Good morning

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Nice axe! That's one thing I never got for my vanlife. Happy Birthday Maki!

Most households here in the Klamath River Valley have axes because wood heat is most common.. but I have a monitor heater using kerosene so don't need an axe. Oh, there might be one out in the shed - I haven't looked out there much. There's a lot of things out there left by former residents. Fun. For another day. This day - it has been snowing.
Happy Bday to you!!

I have a double head axe that says CCC. Old thing. My go to is actually a shake hatchet, clunky but durable.

Heading for another 80 degree day in Southern AZ, I'm out for a solo walk wearing extensive headgear: sunblock on nose, shades, hat, pink bandanna dust mask over the nose & mouth. I feel overdressed.  -crofter
I like the ax. I have a fireside friend that is a hatchet sized splitting maul by estwing, a tool that I would not like to be without. I imagine you all heard the story of my great grandfathers ax. It was passed down thru the family to me. We replaced the handle twice and the head once but it's still my great grandfathers ax.
It might hit 60 degrees today, that will be the first time this year. It is sunny too. Good day to quit hibernating from the cold

The weather report will be teasing that it might hit 60 or might not all of this next 5 days.

I need to get some orders ready to ship but they can wait to get packed up until after dark.
In the 80's all week, I'm so glad the rain is gone. 

People around here are broadcasting speeches from their vehicles. Kinda creeps me out. This morning I woke up to one that pulled up near the van. I had a total panic attack. 

It's three hours later and I'm calming down. I think I will stick to some routine stuff today, nuff excitement already.  -crofter
It is cloudy and 60ish here in central PA. Hard rain night before last took most of my magnolia blossoms off:( but the tulips are blooming:) I got tired of my own cooking last night and had seen an ad the burger king was not charging for delivery so I took the bait. I got mozzarella sticks, onion rings and chicken nuggets. With my eyes closed I could not tell one tase from the other - yuk - I was raised in a culture that never wasted food. So I didn't waste it - I "shared" it with the dumpster. I learned a lesson - never again, I don't care if he is a King.
desperate times call for desperate measures :huh: 

It is time to use some new recipes that don't taste like your "own" cooking. See it as an opportunity to expand your abilities. You don't even need a cookbook, the internet and youtube are full of new things to make as well as classic dishes that won't taste like the version you have been making.

I am going to treating myself to shaking up my cooking since I have to comply with stay-at-home. But as I don't want to go into grocery stores and there are limited supplies for some options it does require a bit of research planning for what I have on hand or what I might want to find the next time I head out to go shopping. Fortunately I do have a produce market in the neighborhood that is not overcrowded with people. There are stores around where I can buy spices by the ounce from a bulk sized container to avoid getting large expensive jars of spices in order to have a small amount. My focus will be on things I can cook while on the road which means more stove top cooking and not much in the way of baking.
I plan to substitute avocado for the breakfast meat tomorrow. This ploy usually works for a total of one (1) meal. Then I will have to go shopping.    -crofter
No rain predicted until Monday. High temps on various days ranging from low to upper 60's. Sounds good to me. Now if I can just wakeup without a lot of pain and then actually focus on my build I could make some daily progress of at least a few hours time each day. Finishing up the work underneath the trailer would be a good goal.
Avocado is a great substitute for cheese in a burrito in case you ever want to go vegan.

I went shopping today... we are now required to wear masks and gloves, which are available at the first checkout counter when you enter the store. It is a small remote mountain town of about 1000 people... in a very large county (one of the largest in CA) but the population is only around 50K. In this county there are 5 known C19 cases and 3 already recovered. Yet . . . the paranoia is still in full swing here. We have no verification of any kind that there's ever been C19 in our town, which is about 70 miles from the main towns in the county. Anyhow, I felt fairly safe as I did my shopping today, which is a lot better than being afraid to leave my home.

My daughter called the health department to ask which town the C19 is in and they wouldn't tell her, saying it is "against the law" to say. I think I'd like to know what specific law that is. I've seen counties in other areas listing the towns, or main hotspots . . . but our county won't tell us if our remote mountain town is affected. I'm going to call the county supervisor and get some clarification on this, or help. People here want to know. We're not the only ones.

Oh, and good morning on a lovely day with apple blossoms on the tree right outside my window.
The law is called "patient confidentiality" which does not allow any specific information which could lead to the identity of an individual. In this day of social media it can be quite easy to track down who an individual might be with even a few small clues such as the town. Because people panic and over react there is a danger to that person's well being and the well being of their friends and associates by acts of discrimination from others, even by people who never met those individuals. Acts ranging from shunning to hate mail to having their homes, businesses, places of employment and vehicles vandalized with hateful graffiti sprayed on them.

We had a lot of examples of how much harm to individuals such discrimination could do during the early days of HIV infections. Think about those poor kids who got it from blood transfusions and then tried to attend school. The social stigma was horrendous for them. That era was the true lock down of information with new and enforceable patient confidentiality laws.

Not everyone is always kind to victims and their families. What is someone whose parent died found out who the person in a group of people was the that infected their parent? They might be just crazy enough in the head to try an act of retribution.
HIPPA Laws are a joke - speaking of which:

Knock Knock
Who's There?
I am sorry I can not reveal that information.
A hundred degrees and sunny in southern AZ. I'm told that if I put a wet towel on my head it will feel like an air conditioned hike.  -crofter
You PNW people are so unused to life in the outside world. Fun in the sun 320 days a year, instead of overcast drizzle 363 days a year.

So in the world outside the convent, on yer head, you wear a wide-brimmed hat. Absolute necessity. Without a hat, you will pass out, fall down, hit yer head on a rock, and a rattlesnake will come over and use your body for shade. After that, you might put the wet towel on the back of yer neck, and let the water run down inside yer shirt. Once, when I was in Moab in 105 temperature (in May), there was a tiny seep along the trail above Spanish Bottom, so I soaked my shirt in the seep to get it wet, and wore it in air-conditioned evaporative comfort.
Yes, get your clothes wet - all of them. Keep a spray bottle of water... it helps. Best is to stay in the shade, if you can find any there.

It gets hot here in the Klamath River Valley and I just jump in a creek. Get all wet. Then I feel fine.

When are you traveling north again?
Oh, so the wet towel goes on the neck. I do have a hat I could wear. But I confess to wearing sandals and not snake boots as recomended by someone here. 

Ah, that's better.  -crofter
Hot as they may be, another reason to wear boots in the desert, besides deflecting rattlesnake and scorpion attacks, is so you don't get a cholla needle in yer big toe.
What? no one said anything about rubber ducks, but for that matter, you may like this song.
