Finding toilet paper

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your new vocabulary word of the day....coprolites
maybe you will find some, maybe you will create some..someday

Just a bit of bathroom humor, because everybody poops.
We are still out of toilet paper in southern AZ. A friend went to Walmart at the crack of dawn and waited with others until the store opened. She was able to buy the rationed amount. Then they ran out again.

I still like wipes better than water sprays,  so ordered wipes online. They are also healthier than TP for older people to use, and can be disposed of in the garbage.
It is not possible to buy TP, paper towels, or many first aid items anywhere now. 

The alcohol wipes for the first aid kit and rubbing alcohol are out, hand sanitizer out, thermometers out. We switched from paper towels to cloths which can be laundered. You can make your own by cutting an old towel in quarters. 

There is still plenty of fresh air to had, so I'm going for a walk to get some of that.  -crofter
crofter, I am rationing my supply using the method described in post #59.
Aw spiff, too shy to take a picture of yerself doing it.
DanielParkins said:
First off, this is the funniest thing to happen amind the crisis situation. People have totally flipped their minds over TP like there's no tomorrow. What's going on in their mind I really can't figure out. Corona doesn't give mass diarheea, don't realize how people got it in their heads that everyone will be mass-infected with it. Alas, it is what it is, and unfortunately for those who are out of TP and just want to buy some rolls like any normal person, you're gonna have a bad time for a while. Maybe it's best to order a bidet and install it quickly, cause who knows how long it takes until people understand they don't need to buy out all the TP in stores.
I heard that it is because when faced with a crisis most people cr@p themselves.  After all this I think that is EXACTLY what happened.
@desert sailing

That is too funny. 

The wipes came in 2 days. They insisted on speed shipping for free, even though we are not actually out yet. Very nice, they were worth the price.   -crofter
Just bought a pack of 24 rolls online at I wasn't even thinking this could be a real problem - I assumed it was like a first week thing that everyone would get over. But I'm about to run out, and haven't been able to find any anywhere. Some jerk is price-gouging on Amazon. Even ULine, where I used to buy supplies for my store, is out. The Walmart TP isn't going to arrive until the 10th so I will be rationing. LOL. What a crazy thing.
highdesertranger said:
Joe i deleted your post.  it had nothing to do with the thread and was dealing with a illegal substance.  i thought it would be obvious to you why it was deleted,  sorry.  highdesertranger

As someone who questions intrusive or otherwise heavy-handed moderation, I very much appreciate this explanation just on principle.  It's the right way to do it, IMO.  Simple, clear, and respectful.
Butts in the wind ...
All we are is butts in the ...

(chorus) All we are is butts in the

All we are is butts in the wind ....

Cue violins ...

I work at Safeway now. For three weeks, we have had no toilet paper on the shelves. One of our assistant managers showed me the footage from the phone camera she set up at the end of the toilet paper and paper towel aisle a few days back at 6 a.m., the store's opening. As soon as the doors opened, the shopping carts chugged in like train cars in a direct line down the store through the aisle picking up toilet paper. Even though we had by that time limited purchases to two packages at a time, the store was cleaned out of toilet paper in five minutes.

This has gotten really silly. My workmate's mother works at Winco. Her mother tells her of a lady who a week earlier, when there was no limits, filled five shopping carts with paper products and guided them through the long lines to the cashiers. "I have five children," she said, "and I'm going to get enough for every one."

I guess she expected the apocalypse was imminent, and that pooping was impossible without the products of advanced industry.

I also heard tell of someone a couple weeks ago who had already made over $50,000 selling toilet paper on Amazon. And another in our town who was supposedly being mobbed with dollars while selling rolls outside Walmart from his van.

Meanwhile, I have seen videos saying some tourists are buying up thermometers by the suitcase full and selling them for 10x the price in their home countries.

For the last three days, we have had toilet paper when I arrived at work. For the last day, it was there at the end of my shift. Paper towels too, after weeks of neither. So that's a good thing. People are either too afraid to come out and buy, or have bought themselves out already.

But people are wearing masks more. Looking frightened, sometimes hostile, sometimes aggrieved anyone would come within the poo-pooed six-foot range of them despite the fact that there are few grocery store aisles that wide.

But there are some with their heads on, IMO, straight. They might smile and say thank you for still being out here. Safeway gave us a flyer saying we are federally designated as part of the vital infrastructure of the U.S. and not to stop us at any time. It's to put on your dashboard. I am seeing my mother less, who does rely on me emotionally for company, but it seems for the best and she does seem frankly a bit scared to see me sometimes. The moreso since I am in contact with many strangers every day.

But I am not isolating from others I live with and see every day. I hope we can continue to keep our heads on relatively straight in these and the coming days. I like the fun some people are having with this, like creating some amazing toilet-paper themed pastries and earrings, etc. Some of them are extremely well-done and hilarious.

We still have a need to be well done and hilarious these days.
I live in the country.What is this "toilet paper"thing you speak of?
I like to have fun with the check out girls at a local store. They like to give it back. I asked today where I could find the hand sanitizer and she said next to that large skid of TP in isle 11. Of course they had no sanitizer, no TP, and no aisle 11.
Today I went to another grocery store and it was my first instance of seeing customers yelling at each other. A very downscale looking woman was screaming at someone in another aisle I couldn't see around the bend of, about how she shouldn't get so close. My cart was parked, say, 10 feet inside a nearer aisle that the woman's friend got into and blocked, hovering. I couldn't get by, which made me think I might get yelled at too. Anyway the yeller saw me pass tightly by and complained to her friend that nobody should be getting close in a pandemic and that the lady she yelled at shouldn't have called her trash because she was in the right.

Everybody was close to everybody, all through the supermarket, as of course you are in narrow supermarket aisles.

I was happy to start and remain no part of that.

But I think more of it is coming.

I have for the first time seen people coming into our store with guns on their hips. I hope they are not the yelling type.
Dingfelder said:
I have for the first time seen people coming into our store with guns on their hips.  I hope they are not the yelling type.
Well of course they come in armed, they have to be sure people let them get to the TP before it is all gone. Only way to do that is to pull a gun on em and then guard it all the way home.
I would offer to share some free TP with all you people who can't find it but I don't want to get arrested for hosting an "event".
I got lucky before all this hit the fan. T paper was on sell in early Feb. and I always stock up when things are on sale. T-paper and Coffee, two most important things to have.