Finding toilet paper

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I just talked to my neighbor from the balcony, and she is getting grocery home delivery from Smith's, so she doesn't have to go to the store.
crofter said:
Along those lines, has anyone tried to do banking this week? I am working on financial stuff and the bank seems to have ground to a complete halt. The only service available is online, everyone else will talk to you but do nothing, no financial transactions happening. What's the deal with that?  Maybe they have gone out of business and I just don't know it yet.  ~crofter
But on a positive note, I was able to complete 99% of my transactions online. I have never done most of that stuff, so was quite amazing to have everything completed just like the bankers do. I now have a new bank account in a different state, money is transferred, and most of my personal information corrected post relocating. So now you know, you don't need to go to the bank for anything.   ~crofter
Three days ago I went into the lobby of my local small town (national name) bank and asked how much cash can I withdraw. $500. I was shocked! She said they had had a run on cash and were limiting cash withdrawals to $500. Debit cards, checks, electronic transactions were all as normal, just a shortage of cash in the vault, presumably from people taking out more cash than usual.

The atm allowed up to my card limit, which is higher than $500.

The credit union, however, had their normal limit of $5000. These are in a small town and do not keep very large amounts of cash on hand. If you want more, you must give notice in advance and that is their normal procedure.
Stargazer said:
Three days ago I went into the lobby of my local small town (national name) bank and asked how much cash can I withdraw.  $500.

Did you ask out of curiosity or were you wanting to withdraw more than $500?

Just curious. :p
I wanted to withdraw more than $500.

Just went there again. The lobby is closed, open by appointment only. Drive through is open. I asked why the lobby is closed and was told due to the virus. She (the bank manager) said all banking and credit union facilities in the area are cloaing their lobbies but drive thrus and atms will remain open.
Most of the time I use cash for purchases but today I was glad to be able to just slip in my CC for meds and groceries. I noticed that at the pharmacy they just asked me if I needed to talk with a pharmacist and didn't require using a stylus to 'sign' the touch screen as usual.
On the PA Health Departments web site I read that as long as I wore a mask and gloves I could go to the store with no problems. They lied, everyone else at the store was wearing clothes.
In Seattle a lot of stores are now no cash allowed, they don't want to touch dirty money. I guess everyone in Seattle will soon be required to launder their money :) So maybe this next week when I list some things for sale on craigslist I need to state clean cash only!

Nah, of course I will happy to take their money. I can just leave it in my pockets when I wash my jeans...I know that works for sure having done it more than once or twice.
crofter said:
But on a positive note, I was able to complete 99% of my transactions online. I have never done most of that stuff, so was quite amazing to have everything completed just like the bankers do. I now have a new bank account in a different state, money is transferred, and most of my personal information corrected post relocating. So now you know, you don't need to go to the bank for anything.   ~crofter
I rarely ever go into a bank, been that way for quite a long time.

But I can understand why people take out cash reserves in an emergency. That is the standard way we have been told to prepare for emergency situations such as hurricanes, earthquakes and such where the electricity might go out. So yes that part is very easy to understand.  They could be afraid that somehow the electronic access would fail if too many people fall ill and can't take care of the computers or fill the cash machines. Not likely for everything to crash but certainly there could be some issues with some machines here and there not being serviced as often as normal. Cash works in a crisis.  There have been several times last November and December when I went to the Post office to buy postage and found that their electronic payment system was down and they could only take cash payment.
There were just too many security breaches for comfort. The hackers are always just one step ahead. I tired of fighting for what is mine; I tired of always looking over my shoulder. Is this website secure? Is this card reader okay? Check your accounts every day! Not to mention being tracked with every purchase.

Cash always works and is hack proof and private. Simple and easy. It took time to stop all the e-bills and statements. But it was worth it!
That's fine if you're stationary but if you're on the road not so much. SSI is deposited into my account. How messed up it would be if I still received paper checks that would need to be forwarded to me by a mail service. The hassle and fees for cashing the check and then dealing with what to do with the cash. Carrying a sizeable amount around or converting it into more checks. No thanks.
Unfortunately cash is not accepted in more and more places. Try renting a car with cash. I had the wife with me (she is not into sleeping in the van) for a trip to KY in November and went to check in at a Best Western in VA. NO CASH Allowed. I do not have a credit card (on purpose) and my debit card was running low. So I am standing there with $900.00 in my wallet and told I cant have a $89.00 room. And I think we are off topic:)
nature lover said:
Unfortunately cash is not accepted in more and more places.... And I think we are off topic:)....
So true. There is a basic difference between cash and mountain money. But I will say that searching online for a case of TP I found that I could get one delivered for hundreds of dollars. For me that brought the two much closer.  -crofter
If you are in Seattle and desperate for a roll of toliet paper, drive up, honk 4 times 2 long beeps , 2 short beeps and I will toss you a roll down from the balcony. But be quick about catching it if it is raining, you don't want it to land in the giant sized, water filled, potholes in the parking lot.
OK. Let's say you decide to use a public bathroom to save toilet paper. Then you have to use at least one good sanitizing wipe to clean the seat before you mash and rub your but cheeks all over it for 10 - 20 minutes. Then, you are trapped in there, with your pants literally down, if some infected idiot comes in and starts coughing in the stall next to you. Even if they don't cough, Covid-19 has now been down to be in feces. So, when the infected idiot flushes in the stall next to you, not only are you getting feces vapor on you (which I can tolerate because that ain't killed to many people) you are getting a nice misting of Covid-19 all over you.

Nope. No thank you. I'd rather cop a squat in the desert and wipe my a** on a rock.
I have an idea (not a fact that I know) that there is no tp in the pubic restrooms due to the idiot hoarders stealing it
That's probably true at many locations. Aren't people wonderful?
The situation when I went on a 21 day camping trip to France... They don't even put TP in their public restrooms, not just empty, they don't even have a place for it. You have to bring your own. But at least the restrooms at the airport were stocked. Not that it matters since no one is traveling to France from the USA in the near future.
LOL, I backpacked in France several decades ago and remember a restroom assistant that tore several squares off the TP roll and handed them to me. I think she sized up each person in her mind, estimated their weight and calculated how many squares they qualified for.....remember the Steinbeck "can't spare a square" episode?