Interesting problem. I make medicinal tinctures of various herbs, tree barks, blooms, seeds, leaves. I also buy some tinctures from health product suppliers or Oriental markets. Ginseng, for instance, is too cheap buying it to justify making it.<br /><br />But whether I make them myself, or buy them somewhere, the tinctures are frequently made in grain alcohol. I'd never considered the possibility I was violating any DUI law by having them in the RV if the containers were large enough to allow a vial or bottle to be only partially used with each dose.<br /><br />In fact, the ones from Oriental markets are usually single-dose-per-vial, but it's possible to inadvertently leave some in the bottom. And I clean up the vials several at a time, usually, so I might have a few with a bit of tincture still liquid in the bottoms.<br /><br />I might well have been violating DUI laws.<br /><br />When I re-use the vials I normally just cork them, which might also qualify as open containers.<br /><br />