Cyrus the Acceptable

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Feb 14, 2020
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My name is Andrew, though my pen/user name is Cyrus.
I'm a 29-year-old Florida Man in a room, and I'm getting sick of the Rent.
I've got no experience in automotive work, building or long-term traveling, though I want to travel, and I love to learn things (particularly if they're useful things).

I've been going through various YouTube channels, looking into what seems like a good fit for me, and I've finally narrowed it down to a Light Commercial Vehicle (that midpoint between SUV/MiniVan and Van-Van). Namely, one such as the Nissan NV200.

I'm a currently-unpublished author, and I like to carry books around, but otherwise I consider myself a minimalist, compared to most people around whom I live. The MPG and space that an LCV offers seem just enough for myself and a future partner.

But, I still have a lot of decisions to make and work to do before I jump into VanLife. Nevertheless, my intention is to become a full-timer.

My income won't allow me to do much more than start with the essentials, but I think as soon as I get completely out of debt and off Rent things will look much more promising.

I would like to thank Mr. Wells and this community for the work they do, and I am excited to begin this new chapter of my life to which I've committed. 

Thank you for reading, I am pleased to make your acquaintance
~ Cyrus
Welcome to the CRVL forums Cyrus! While you're paying off your debt and looking for the right vehicle you can still enjoy a bit of van life by going camping on your days off from work. Experience like that will help you make decisions about what you need and want in your van.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums  :)

The links below in the signature line may be of interest to you.  The first for setting up a low bucks rig and the second a portal of useful information to pre plan, revise plans once on the road, and get the best out of your travel dollar. And a lot of other useful stuff.

Once you get started you may want to consider taking residence in a state with no income tax.  South Dakota is one of the easiest we speak of here from time to time.
Welcome Cyrus - Bob and those who try to imitate him will give you hours of good entertainment and advise to chew on while you plan. In my opinion getting out of debt is key. I ain't interested in paying interest. Days living the nomad life style are much much sweeter when you are free from debt. Debt is the heaviest trailer to haul behind you.

What kind of writing do you do? I have been writing for years. I have published 4 books and none have been successful. I have been published in several Christian magazines but it seems I think more of my writing than others. prepare well for going full time but don't be like some who spend their life preparing and never doing. RVwandering's advice about short try out trips is good - follow it.
nature lover said:
Welcome Cyrus - Bob and those who try to imitate him will give you hours of good entertainment and advise to chew on while you plan. In my opinion getting out of debt is key. I ain't interested in paying interest. Days living the nomad life style are much much sweeter when you are free from debt. Debt is the heaviest trailer to haul behind you.

Yes, thankfully I don't have a lot of debt, but clearing it is the preeminent financial goal, next to building my investments. My plan is to have Passive Income on the road.

What kind of writing do you do? I have been writing for years. I have published 4 books and none have been successful. I have been published in several Christian magazines but it seems I think more of my writing than others.

Interesting. If you feel so inclined, I'd be happy to see what you've published. You can PM me your website or other links related to your work.

I began writing about six years ago, with a concept for a grand-scale science fiction/fantasy series. However, it's been a slow process, due to several factors, not the least of which being my recent repentance to Christ. Because of this significant change of mind, I've gone back and started revising things that need revision.

I'm in a transitional chapter of my life right now, so I haven't had the time to write, but I intend to get properly back to it once things have settled down, and I've set aside the time.
Welcome to the group.

Getting out of debt is a good goal.

Do you know of David Ramsey's 7 baby steps plan? I know a lot of people who follow it and it seems to be pretty solid.