trick on Crofter!

Maki impresses me again with doing her own trailer brake work. Amazing!!

And me... just sitting at home. Did more lawn mowing this morning. Seems that always happens.

Did some reading already. Sang a little.

Most of my stimulus payment is going to van insurance. Goodbye, money. It was nice looking at you in my bank account.
travelaround said:
Maki impresses me again with doing her own trailer brake work. Amazing!!
[quote pid='492842' dateline='1589049020']
I am not working on the brakes themselves. When I had the new frame built I purchased an axle that had brakes already installed on it. So this job involves routing wires, securing them  and putting crimp connectors on. That is not so difficult to do.   But I do need to make up my mind what brand of controller I want to buy and if I want to use my house trailer battery for the breakaway switch or purchase a unit that has its own battery and charger for the brakes.  It would save about $30.00 to use the house battery in the trailer.

Pennsylvania weather. We did not get over 55 degrees today. With bright sunshine and blue sky I left Lebanon County for a 100 mile trip to maintain our family cabin in Perry County. At the cabin there was 1/2 inch of snow. (100 miles west of home). I am going to fire our weather guy.
nature lover said:
Pennsylvania weather.  We did not get over 55 degrees today.    With bright sunshine and blue sky I left Lebanon County for a 100 mile trip to maintain our family cabin in Perry County.  At the cabin there was 1/2 inch of snow. (100 miles west  of home).  I am going to fire our weather guy.
The jet stream caused it. It made Seattle extra warm and sent all the cold weather to the East Coast.  It is about time we got a real spring break :)
Hot here today, but cold weather coming in the next few days, with rain. Maybe spring break is nearly over.

I am loving my hammock in the shade afternoons. So pretty here I wish I could capture it in a bottle and send it to you.
Maki2 - please send our warm weather back east to us. You can keep this cold stuff - frost is killing some of our wild flowers.
nature lover said:
Maki2 - please send our warm weather back east to us.  You can keep this cold stuff - frost is killing some of our wild flowers.
Remember you have to love nature in all its seasons or you are not a true nature lover :angel:
I like nature, just not extreme heat, cold or wet. I want to be out in it, not sheltered away looking at it :)
Good morning from southern AZ! Cooler here, in the 90's today. They opened the barbershop and closed the swimming pool (thank you county health dept). Arrrgh.

Must be why everyone is swimming in the river, that's safer and more sanitary you know except for the flora and the fauna. I should be content, I'm not living under a bridge like some with less.
Warming up here in PA - Saturday we had 1/2 inch of snow in higher areas and it is to be in the mid eighties by Thursday this week. we will complain. Reminds me of a rhyme I learned when I was young - don't know the source.

As a rule, man's a fool
When is hot he wants it cool
When its cool he wants it hot
He is always wanting what it's not

Anyway thanks Maki2 for sending our better weather back.

Only 19 days left in the sticks and bricks the build is going a little slow but with discipline I will make it. Now where do I have to go to buy some discipline?
Spicy nachos will get me going alright but I won't get much work done in the bathroom.
There is no where for me to go camping even if my build was done. Everything in WA state and Oregon is pretty much shut down for free legal camping.
I don't know... the Klamath National Forest where I live... is it "shut down" ?? How does one shut down a forest anyhow? I know they do close the campgrounds (if there's a gate available.) If I wanted to park beside the road to sleep, I don't think anyone would bother me here. We're so far from civilization it is pretty laid back, but if you go into the store, you'd better wear gloves and a mask (so says the management there). Might be worth a call to the forest service office of whatever forest you might want to boondock in.. to see if they're still okay with dispersed camping.
maki2 said:
There is no where for me to go camping even if my build was done. Everything in WA state and Oregon is pretty much shut down for free legal camping.
Actually, most USFS and BLM land is still open for dispersed camping, and that's free. It's the developed campgrounds and day-use sites that are closed, and those are the ones that usually charge a fee.

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