Ford E450 Box Truck RV Conversion

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I just read through your build! Awesome job! I love a good build thread.

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Finally got reading thru the build so far. Awesome Brad!! Don't forget to come my way to show it off!! See you soon and yes the Hogfish was excellent ;-)
Hopefully you get to spend more time next trip...but I'm sure Sandy's made it all worthwhile ;)

Always fun to meet people from the forums, glad you reached out!
Finally feel like I'm making some progress again...between the holiday, the flu, and picking up some side jobs, been feeling frustrated. All good though, I think I needed a break anyway, I feel more enthusiastic again. Tackled electric and it's been challenging to say the least.

While not done with it, I now have 24v solar charging batteries, inverter is powered and auto-transfer box works to allow shore power, breaker sub--panel in, everything fused and switched.

I was very happy to find that even at this time of year and at 4:15pm, the solar not only powered the AC but also had a little left to float battery bank. The next test will be to see how long it can run off battery only.


more gizmos then i need to know about,

24v batteries powering an inverter and lights/appliances 110?
a mix like a factory rv?
Gary68 said:
more gizmos then i need to know about,

24v batteries powering an inverter and lights/appliances 110?
a mix like a factory rv?

More gizmos than I knew existed 12 months ago   ;)

24v powers inverter -> AC/PC/microwave...think I got a 24v water pump too.

12v powers lights, fans, bed lift, 'fridge.
I got some more wiring done, including getting the secondary 12v solar system operational. With a clearer picture of my wiring pathways, I took a break from crimping wires and scratching my head, and did some work on the ceiling.

I quickly remembered one of the things I'd been avoiding, which is how to deal with the curved front roof transition to the wall. I had a piece of nice mahogany plywood around, so I kerfed the backside every 1/2" to get it to bend. That was 40+ chalk lines and skill saw cuts, and my elbow is still feeling it a day later. 


Here I have it all kerfed and rigged in a simple jig to get it bent, spraying with water a few times and allowing the sun and a little weight to do the rest:


Fortunately it worked out and didn't split when getting it installed:


I had a stash of nice double sided laminate on hand from a store remodel that I want to use as ceiling panels. Unfortunately it's not T&G, so all my seams will have baton strips. Getting it to merge into the curved mahogany took some playing around, but I like the result:



Gotta do some side work next weekend or two, but nice to have visual progress for when I get back to it.
Looks great Brad.
Are you planning on LED ceiling lighting? I ask as it looks like your wiring is in. I thought I wanted wall lights but now that they are installed i'm wishing I'd run wires/ lights down the center. Would have been easier to add front and rear switches in my configuration.

Keep the photo's coming.
I'm going to put 3 LEDs down the center on a dimmer, two 3-way switches. Since I didn't like how the panels butt together and will cover with baton strips, this actually made wiring simple, as I just ran on the surface and gapped the panels...
Yeah, thought about doing an update last weekend, but it was all hidden wiring stuff and not very photogenic. Also have had a few nice side jobs come my way...the type where ya don't feel like doing it so double the price hoping they'll go away, but instead ask when you can start...

Thanks for your interest :)
I got a couple things done (or worked on) that are a bit more photogenic than wire splicing and pulls. And if you haven't seen it, check out my progress video on Youtube:  Van Tour - Off Grid AND Stealth A/C

Rather than fight gravity trying to run a drain line across the truck, I'm going with two gray tanks...a 25 gal under bathroom shower, and a 10 gal under kitchen sink. I expect the sink could just drain straight to the ground, but can envision many circumstances where I may not want to advertise my presence with water running out. So the 10 gal goes inside cabinet, and the 25 gal gets mounted up underneath:


The tanks can come with standard fittings, which are the orange plugs, but it hadn't occurred to me that those are just temp plugs to keep the dirt out. Point being that even if I'm not going to use the hole, it still needs a threaded fitting and cap put on it. I couldn't commit to an exact location of the drain entry into top of tank, so I'll be adding that myself later. It will be going in front of passenger rear tires:


Mounting will consist of 1/2" all thread, unistrut, and some pvc over the allthread...and a 1/2" plywood top/bottom for protection of tank + support:





I like those tank mounts.
That IS a big sink , you could do your laundry in it !!
Congrats on the nice jobs that came your way :)

Also, I'm a long time internet snooper looking at all sorts of tinyhouse/van/boxtruck conversions I could find anywhere on the web. But yours is my most favorite. I feel like you solve problems in a similar way I would try to (example, with power you went stealth solar, with batteries, and shore power capabilities (Except I would have gone with an inverter that does pass through... but close enough :)). That said, I just got my first big boy job and am just over a year in, so a lack of discrecionary income will keep me from following in your footsteps. As such, I am living vicariously through your build (and your updates) which is why I am such a big fan :D

So now that that's out of the way, one more round of an applause at how far you've made it :)

Also, I am thoroughly impressed how much you were able to get under the floor (batteries and shower tank) without impacting ground clearance (at least from the looks of it)!

So now for a barage of questions ^^

1) One nit I would point out is that, I know you live in Florida, but insulation on the shower Gray water tank might be a good idea if you'd like to travel more in the future. Or does the tank flex enough and it's not an issue?

2) Since you have shore power will you have a 100ft extension cord reel and 100ft food grade hose reel under the truck too? That way you could have "shore-hookups"?

3) Also, are you going to put the freshwater tank underneath as well? And what size are you hoping to muster?

4) Also, it looked like you cut the bottom of your cabinet to have extra space since the gray water tank will be lower that way. But why did you cut the bottom of the cabinet side that had the drawers?

PS: 5) Also, is that a composting toilet or a holding tank toilet? (I'd guess composting but I can't tell) I personally couldn't make a definitive decision of what's better so I'm wondering what you went with.
Electrolight said:
1) One nit I would point out is that, I know you live in Florida, but insulation on the shower Gray water tank might be a good idea if you'd like to travel more in the future. Or does the tank flex enough and it's not an issue?

2) Since you have shore power will you have a 100ft extension cord reel and 100ft food grade hose reel under the truck too? That way you could have "shore-hookups"?

3) Also, are you going to put the freshwater tank underneath as well? And what size are you hoping to muster?

4) Also, it looked like you cut the bottom of your cabinet to have extra space since the gray water tank will be lower that way. But why did you cut the bottom of the cabinet side that had the drawers?

PS: 5) Also, is that a composting toilet or a holding tank toilet? (I'd guess composting but I can't tell) I personally couldn't make a definitive decision of what's better so I'm wondering what you went with.

Thanks for your kind words Electrolight.

1) I don't have plans to be in any freezing temps anytime soon, but I have given thought to future-proofing the build for cold weather. I decided that just insulation probably wouldn't be enough for the fresh and gray tanks, that I would want the low draw heating coils too. And I decided that's something I'm perfectly ok with leaving off for now and putting on the to-do-someday list   ;)

2) I always have cords around, but as I get older I avoid the 100 elbow hurts winding'em up. As for a hose, I don't believe that with a 50 gal tank I will ever feel the need to be hooked up to water other than refilling it. 

3) 50 gal fresh tank just got delivered and install is on this weekends list. It will also go underneath on opposite side.

4) I removed wood from the cabinets for weight reduction primarily...took out around 40lbs. But I also will route utilities underneath, so fair chance I'll be happy for easier access down the road. I plan to run a black pipe for gas there too, even though I'm going to start out with induction cooktop...but pipe will be in place whould I change up later.

5) It's a Nature's Head addition to all the reviews, I know people who have them and have only good things to say. I really don't want a black tank.