gas prices

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In the Los Angeles area it's hovering around $4.10. But as high as $4.60 and haven't seen it lower than $3.95.

this really hurts as I wrecked my Chevy HHR and now driving my van full time, just went from 21 mpg to 14 at best :(

So I see it this way I just went to $8.00 a gallon OUCH.
why is gas so expensive in kali? lots of reasons, a new refinery hasn't been built in 40+years, but the number of cars in that time has exploded 20 times. kali has it's very own special blend of gas, not used anywhere else in the nation. besides the regular road tax(quite high) you have sales tax, carbon tax, and of course federal highway tax. the lack of refinery capacity makes any problem with a refinery magnified, any shut down causes a shortage. it isn't hard to figure out why we have this problem. but in the end it's the people that can least afford it, that gets hurt the worse. highdesertranger
It really ticks me off that all the suppliers have to do is artificially restrict the supply and make prices skyrocket. The demand for Gas when prices increase is barely reduced. It is not as if any stations are saying, 'sorry, no gas available'.

In my View this is simple manipulation by big Oil and their captive consumer has no choice, but to not drive, and for most, that is not an option.

I have not driven in several days, but last I did, the cheapest i saw was 4.24$ for 87 octane and the station across the street was 4.74$

And Oh yeah, don't forget about the 9/10 of a cent too.

I wish I filled up before the prices jumped 40 cents overnight one day last week. As if the stations tanks dried out that night and a new tanker with with more expensive artificially restricted supply filled the storage tanks in the wee hours and somehow justifies the price increase.

I am also sick of hearing that stations make so little money on the gas they sell and that all the profit comes from the convenience store attached to the station. I don't believe it, as it is impossible to believe when overnight a station raises prices by 5% because some Arab had diarrhea.

These refinery fires are also highly suspicious in my opinion.
I don't know what kind of profit percentage the store makes on selling gas but I have often seen if they stop selling gas they eventually go out of business.  The gas draws the customers.  They stop for gas then decide to buy the more expensive but 'convenient' food and drink.  They can't get by without the gas sales.  What bugs me is there can be (and is here locally) as much as 32 cents a gallon difference in price of gas at two nearby stations.  Weird.
stern all the major refiners have tried to get permits to expand or build addition refineries. they are all bogged down in the permitting process. Valero has been bogged down for 20 years trying to build a new refinery. all this info is readily available. basically the powers that be in kalifornia don't want you or me or anybody else driving our global warming, petroleum burning, oil spill causing vehicles. my 2cents. highdesertranger
My uncle had an Atlantic Station in the sixties.  They were an eastern company that eventually merged with a western company called Richfield to become the nationwide chain Atlantic Richfield (ARCO).

I used to pump gas for him.  I was in my teens, and this was LONG before self-service.

I remember that gas was 30 cents a gallon.  If our price was 32 cents, and the station down the street was selling it for 29 cents.  I actually had people calling us "thieves"!

I don't think Uncle Dom made more that 2 or 3 cents a gallon.  This was the pre-convenience mart days.  He made his living running a repair business in the two bay garage.

The company was always pushing us to move more gas.  The regional rep was a real prick. They always had glass giveaways and such that we were EXPECTED to buy.  We also had the Triple S Blue stamps.  The threat they used was that if they didn't like the way we were running the station, they wouldn't renew the lease.

Anyway, I distinctly remember that the company used to call us right before a holiday like Memorial Day and order us to jack the price up by two or three cents, then they would lower it back down after the holiday.

It's like the car prices of "$29,999" instead of "$30,000".  Backing off that tiny amount looks in the customer's mind like he's getting a break on price, but he's not.  So $2.99.9 a gallon reads better than $3.00 a gallon. The pumps aren't calibrated to take that nine tenths into consideration - it'll still ring up a $3.00 sale.

Some people's 'salesmanship' is another's highway robbery.
New Mexico: Yesterday I paid $2.619 in South Valley/ABQ. In Socorro, the town I am currently in, it's $2.679. In Roswell, I would have paid $2.529 at the local Sam's Club where I normally bought gas from. And those are all great prices compared to Capitan (the middle of nowhere or the "bathroom break" between Roswell & Socorro) which is $2.799. These are all regular gas prices.
Remarkably gas was down as low as 2.18 coming through Georgia this last weekend.
Back in the 60's I had a friend who ran a Chevron station. One day I asked hi about the 9/10th of cent price, and he told me that was their profit on a gallon of gas.

My immediate reaction was why? He explained the extra work involved was the cheapest way for him to get a shop space on a major street, and that was where they actually made their money.

Last week, I asked the owner of a small Mom & Pop gas station the same question, and the answer was pretty much identical to that of my friend so many years ago, except they run a small store in the former service bays. He told me the gas was a pain in the butt, but it was mandatory, and they had no control over the price, and the 9/10 cent profit they made on the gas only covered about 1/3 the price of their rent.
Gas prices have finally dropped into the $2.20's here at the cheaper stations.  High stations are still showing $2.69 to $2.79 - weird.   Two close stations can still have twenty cents or more difference in price.  But over all, most are dropping a bit at a time.
One close station has had their pump handles bagged for a few months now.  I expect they will close soon.  I rarely see customers there, as the gas draws them in so they buy stuff at the store.  With three other gas station/stores close by, they have no way to draw the customers.
I have news for you they make more than 9tenths of a cent of each gallon. not saying it's a lot of money but it's more than 9/10 of a cent. back in the day, when I worked at gas stations(70's) it was between 3 and 5 cents. now it's more, not a lot more but more(5-10cents). btw here in kalifornia the price of gas has dropped a little but so has diesel, so gas is still 1.10 or more above diesel. highdesertranger
I filled up halfway between Canton and Berlin Center, Ohio, for 2.14 a gallon... Cheapest I've seen in a long time. A man near me filling up said gas is supposed to go below 2 per gallon soon. Hope he is right!
Drove into town today, and I saw a station that has a "membership" price of $2.79 a gallon Regular, and "nonmembers" price of $2.97!!  YOUCH!  It used to be a BP station but has switched to a different corp.  Most of our BPs have switched.
I gassed up two days ago in my AO for $2.28 a gallon.  :cool:
Yesterday I paid 2.49 / gal for diesel at Meyers in Ohio.  The price of crude keeps dropping, but the government will use the opportunity to raise taxes on oil products.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Filled up at a Mobil station in the mid-hudson valley (NY)  yesterday.  Posted price was $2.95 a gallon.  Turns out that's the credit card price.  Cash price was $2.85.  Use of their ExxonMobil card got the cash price.  Good reason to have gas company cards as well as Visa or Mastercard.

Something tells me the interest you pay cancels out that savings ....  2.19 around here now.
Since the price of a barrel of oil is now so low, Big OIL has decided the best way to keep profits high is by restricting supply at the refinery level. It is not as if this reduced demand by any significant percentage.

When the price of a barrel of oil is north of 80$ a barrell then there are not ever any bottlenecks at refineries, and they can easily meet demand. But as soon as the price per barrell drops to unsustainable profit level, then all of a sudden there are problems refining the required amount? Effing BS.

Cheapest I saw yesterday was $3.89 a gallon, and the news around here is saying to expect the prices to rise again.