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Well-known member
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Apr 23, 2021
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Near Vancouver, BC
I like books. I also get a lot from Will, Nate and others on You Tube. In light of the many changes in technology in the past few years, especially in batteries, what book should I buy? The 7 year old book by Will Prowse comes highly recommended. There are many 1-2 year old books which look like they cover everything. Are there any rumours or suggestions that Will might be coming out with a second addition?
I would say if you are looking to get a better grasp of the basics, even a 7 years old book will help. It's about $15, not that much in the overall scheme of things. Then, when you are ready to pull out the wallet, look at something more recent (youtube/forums).
If you have a Library Card, you can probably view any of the books in the collection state-wide.
Much of that stuff (about batteries) may be fond online in the Library's Website. Just get your pin number assigned to your card to go in and browse thru it.
I do not know about buying books for that. There are lots of free articles online. The truth is there is no need to become an expert on solar unless you plan on taking it up as a professional occupation.

Installations of solar on a van are really pretty basic. It starts with available space for panels and batteries versus how much power you need.

My setup is very simple. A solar panel on the roof with wires going into the controller, then wires coming out of the controller which have a fuse inline just before they attach to the battery. I did not need to become an expert to have a functional Solar power setup. My controller came with a manual on the settings needed.

Truthfully nothing has changed in the last decade. The same things I described are still the standards needed to get solar panel output sent via electrical cables into the controller and then using more electrical cables and a fuse from the controller to your battery.

Creating the circuits that come out of your battery where the power is stored is not part of the base knowledge of solar power expertise. That part of the job is just standard DC electrical circuitry stuff.
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If you want a recent physical book use keywords
“solar energy course book 2024”
If you're just wanting a book to learn something from without it needing to cover everything get the older book.

It should cover more of the foundational aspects that the later information builds on. Understanding the foundation of any tech is not important than many realize. And it's usually a better read.

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