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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2014
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Well, I guess this is it - somewhat.. lol. I finished out my lease, quit my job and left a place that I didn't really want to be. In this past year of getting ready to leave, I unloaded so much junk that I had been carrying around - it's embarrassing to say just how much - so I won't.

Soooo, here I am in Texas for the winter to see my grown kids and take care of a storage unit that I have been paying on for 5 years. I have gone through and picked out a few small items to keep. I've made arrangements for the rest to go to auction just after Christmas.

I do have a dilemma that I am thinking on. I have my car - Nissan Versa 2010 that is paid for. Great on gas but I really don't want to live in it. My son has a 1993 Ford Econoline Starcraft Custom Van - in great shape and 65thousand miles. He wants to sell it for 3 thou. My thoughts were to maybe buy it and it would be a start - plus something that could later pull a small trailer?

Right now I am kind of test driving it out and sleeping in it out in front of his place. (it has a bed in the back end) Planning to do that and work here over the winter driving my car. Then possibly selling the car to get a trailer.

There have been so many emotional changes lately that I'm just not sure if this is good thinking - to get rid of newer car for older van (and hopefully a trailer in the spring)

What do you all think?
Taking it slow is never a bad thing. You're lucky to have a place to ponder these life changes. That sounds like a good price onyour son's van.

I traded my 2002 Ford Ranger for the interior make-over of my 1989 Ford Class C. Never regretted it for a minute. If the moblile life is what you want, then you'll be happy with the trade.
I think you've already answered your own question - you don't want the car. It's holding your back from living on the road. Being paid for and in good condition should mean it's easy to sell.

Without knowing more about the van it sounds like a great place to start.
This sounds like the perfect time and place for you to buy a van. You know the seller, you know the van and you can even try it out to see if it's a good fit for you. Take a few small trips. Don't rush out and buy a bunch of stuff but if you don't have anything right now get a good sleeping bag or down comforter, a camp stove and and a cooler. It's hard to figure out what setup will work the best for you. People change their minds all the time but a van is a great place to start.
Thanks for the encouragement - last night I slept so well in the van and woke up thinking about what changes to make on the inside. I will definitely go get get a sleeping bag - it's supposed to be cold the next few days.
When buying a sleeping bag check the temperature rating for it, for winter I like to get one that is at least rated for 20 degrees but zero is better. If the sleeping bag doesn't have a hood like on the mummy style then I like to have a comforter or thick blanket I can pull over my head, this has kept me very warm in the winter.