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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2010
Reaction score
<font class="Apple-style-span" size="4">here is a place where you can share with others about your conversion or build-out, and keep us updated on your progress.&nbsp;</font><div><font class="Apple-style-span" size="4"><br></font></div><div><font class="Apple-style-span" size="4">i suggest when starting your thread, pick a title that includes the type of vehicle or rig, or some identifying factor that will make it easy for people to find you. this thread will be dedicated to just that build, or questions related to it. everyone gets their own thread! it will be a great way to document, and to look back on your progress, as well as a great teaching tool for others!</font></div>
Hi everybody! I'm going to be doing some maintenance on this forum, moving lost threads to the right forums, sorting out some topic hijacks, stuff like that. One thing I want to clarify about the idea of this is like a journal or a diary about your rig (or search for one), your build or, and down the road. Just like you wouldn't start a new diary every time you did something new or traveled to a different town, I picture each person having one journal thread, and all of your updates go in that same thread. This will make searching for info on any persons rig very simple, and make life easier for those with slow connections. Opening multiple pages for info on one persons conversion is hard for some.

Also, this is a journal-type forum. If you have general questions about conversions, this is not the place for it, unless it can be asked under your thread. Direct general questions to the appropriate forum, there is even a forum for questions you don't know where else to ask :) I will be consolidating some of these threads in the coming days, and redirecting lonesome topics. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me!
Also: you have the ability to move your own threads, if those with multiple threads here wish to move your own stuff around :)
<EM><STRONG><SPAN style="COLOR: #888888">Sorry kate, just got round to reading this, I think I might have multiple threads here. Geoff</SPAN></STRONG></EM>
Not a problem, sweetie. Im playing catchup doing backlogged general maintenance that will keep me out of trouble for a while. If I see something that catches my eye, i'll PM you :)