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I got the perfect Christmas gift tonight. A gift certificate for labor help. Specifically for helping install the brake controller unit that goes under the dash in my Honda Element. My model was not pre-wired for plugging in a brake controller so that means some of the labor required extended bending that I am unable to physically do. That is the part of the labor I was given a gift certificate for. Much better than getting a box of chocolates although that is also a great gift.
Great gift! I'd love to get free labor gift certificates. Awesome idea!

Not much new here. I had a wonderful Christmas with my youngest son, my youngest daughter and her family, and had dinner with the community... free dinners here on both Thanksgiving and Christmas. After all that I came down with a little cold... nothing major. I have my RV park space until the 29th then one more week until the current owners move out of the mobile home I'm buying... it will still be in escrow but I think they'll let me stay there. I'm thinking I'll have to boondock without a shower the last week and can't feel any enthusiasm for that. Heh... I like showers.
Good day.. having a happy life here in the snow less river valley near the Oregon/California border, and across my Facebook feed comes photos of snowy Arizona. Fresh grass is starting to grow here again, right next to my van, and there are little birds picking at the soil...

My escrow closes January 11 which is 20 years from the day I originally moved to this town. I will have an aging mobile home with projects that I hope family will take an interest in helping me with. Needs kitchen remodel and 3 ceilings replaced .. the two small bedrooms and master bathroom. I'm only 67.. I can do this, right? I have no experience whatsoever.. just youtube videos for instruction.

The carport is too low for my high roof van. I have an idea, to put the picnic table in there and make it a screened in porch area for an art studio. There's room in the front for a flower garden and room in back for a vegetable garden. It will also be a place to park and empty my van so I can build it out ... now that I've lived in it 6 months with nothing built in with a floor I have a better idea what I want and need in there. My daughter's skoolie will probably end up being built up in the backyard. .. if they can get it here from North Idaho... she and family are here now but the skoolie got left behind because it needs 1400 worth of upgrades to be roadworthy for the 800 mile trip.
If it is a metal carport some companies offer leg extensions. Of course they do need to be installed properly for stability and securing the roof so the wind does not pick it up. I would say best done by a carport installer with a couple of guys rather than DIY but with some research it might be attempted as a DIY. If it is a wood carport it is also possible to extend the height by building a short section of wall just under the roof. But that means releasing the current fasteners that tie the roof to the support post, then jacking the roof up on temporary supports, adding the new wall section in, fastening it to the post and lowering the roof onto it and then connecting the roof to the wall section. Quite a bit of work and some expense involved but raising the height can be done.

Depending on the damage to the ceiling and the type of structure that holds up the ceiling. You might be able to install some 1/4 thick sheet rock right over the current ceiling material without removing the old ceiling. You need to go to a sheet rock supply company to get 1/4" thick sheet rock. You don't have to be a contractor to buy from them. It is much easier to handle that weight of material than the 1/2" thick panels.

You might not have had the experience for these things but I have, I have remodeled a number of houses including skimming a ceiling with 1/4" thick sheet rock over a damaged ceiling. A bit tough on your neck and shoulders to work overhead for a lot of hours that are needed to get all screws put in and all the taping and plaster mud as well as sanding, priming and painting done. At 69 I can't do it anymore without first taking half a mild muscle relaxer pill and some OTC pain killers before I start working. Too much wear and tear arthritis in my neck, shoulders, hands, etc from years of doing those kinds of projects. It would likely take me 2 weeks of 24 hours of intermittent labor to accomplish what a young guy can do in about 12 hours of so of intermittent labor time over 3 or 4 days. I can do it, but not without a fair amount of pain.
travelaround said:
... I have an idea, to put the picnic table in there and make it a screened in porch area for an art studio. There's room in the front for a flower garden and room in back for a vegetable garden....
Congratulations in advance!! Sounds awesome, and an outside sitting area can give one a great deal of peace in your daily living. Nice to hear you are having a milder winter there.   ~crofter
maki2 said:
... some companies offer leg extensions.... 
I have heard of hair extensions. Maybe I could get some of those leg extensions, as I am really short on one end.   ~crofter
"Maybe I could get some of those leg extensions, as I am really short on one end." Thanks, Crofter, I needed that laugh!

"Not even cold tonight. I am so grateful."


The temp is dropping tonight in Central Florida...and I am grateful, too!
Hosting the first overnight guests of the year in my travel trailer on the first night of 2020. My workshop partner and his dog are going to stay in it off and on this week. A nice way to start the new year by having the trailer get camped in even if it is driveway camping.

As my friend Don is working a lot of hours on a major cleanup and downsizing at the workshop he is here late and early as well. So he and his big standard poodle are staying outside in the trailer. The bed is comfy enough other than my friend is a little tall for it since it is a cross wise bed. I put a small heater out there but I doubt he will run it more than warming the place up before he goes to sleep. The trailer is insulated and it is not freezing tonight. Any prowlers will get a big surprise if the shine a light into the glass on the door or windows and see  a big hairy dog trying to get them.

