Good morning

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TA, you're brilliant.

The ducky icon just appeared a couple of days ago, and it's definitely not rubber. AAMOF, I got to thinking on how one might pronounce "Qxxx", and lo and behold ...
Good morning to all! Hundred and two degrees in the shade in southern AZ and 88 degrees inside no AC. My indoor outdoor thermometer broke. Reading a book and thinking up activities for when it is that hot. Swimming is my go to, but pools are shut since March when the Canadians all left. Back to reading. ( no worries I have access to AC for cooling as needed in vehicle and various buildings, so I am actually cheating and not really living without any AC.)   -crofter
Unless I'm not reading something properly, it appears that maki2 has not posted since Apr 19, today being Apr 27.
Qxxx said:
Unless I'm not reading something properly, it appears that maki2 has not posted since Apr 19, today being Apr 27.
just catching up on chores  :sleepy:

Still slowly picking away at the travel trailer project but it is getting warm enough that my hands are not freezing while I am working. I need to start upping the pace on it now that the weather is improving as far as being warmer but it has been raining most days this last week and looks to be much the same for this week.
Good morning! Baking at 108 degrees in the shade. The cactus had a car accident and will need surgery later. I feel sorry for the car. The cactus pads need to cure for a while before they get planted. Also trying to identify an orchid like flower. 
@Crofter - There are plant identification groups on Facebook with lots of people who are able to immediately identify a lot of plants. I tried it out lately and found out I have photinia bushes in my yard! I also have lots of other plants I don't know the names for... but one at a time.

Over here - more lawn mowing... spent time in my carport today clearing things out so I can convert it into a garden shed. My high top van won't fit inside. Too tall. I bought an Aluminet shade cloth for the van but haven't used it yet. It isn't that hot here - more like, around 80 today.
Yes... got all those things. Two oPolar USB fans.... lots of magnets.. price went up on the Aluminet shade cloth as I paid about 100 dollars for 10 x 14... also have a black shade cloth I might use on the back door, or if I don't need it there I could use it across the yard on my cargo trailer. Also two insect nets for the side doors, and the shades both inside and out for the front window. I will need to keep sleeping in my van this summer... I'm feeling prepared!

Today I mowed the yard again and moved the hammock into the shade next to the mobile home. It was left here by the previous owners... my son put it together a few weeks ago in a too-sunny location in front of my neighbor's big living room window. I wasn't going to use it there. Now it is in the shade. I also got a nice glider bench to put out there in the shade. My mobile home has a window air condition - way too small to cool the whole place down - but I'm doing okay inside with two fans on in the afternoon, so far. It does get over 100 here though, during the summer. As we're in a valley... there's not much of a breeze on days like that.
Warm weather has arrived :)
The slotted wire channels I ordered from Amazon have arrived so that will let me get back to work on electrical.

Lots and lots to do this next 2 months while the weather is optimal for finishing my build so I had better get to it.
travelaround said:
Yes... got all those things. Two oPolar USB fans.... lots of magnets.. price went up on the Aluminet shade cloth as I paid about 100 dollars for 10 x 14... also have a black shade cloth I might use on the back door, or if I don't need it there I could use it across the yard on my cargo trailer. Also two insect nets for the side doors, and the shades both inside and out for the front window. I will need to keep sleeping in my van this summer... I'm feeling prepared!

Today I mowed the yard again and moved the hammock into the shade next to the mobile home. It was left here by the previous owners... my son put it together a few weeks ago in a too-sunny location in front of my neighbor's big living room window. I wasn't going to use it there. Now it is in the shade. I also got a nice glider bench to put out there in the shade. My mobile home has a window air condition - way too small to cool the whole place down - but I'm doing okay inside with two fans on in the afternoon, so far. It does get over 100 here though, during the summer. As we're in a valley... there's not much of a breeze on days like that.
Hammocks and margaritas... what could go wrong??... I wouldn't want to be in front of the neighbors windows either..:)
I tested out the hammock idea today. Very relaxing... afternoon shade, reading a book, very nice. Hard to get out of. Otherwise, just great. Haven't been on a hammock in years. Nice view of the plants surrounding the area - huge old apple tree, photinia bushes about 12 feet tall. My margarita was only flavored water.
The heat is here, 107 in the shade in southern AZ.  

A marathon at the bank drive up: The tellers came out to direct traffic in the drive up lanes it was hilarious. You get great mariachi music on the radio here, so we had a mini happening during the half hour wait. Did NOT get the stimulus money from my Uncle Sam, so my deposit was just enough to cover flowers and a card for MOM.

Guys, do not forget MOM this weekend. Flowers is the best thing, but sending a note or calling means a lot too. Happy Mothers Day, you know who you are.

I was also the designated shopper today. Not as stressful as it was last month, but still staples like rice are not available. And no Lysol either. But there was a nice selection of TP and paper towels just in time for Mothers Day. Happy weekend!