Today I went to another grocery store and it was my first instance of seeing customers yelling at each other. A very downscale looking woman was screaming at someone in another aisle I couldn't see around the bend of, about how she shouldn't get so close. My cart was parked, say, 10 feet inside a nearer aisle that the woman's friend got into and blocked, hovering. I couldn't get by, which made me think I might get yelled at too. Anyway the yeller saw me pass tightly by and complained to her friend that nobody should be getting close in a pandemic and that the lady she yelled at shouldn't have called her trash because she was in the right.
Everybody was close to everybody, all through the supermarket, as of course you are in narrow supermarket aisles.
I was happy to start and remain no part of that.
But I think more of it is coming.
I have for the first time seen people coming into our store with guns on their hips. I hope they are not the yelling type.