There have been too many prowlers around in the parking lot in the last few weeks including one who broke into the trailer. My neighbor also ran a couple of guys in an old brown van off at 1:30am on New Year's Eve. This dog is very intimidating to anyone who comes up to the vehicles, but he is a sweet heart of a pet. He is officially on the company books as security and as such his expenses including food and vet bills are tax deductible.

modest dog.jpg

His previous dog also did guard duty here, a very great watch dog too. He was sweet and gentle with his friends and with children. He was dumped in another friend's neighborhood when he was still young. Must have been abused, he automatically growled at anyone who smelled like cigarettes, alcohol or pot. He also would not go down into the cockpit on the boat, he had no problem with the deck area or going below decks in the cabin. So it is suspected whoever first had him tried to train him to be a pit fighter but that was simply not his nature, so they dumped him out of their car.

Well Jan 2 is going to be a busy day but nice to be working with my friend  on projects indoors in the workshop. I had better get to sleep now.

You all have a great day!


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Good morning!  42 degrees and rain with nighttime temps in the mid thirties in Western OR. Expected to rain all week, with some sunbreaks on Friday. Sounds like many will be travelling from the northern states for the January gatherings. Safe travels everyone!! And keep your toes warm!!          ~crofter

road conditions link for OR and some other states: once you get the map loaded you can move it around to look at some other states too.
My friend and his dog are back in the trailer for a second night. I think he is having fun playing camping in the trailer. This evening he put a temporary extension to the width of the bed at the bottom end of it so he can lay his feet out a more of an angle as my bed is to short for him.

He is also testing out the fresh air vent I incorporated into the entry door. It will be interesting to see how effective it was in reducing condensation on the inside of the windows on a cold, drizzly, Seattle night. He is not using the heater so I don't imagine it will do much other than providing some fresh air in a small space.

Tomorrow night I will set him up so he can make his coffee the next morning with my mini butane stove. That will give him more camping fun time. Adventure time without leaving home ;)
How's it going Maki? I'm glad to hear your trailer is getting nighttime protection from thieves... and how is your hand? When will you be traveling again?

Right now my thoughts are turned toward getting into the mobile home... which is anything but mobile, right? I need to empty this van.. though the bed will probably stay here for a while. Tonight I did a property drive by and saw a UHaul in the driveway. I should get the key sometime this week.

Tonight I was thinking how cool it would be to build an outdoor bathhouse for visiting vandwellers.. then thought.. why not make it so nice I'd want to use it too.. like a garden spa? Just daydreaming... though it could happen...
OK I will come stay there if you make it a wood fired, hot garden tub ;) 

Of course you will have to get through all those repairs to the mobile home first. But while working on the repairs you will be longing for that hot tub and wishing it had been the first of the improvements. You will see a whole lot more of your family if you have one, maybe even in the very literal sense of seeing way too much of them. The perfect bait to catch volunteer laborers.

My wrist/arm is progressing right on schedule regarding normal healing time.  No clue when I will be done with my trailer renovation. Hopefully before spring. But no time to work on it this week, its sorting, cleaning and organizing at the workshop time.
I slept in the trailer last night and confirmed that the 28" width of the bed was indeed just right for my night time comfort. I did not feel at all cramped by the size of the mattress and it was plenty long as well.

But the mattress is a bit too firm for my taste. Tonight I will use my self inflating mattress or one of my thick foam camping pads on top of the bed cushions and that will hopefully make a pillow top that feels just right, not too soft, not too firm but a well supported foundation under it. I should wake up less sore with the softer pillow top addition.

I suffer from Golidlock's syndrome, no cure for it, it is a physical condition, not a psychological one. Most people who read her story don't realize she had arthritis therefore the size of spoon handles, the softness of the mattress and the size and shape of a chair had to be just right or else she was in pain.
Good morning everyone! 45 degrees and breezy in western OR, it has been raining buckets. I have been working on my garage ( in the van) bringing order to chaos. Thinking of adding a shelf and about 50 more bungees to keep stuff from moving.  -crofter
You need a barrel full of bungees :)
Then you can empty the bungees out of the barrel and fill the barrel with all that stuff to keep it from moving around.
maki2 said:
You need a barrel full of bungees :)....
Too funny! Van garage is done, now I want a back porch so checking into that. Good for hauling the stuff I can't seem to turn loose of, plus I can stand on it and shower (in my swimming suit). I put some finishing touches on the interior of the van and really like the way it turned out. Got the van serviced and ready to go. Had some sun breaks today, but back to 43 degrees snd rain.   -crofter
Back porches work well for finding assistance in getting rid of the stuff you can't let go of.

Speaking of letting go of stuff.
Doing some downsizing and had my car loaded with some stuff headed for the Goodwill. A nearby neighbor stopped to say hi, I was standing at the back of my Honda Element finishing loading it up and as it turned out he was in real need of almost all the stuff I was letting go of. He has had a really bad time in his life lately so I was glad to be able to help out with a direct donation to a friend in need.

Sometimes the timing of letting go and acquiring what you are in need of works out perfectly.
I am tired of sorting and organizing my stuff so it looks clean and tidy in the workshop. Someone please come rescue me from "housework" hell. Oh well it will all be over in another day. This is all about the fire department coming to inspect the space. Happens every 2 years in a commercial building. But when it is done I won't be able to find anything as it is all put away instead of being where it normally lives.
If you are tired of sorting and organizing your stuff why don’t you come over and organize and sort mine instead.