Well, pretty happy. The unit arrived in perfect shape. I plugged it into my killawatt and then into 110 power in my house. It read 72 degrees on the lcd. Ambient house temperature is 75 degrees. It kicked the compressor on after I set the unit to 32. It ran for 30 minutes at 60 watts (plus or minus a watt or two). Stopped when it hit 32... a few seconds later lcd read 30.
I opened it, put my hand inside to feel the wall, and felt a tiny bit of frost near the top , a few inches below the opening for the lid.
Pretty impressive. Right now it is showing 2.2 watts being used while it is idle.
I opened it, put my hand inside to feel the wall, and felt a tiny bit of frost near the top , a few inches below the opening for the lid.
Pretty impressive. Right now it is showing 2.2 watts being used while it is idle.