Dear Photobucket, Rot in Hell

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Kinda of wondering how many people worldwide have deleted their accounts and raised a giant middle finger at them.
I just got around to it. My adblocker said it blocked 58 ads on the page which said they would wait 48 hours before deleting it.

 free 3rd party  image/ picture hosting from here:

No membership required

Just got to add the {IMG}  {/IMG} tags around direct link

Substitute the [ for {
On every forum I've belonged to, I always hated seeing links to PhotoBucket or Flickr.  Always slow and full of ads and you have to go through many contortions to click on and open the actual URL of the image itself and not inside the person's account.  I never used either one myself.  Years ago, I used, they were good.  They shut down for a while and then came back, but I don't know if they're still around anymore.  

But Google Photos is so much better and easier than any of them.  You can upload images to Google Drive, too.  Free and lots of space.  With Google available, I never understood why anyone bothered with PB or Flickr - yecch. Most VBulletin forums similar to this one allow members to have albums and then you can link to those in your posts - but it seems this one doesn't.
Citywoman, this site definitely does have the ability to store your own photos here, I use it any time I put up a pic.

I've never used any of the third party hosting sites. Every time I tried to figure them out I gave up in disgust at either my inability to figure it out or their inability to make it simple.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Here's the tutorial on posting photos.
I' a bout done with them as well.

do consider that if you have pics in PB that are linked to other sites you may want to keep them there and the account active.

I have some pics here and on a couple of RC sites. I hate it when I look at an older post and the pictures are not there because an account has closed or the user has deleted the pictures from the host.
Every picture hosted by photobucket on a free account on every website/forum everywhere, but photobucket itself, is no longer functioning due to their extortion, kidnapping and money grab.

Who in their right mind would pay 400$ a year just to have a third party host their photos. granted they  have lower tiers but still.

This is as ridiculous as those big pharma companies raising prices 5000% on potentially life saving drugs, and giving the executives golden parachutes and bonuses for what might be considered 2nd degree murder.
It's a legal version of ransom-ware..

' Ve hav yor stuff, you must pay to get it back'....(the use of it back)
Interesting that they hired a new CEO in January...a bunch of long-term employees left, then this debacle. Basically, they just committed digital suicide.