Good morning

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It was a good day today. From the local facebook "buy nothing" group I managed to get an Insta-Pot for free. The owner let the cord on it get next to the electric burner on the stove. I will get that repair done tomorrow then have some fun seeing what I think of the Insta-pots. It is too heavy to take on the road in my small rig, so this is just for the fun of experimenting with one. I will take advantage and put a bunch zip lock bags of homemade soup and such in the freezer. I like to have a good dinner but I don't like to stop and cook everyday so it is nice to have MREs to choose from.

The person who gave it away had a beautiful sprinter in the driveway! I did not meet the people, most of the "buy nothing" giveaways are done by leaving the item on the porch.
Buy nothing sounds like a good idea. I prefer to give things away rather than sell.

I got stuck in the mud this morning. In my RV park space. A neighbor rescued me with his truck. I did try the traction pads I had on board. Muddy mess.. they moved me 2 feet where I got stuck in a new spot.

This was all after my shower and fixing food for the brunch potluck at the deli. Now I'm off to get an Americano then church at the deli. What a morning... had to come tell you about it.
travelaround said:
Buy nothing sounds like a good idea. I prefer to give things away rather than sell.

I got stuck in the mud this morning. In my RV park space. A neighbor rescued me with his truck. I did try the traction pads I had on board. Muddy mess.. they moved me 2 feet where I got stuck in a new spot.

This was all after my shower and fixing food for the brunch potluck at the deli. Now I'm off to get an Americano then church at the deli. What a morning... had to come tell you about it.
Sounds like the owner of the park needs to add some more gravel to that space. Cost a bit for the material and delivery but overall a quick and easy issue for them to resolve.
I came back after church and there's already gravel in the ruts left by my wheels! They are fast at getting things fixed around here. Much better than the RV park I stayed at the first month I was here. This place is owned by the local native american tribe. They have fixed and upgraded the facilities a lot in the 6 or 7 years they've owned it.
travelaround said:
I came back after church and there's already gravel in the ruts left by my wheels! They are fast at getting things fixed around here. Much better than the RV park I stayed at the first month I was here. This place is owned by the local native american tribe. They have fixed and upgraded the facilities a lot in the 6 or 7 years they've owned it.
isn't it lovely when you don't even have to ask for something to be fixed :)
Yes.. though I didn't sleep at the RV park last night. Slept next to the highway instead... didn't want to take a chance on a space I might not be able to get out of in the morning.

I'm wondering why a person drove past three times honking at about 7am. I would never do that to someone parked by the side of the road. I was already awake...
I went out this morning and found my trailer door open. Someone used a pry on the lever style door handle I had put on to use while my wrist was broken so I could open it more easily. All he took was my 10 year old drill and driver that had battery packs that would not hold a charge for long. I strongly suspect it was the guy who came into the parking lot last week on an expensive bike. He was cruising around looking by all the doors so I asked was he trying to find someone. He said he was looking for smokes. I told him there were no smokers left, they all moved out. I guess he got his cigarette money out of what he took by trading them for a few packs. Well at least he left the charger and did not take anything else. There are no nearby pawn shops so I doubt they were taken there, besides my ID info is deeply engraved into the plastic bodies of the drill and driver. A pawn shop owner is not going to mess around with accepting them for pawn without checking their ID for a match.

New lock installed, only took a few minutes. Just counting my blessing he did not break a window as that is a much bigger issue to fix.
Scarey...yes you are lucky it wasn't worse !   Was it at a Walmart parking lot ? The bike he rode was probably stolen too...
Ha! Reminds me when I lived in the slums of North Little Rock, I used to roll the windows down at night and leave the doors unlocked after turning off the hidden battery disconnect. I got broken into an average of 3 times a night resulting in lots of damage before doing that!
Gypsy108 said:
Scarey...yes you are lucky it wasn't worse !   Was it at a Walmart parking lot ? The bike he rode was probably stolen too...
Not at Wallmart

Of coarse I have no proof it was the bike rider, while he did not belong here I don't know for sure if it was him. There are lots of vagrants in the area because the railroad track is near and there are almost always tent encampments all along that wooded area.  

There is also a major bike trail that runs along that section of tracks so seeing people on bikes is very normal for this street but they don't usually ride around to the back of the building and look for cigarettes or ask questions about what businesses are in the building.
travelaround said:
Wow.. such terrible things happening, but you have good attitudes in handling this.
Car prowls are a fact of life, they happen everywhere in all kinds of places. I had one happen to me quite a few years ago.
Tonight I did a complete clean-out in the trailer except for some drawer runner brackets paper towels and an old vacuum cleaner. Fortunately my impact driver I thought the thief had taken was on the floor hidden between some bin boxes where they could not see it. But I realized during the cleanup that they did get a Dremel motor. I don't care about loosing that Dremel so I am not upset about that loss. But I will miss my drill motor. But Santa might bring me one or I might find my old one out along the railroad tracks or by the bike trail if they toss it when the batteries run down.

My conclusion is the thief was on foot or on a bike judging by how few items they took with them. Likely someone from one of the tarped tent shelters along the tracks. A new one showed up a few blocks from here the other week. Not that I would go there to look for it as there are some pretty fowl things in those camps as well as needles and such.
That's so messed up.. I know there are a few people like that even here in this small mountain town. Lately I've been keeping a nightlight on at night to show someone is in here.. especially if I'm parked alongside a roadway. Sort of the opposite of stealth.

We're having a few nice days before the next storm hits. It is cold though. Today is our book club at 11, senior lunch at 12, then writer's club. The book club is reading The Overstory, which won the Pulitzer prize for fiction this year. It is eco-fiction about trees.
Seven inches of rain predicted over the next 4 days. That is actually unusual weather for Seattle. Probably for the best, I have a lot do get done inside in the way of organizing, cleaning, downsizing and also some woodworking and sewing. Nice weather tempts me to go out and about instead of hunkering down and getting stuff done. So easy to let work be the last priority on a nice day. But I did go out for coffee with my friend this morning, great coffee, great friend, a nice little outing and fortunately a parking spot right near the door so we did not get totally soaked. Oh and amid the chaos indoors here I found some things I had misplaced, that made it a very good morning too.
Good Morning! 53 degrees in western OR  is great news - we were expecting an ice storm. Still very windy and some trees may come down and block the roads which I plan on driving on today. Some flooding reported. Wish I could hunker down instead.   ~crofter
bullfrog said:
Good test to see if anything leaks!  LOL!!!
No leaks in my travel trailer. I made sure of that when doing the renovation work. I rebuilt the windows and door with new gaskets, took them all out and put them back in with butyl rubber tape. All the inlets and outlets I put in are also well mounted into butyl rubber tape gasketing or other types of brand new gaskets. Every single screw that has threads going into or through the structure has buty tape on its threads to prevent water from running into the structure along via the screws. I have not needed to do any caulking because of the way I install all the fittings but if I did that would also be done nicely. I was trained by Boeing to do caulking jobs to extremely high standards. We had to go to yearly re certification classes in order to apply caulking to anything on the airplanes.