Good morning

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bullfrog said:
Maki they have some neat new wireless trailer brake controllers out which makes it easy to change tow vehicles you may want to look at.
I know what you are saying Bullfrog but it is not that easy of a solution for my vehicle. I need the controller that talks to the wireless interface that talks to a phone. However I don't want to add that kind of technology as too many things can go wrong with wireless connections and also too many times such technology becomes outdated and obsolete. My tow vehicle is low mileage, gets very good gas mileage, is AWD and if need be is large enough to live in on the road. It is also paid for. Why would I want to change tow vehicles?
53 degrees and grey skies, feels like 32. Dilly dallying before my workout.   -crofter
Good morning everyone :) I hope your day is a pleasant one in all kinds of ways.
Good Morning! 41 degrees in western OR, not bad for the low in mid December.   Putting insulation up with hot glue today.   ~crofter
Good luck with that insulation project, Crofter!

So we made it to Monday!

What's next?

I don't know.

I'm just glad to be alive another day.

Yesterday I started a project ... a web page for the town I'm in, listing all businesses and community resources and organizations. Big project even though it is a small town of about 1200 people.
Good morning... Tuesday. Today is our book club at. 11. We're reading The Overstory by Richard Powers, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction this year. It is fiction about trees.

After that I'll go to the senior lunch and then meet with a friend about our memoir project. Our plan is to work on outlines from now until the end of the year, then to write the memoirs in 12 sections.. one section for each month next year. I've already got the outline and introduction done.... or should I say, started, since both are likely to undergo many changes before I can really say the project is complete... at the end of 2020.
It was a busy morning and afternoon too. Coffee at a local place with my best friend who is helping me with some projects on my travel trailer renovation. The subject of today's coffee meeting was to continue the discussion about the solar panel installation. We have done a lot of design collaboration over the years and this project is one of those. I encouraged him to sign up for the classes on solar at the local college and of course that has increased his interest in getting my panel set up just right. Today was discussing how to tilt it for the optimum angle. It is a 160 watt panel on the roof of the trailer. After reviewing several options he offered an interesting low tech solution. But it has yet to be tested, it should work...will find out during the next dry spell of weather when our schedules coordinate for giving it a go. In the meantime there is a rain storm.

This afternoon I have a lot of shipping to do. Orders from customers and also a special item that is a gift for a 5 year old girl child fan of the movie "Frozen". I put the cardstock castle I designed on a rotating color changing LED turntable. I am am sure she will enjoy having that for Christmas and as a special night light in her room. It is quite magical. My friend took a video of it that I just posted on youtube. It is not super long, under 2 minutes, one full rotation of the castle.
Good morning. Plenty of rain here lately. I'm glad it isn't snow and that the trees in this forest are getting plenty of water. After today we will have a week of sunshine.
travelaround said:
Bought a lot with an old mobile home on it. Great place to park my van.
When do you get to move to your new land?  Is the mobile home habitable? How lovely to have a home base where you can keep some tools and extra clothing. Now you can have an electric heater plugged in and even an induction cooktop.
Haha..because of Travelarounds post i looked up buying cheap land, and now got some !  But HOA rules say only 14 days can you stay on your land in a she is fortunate she has this home already there, and no issues to deal with plus water/sewer !!!!
Yes, the HOA rules are taking over many land opportunities... one thing I noticed in my search for land. The mobile home is habitable but needs repair.. 3 ceilings need to be replaced ... both small bedrooms and the master bath. Also needs kitchen renovation. But I will be glad to take everything out of my van for a while to work on the build. I want to continue sleeping in the van, though.. maybe rent out the mobile home if I can get the repairs done. Today I met another vandweller while at senior lunch.. he is a former contractor with experience doing these kinds of things. Also son in law wants to help and my son is in town too. Renting it would give extra income for travel.
travelaround said:
Oh, Maki.. you asked when I can move there. I think that's more than a month away. Maybe less?
Sometimes the paperwork goes slowly  :(
The people who live there are trying to leave at the end of this month and need to be resettled in another state by Jan. 11... so I have no idea if they will give me the key before escrow closes. It is a fairly informal deal between friends. I will just have to wait and see.

I always had the plan to find land to use part time and then in my old age, but this opportunity came up long before I expected to do this. I'll just go with the flow. Either it works or it won't. I now have 2 children living in this town again.. and I know dozens of people here... so might as well have a homebase here.
Fyi.. this will be my first time ever to own real estate. Life is strange. We'll see if the deal goes through.

My son wants my cargo trailer. Not seriously considering giving it to him right now. I still have plans for it. Maybe someday.

Not cold this morning.. I'm loving this. Not missing North Idaho. There's an art show this afternoon. Tomorrow church will be at the deli, with food. I love this creative little town. I get a lot more community involvement here than I did in the larger city I was in, in North Idaho.

We're restarting the writer's club next week. I have six people participating so far. We used to do this when I lived here before... then they quit when I left. Four of the people we found to write with us are new to the club... not to writing, though. It isn't a critique group.. it is a fun gathering to write together on one topic, then share what we write.
travelaround said:
Fyi.. this will be my first time ever to own real estate. Life is strange. We'll see if the deal goes though.

Same here....the land i bought (10 acres) was dirt cheap (high desert), and i didn't need to qualify (no credit check).
On my second cup of coffee....sitting in S&B....i sleep until noon most every "Good Afternoon"... :rolleyes:   I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON !!!!!