Calypso’s Ogygia .. the Odyssey of the P42

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***🦋💐🌞. SPRING!
Snow in the yard is disappearing, still deep in mountains, nippy out in mornings but no longer freezing at night.

Decided on what I want to use for appliances as far as energy source… propane for fridge, stove/oven, water heater. Eventually, when I go out for longer trips I’ll have a 12v cooler freezer as sometimes I don't like having to go into the stores often. Between dry pantry and frozen perishables I can stay out for weeks. Esp if I’m near a river for fishing. 🤗.
I’m a snob and will only eat fresh caught fish. 🤣

Planning on doing more of a “shed” / wet area sort of thing in the back of my van, the area between back and wheel well. I had wanted to having the living room all the way back in order to get the light, but honestly I’d most likely be outside and when it’s raining I’ll need an area to enter. I don’t have the under the bed garage thing, and need an area to have as my workbench/project area/tools/gear/bike. Don’t want to have things on outside of van

The more I’m thinking of breaking down everything to fit in 112 sq ft. the more realistic I get on what I actually have, a little from this room and that room and the bath and kitchen and garage … it adds up. Just my tools alone will take up space and I’d like to do projects once I set up someplace.

Have a plan for fresh/grey tanks so they are inside and using a marine sump pump for shower. The drain I have only needs 2” clearance. Side outlet. All the h2o will be in about a 12 sq for area, pumps, tanks, heater sinks/shower and the floor rubberized with trim so if there’s a leak it will be contained, drain going out, which I could use if I want to put grey tank underneath.

Still waiting on parts for front. Freaking idiots. It’s too far into it to do anything else, so it is what it is. Moving on, I’m just going to learn my lesson about trusting others and move forward. Just get it done and not lose my **** over it.

I did get some Sound Deadening just because it doesn’t cost much and even if it helps a bit while driving it’ll be worth it. My Cody dog still isn’t that comfortable with driving even in my jeep, so he’s really going to have some issues in the van going down a gravel road, or highway, or even glass ice … it would all be too loud for him. He’s getting better, but as a rescue I’m not sure what life like was for him before and what scared him, but we’re getting better. Even if I only make his area quieter it’s worth the cost and time. I’m not worried about noise when camping, either coming in or getting out. I’m not that wild that would bother others, nor would I stay near some wild craziness… that which I wasn’t part of I guess.

Driving practice… I need a lot of practice. Better hit the Walmart parking lots at night before they get filled up with summer campers and land yachts. Also need to practice changing tire and basic maintenance on her. I’m glad she’s a dually, love my fat bottomed girl, she gets me.

I kinda messed up the dash trying to get it off to get access. The cables over to the fan were flustering me. Did I a.ready mention all this? Idk. I get confused easily.

Insulation. I have 4 4x8 sheets of 2” in my garage that I was using for outside walls and door. They’ll be used in the walls in areas that need it the most, esp around tanks and batteries. Looking at the eco cork for the floor. Ceiling .. idk there’s about 1.5” depth with the supports so whatever gives the highest r value for that.

Windows are in shopping cart waiting to be ordered. Still trying to find something in salvage or marketplace, I’m being really picky with what I want for windows. Skylight also in cart, but reading up on how to make my own with thick plexiglass. I’ll not be cutting any beams.

Electrical. Who the F knows. Still cross eyed over the wiring mess, not sure how to have a leisure battery charged off the van alternator without draining the starter battery. Not sure I’m even using the terms correctly. No idea how to set anything up. I bought this expensive generator but not sure how to build a system that can be powered by it, or a battery bank or on a house charge or solar charge or whatever. Need to run electrical before put in walls I guess.

No idea how to figure out needed watts or amps or voltage … yes Ive watched the videos. Yes I’m doing my doctorate (in special education) .. Yes I’m that dumb that electricity confuses me, I still get giddy when my hair goes static (get me a balloon stat) and try to run into the dark bathroom to see sparks when pulling off a sock from the pillowcase. I’d make a good caveman when the invention of fire sparked up and “god” was revealed. My generator was expensive enough, it should do what I want, just want a system that has one spot for power input, not having to use all these outlets and ports in the generator/inverter for this and that and running extension cords. Just a whole system that’s set with its own fuse/breaker box and it would be nice to have the displays to show how much I’m using, what’s left in the bakery, the draw or whatever else one needs to know. I plan on getting solar panels at some point.

But! Do have my blow up mattress, camp stove, and Rubbermaid totes/drawers to get up the van for short summer trips got my hanging camp chair hammock with foot rest and cup holder, bug coils with lighter, widdelling knife and headlamp, need to get my fishing gear ready to go and a pop a squat. Getting the campstove that I’ll use and build into the kitchen and I’ll be ready to go … after I practice driving, preferably somewhere other than a parking lot.
Yay, fresh caught fish! Love the mud room idea! Also, screw mechanics. Learn and do the work yourself. Enjoy the journey!
The latest “sketch up” … I’m old school. The kitchen counters are deep as the wheel wells are fat being dually, and I figure I’d put the sink on the extended part. (It kinda looks like Florida .. god help me, hopefully my design isn’t as backward backwoods thinking as that state. I actually don’t find math offensive, but that’s me.) I have a three fold room divider thing that I’ll take to van and try out. I wanted a way to create a mud area, as well as breakup the view of looking straight out back to doors. So have the counter curving in with the separation wall. This way I can access bathroom from outside to rinse or whatever and not track in sand rock mud snow and such. I plan to,have a long shower hose option maybe to take it outside a bit, maybe not sure.

The separation wall gives a bit more of the home feel with having the bathroom out of view, nor are you looking directly at exit doors. Haven’t figured out exactly how to close it off for wet dog or just to contain some heat, the mud room will be sort of a barrier to the rear doors which aren’t all that tight. On a stormy night the wind will get in. Maybe just an accordion door like from the 70’s.p would be fine. Idk

Other than what’s on the back walls, so like the bookcase, I’m not having anything above the 4’ mark, so that the top part is open and wide. I’ll have plenty of storage in other places and don’t want to do ceiling cabinets… just makes it too tight. And things fall out of them and get knocked about when driving and spills out on your noggin when you open it. If I need the storage later I can always add it, but more storage means more stuff.

Sound deadening material came in today. It’ll mainly be for the upper parts and roof as there won’t be any furniture or cabinets like the bottom half. And for the cab, while,there isn’t a door on drivers side to rattle about, the Matt’s will help,with all the metal around. The sound mats, not like 2 men standing at attention as sound barriers. Although. 🧐

It didn’t cost very much, and if it works I won’t hear all the horns honking at me as I plunk my way down the highway and around town. I’ll just smile and return the one finger waves they are sending my way. Such kind people in these parts, so friendly. Hi, wave wave.

It shouldn’t take too long to get the floor down at least to subfloor, my daughter and I are working on a way to do a resin “rug” in the center. All that fun stuff will come later. I’m not spending much on that until I’ve gone through and fixed any mechanical issues. There’s nothing cute and “Instagram worthy” about being stuck on the side of a busy highway at 11:37 on a freezing rain kinda night. So cute waits. I doubt the board insulation I want will ever be restocked so I’ll just go with plan B. Then it’s down and done. I’m sound matting and insulating wheel wells as there’s the most sound and cold into that area where the water will be.

I wish I was better at drawing 3D, or I could use my old autocadd program, but things are too complicated now, or I have less patience with it. Pencil and paper and big eraser works best, I could spend hours doing this. So far I’m liking this layout. It’s the only part that’ll actually be built in. Have I mentioned how I hate having it somewhere other than my place. Such a production to gather up what I need, drive over, get set back up … knock off with time to clean up and load everything back in Jeep then into house. I can’t just take a long lunch Break and work on a bit or before dinner or whatever. I’d be so much further along. Takes four hours to get 90 makes me antsy and writing long posts to myself … I don’t even think my folks read past the first three lines. If you’re reading my apologies.


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"Some type of something." Haha, you need to make blueprint drawings for other people! Excited to see how your kitchen comes into shape!
Productive day … except that when I was backing into my spot at home my water pump on my jeep blew … and so now that’s a thing..l ugh but before that, dude almost ran over my dog… but before that … it was a productive day.
And that’s what I’ll focus on until I get a hankering for some good brew to calm my nerves and realize my jeep ain’t going nowhere’s. Focus on good things.

Okay… #1. Sound deadening mats came in. I have two kinds and am excited to try them out and interested to see what the difference it will make. They don’t do anything for the outside noise, just the vibrations and such. I guess that’s how it works… idk. It looks like bling bling fancy, maybe I’ll have to get hydraulics and get the van jumping and popping and what not like they do down south. Whoop whoop… bling.

Good thing #2 …. Found an awesome old propane oven that’s almost exactly like the one we had at our cabin near Talkeetna. Soooo freaking cool. It’s 1950’s era and I am in total love. I’ll probably have to redo my design but I don’t care. This little lady has been working like a trooper since WW2/Korean War. And now she’s mine. To think what life was like here in Alaska at that time. Up in the Talkeetna area, sort of the climbers club for Mt. McKinley. Look it up, super cool history. We had an old cabin there that had been built in like 1910 maybe earlier and this stove came from the same little town. (Or course now I have no jeep to go get her but she’s still mine).

And Good thing #3 … the camera !,! Ahhhhh… rays of light break through the clouds, and doves slowly flap their way across. We got forward and reverse cameras going. Side ones will be easy peasy. So excited, this consul freaking rocks! So cool infrared, recording, remote monitoring, Bluetooth music and movies and I don’t even know what else.
Once I get side placed correctly I can see pretty much 360. So money! Did I mention the view automatically comes up when I hit reverse or turn signal? And there’s like 8 different view formats… so cool!

Such a good day in some ways… and not so good in other ways. But as long as I have my Cody dog next to me I’m good. I can’t stop seeing it, hence my digging in the cupboard over the fridge for the gin.

But he’s here and so it was a good day. I’ll deal with the Jeep in the morning. Tonight it’s just us time.

*****SUCH A LOVE *****

Cool stove, love it! Also, what camera system is that? It looks perfect!

4K Backup Camera System with 10.36’’ Monitor for RV Truck Trailer with Rear Side View 4 AHD Camera Quard Split Touch Screen DVR Recording IP69 Waterproof Bluetooth Music Video Playback Avoid Blind By Douxury​

dont know why the Amazon app won’t let me share it. But that’s the title. It’s a pretty penny, but for me it was worth it. I needed 4 cameras, and It wasn’t much more to get a better system. I’ve never used one before so I imagine there will be a learning curve. I like that I can adjust the reverse parking lines and other setting options.

The stove needs some work, but has the original knobs and parts. Now to figure out how to pipe for 3 appliances. Think copper is recommended when going to more than one. Ive been reading about building an air tight inside compartment with a floor vent. Not sure how much these appliances use. Is there a duel powered refrigerator? