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Yes, plenty of ventilation, and a CO monitor... I'm watching it. I'm not a condensation fan either... but so tired of freezing in the mornings... so buddy heater it is. Eventually I'll get my electric heater down here... as I have a place to plug it in, but it was too heavy to carry down the snow covered hillside. Buddy heater was lighter and had a handle. Thanks for caring about my continued existence!!
TA, someone mentioned (on this thread or another) about making a small tent to go over yer head end. This will no doubt retain a lot of heat so you can stick yer nose out of the sleeping bag, and also will trap most of the moisture you breathe from turning into condensation on the walls and ceiling. Have you tried that?
Not sure why you would want a big heavy heater for nomadic use. All the portable heaters (other than the tiny personal use ones) use the same amount of electricity as none of them are rated for more than 1500 watts. The law says 1500 watts max for safety reasons. Go get yourself a little cube heater and divest yourself of the heavy one. Give it to your daughter for the cabin as a housewarming gift.
My wrist while still a bit sore is now feeling strong enough to get some work done on my build. I went into the trailer yesterday afternoon and started putting away all the clutter of tools and materials. It is pretty cool here in Seattle so I turned on my cube heater. Part of my build was to install insulation under wall paneling and also to put some 3/8" EVA foam insulation on the ceiling. It literally only took 2 minutes to get it warm and toasty in there and that was without any window coverings.

Hopefully now I can get more things done on my build, the to-do list is still a very long one full of small and large jobs to get finished.
Qxxx, I'm not cold in bed.. only in the mornings getting up. Or at night before I get in my bed. My sleeping bag is a good tent ...

This morning there will be a book club meeting and afterward... a memoir writing meeting. Later today my daughter and family will finally reach the cabin I rented for them.
Cammalu said:
More pics Maki. Love your rig
It is a major mess inside at the moment but it will hopefully be better by the end of the day. Woke up trying to figure out the best approach to finessing the angle cuts on the boards that run just below and above the windows. They need compound angle cuts and no two cuts on the trailer will be a match due to all of the various angles of the wall sections. It is a puzzle to be sure, one that will take some time to put together.
The last of the bolts to hold the trailer shell to the frame were put in place today. Tomorrow the weather should be just good enough to do a little more work underneath before it comes down off the auto ramps. I will hook up the tail light wiring. Then if I really wanted to do so I could hitch it up and roll away to play TT camping even without the build being fully finished. Very tempting!

But on Monday I have reserved some of my friend's time to help me get the solar panel up on the roof and the bolt holes drilled so I had better resist temptation and just spend my time working on prepping for the solar panel installation and get done more of the to-do list items.
Good to hear of your progress, Maki. How is your hand? Was it your hand that was injured?

Developments in my life..

1. My daughter arrived here in our hometown with man and children.. they love the house I rented for them. I'm so glad they do.

2. My son finally bought a truck to replace his Tacoma that was totalled last July when a woman ran into the side of it in Southern Oregon. An answer to my prayers. An old truck but he's clever about fixing them when needed.

3. I was offered a good price on a property purchase here. I'm probably going to do it. Not sure where this is leading but it isn't Arizona. 1/2 acre with an older mobile home, in a neighborhood. Plenty of room for working on vans and my daughter's skoolie if they decide to bring it here from Idaho.
travelaround said:
Good to hear of your progress, Maki. How is your hand? Was it your hand that was injured?
I had what is known as a FOOSH.   FOOSH is the nickname for an injury caused by having “fallen onto an outstretched hand.” These injuries are among the most common injuries affecting the hands and wrists that occur when trying to break a fall.

The fall fractured two bones in my wrist, the big bone on the thumb side had a hairline fracture. The smaller wrist bone on the side with the little finger fractured in two places. I did not need surgery or a cast, just a wrist brace which I still use as the extra support keeps it stable which helps prevent undo stress on it.

It seems to be healing just fine without any issues. However it will take another 3 months or so to get back to having normal strength.
maki2 said:
I had what is known as a FOOSH....
Ouch! Good to hear you are healing up now. A super nice day here and I am basking in the WIFI not doing anything I have on my TTD list.   ~crofter
So glad to hear it is healing normally, albeit slowly, Maki. Sounds very painful...

My daughter, man and children went to Yreka to drop off the U-Haul today. So glad they are adjusting well to the community and the house. We have a job possibility for her in mind. Man is a stay at home dad, usually, but my daughter likes to work. They were doing Door Dash in Idaho... making good money, but that's not available here in the boonies. She can still do it in Medford area, or Redding or Eureka.

Today... all I have left to do is.. take that shower and get ready for a Bible study adventure. So much fun. What I did already - woke up, got ready, senior lunch, and saw my daughter off to Yreka. Busy, busy. Just kidding. I'm having a very easy life right now.
Hello again.. good morning... just after 7am. I expect a stormy day but there's no rain yet. Should start soon. Today I have no plans so might go to the computer center and charge up my laptop battery. Maybe work on something creative.
Not a lot of physical labor done on my build today stayed up late working on biz stuff. But I did take my workshop partner out for coffee and a donut so I could go over the basic wiring layout that needed some revision to it since I will now have trailer brakes that have to get wired up. It was good to get a review and verify that what I have installed is good and that I just need to add in a little more wiring for the trailer brakes. I have a company that will be wiring the brake controller into my vehicle. I don't mind running wires or doing crimp and making connections, etc as long as I can reach it all without a lot of pain. But bending over into an engine compartment and trying to get that run into the area under the dash is just way too difficult, I can't do that twist like a pretzel stuff. So the choice is physical pain or financial pain, one way or another it gonna hurt. Glad not to be so inexperienced that I have to pack into my head the whole process of learning how to do wiring from scratch for this build as there has been enough new stuff to learn.
Maki, your tech knowledge and skills never fail to impress me. I wish I'd learned to do something so practical. I think I did good just to glue some insulation to the van walls. LOL

I'm in bed looking up at my nice exposed insulation and fairy lights that change colors and feeling pretty good right now. Heavy rainstorm pelting the van roof has temporarily subsided.
Maki they have some neat new wireless trailer brake controllers out which makes it easy to change tow vehicles you may want to look at.
Good morning. Still raining. Weather report claims this will continue all week. I'll be going to the annual craft fair event which includes a lunch.
Woo Hoo!!! The rains have come!! The ferns are taking over the forest and mushrooms sprouting up everywhere with Douglas Fir trees shooting skyward in the annual flourishing of the rain forest!! (crofter doing a rain dance)   ~crofter
I love your enthusiasm, Crofter, and feel equally excited about rains and healthy forests and water all around in the air. I love the sound of the rain on the van roof.

The craft fair was great! LOTS of vendors this year. Great soup of four varieties to choose from. Wonderful people. I went to visit my daughter and family afterwards and took goodies I got at the craft fair to them.

I got cute Christmas activity packs for the children. Very nice idea! I told them they are responsible to decorate the house. Their mom (my daughter) says I'm responsible for any repercussions. Then we had to look that word up on Google for my grandson. It means - unintended consequences of a possibly negative nature!

Now I'm at the community computer center ... worked on a web page and will be working on my memoir outline as well.

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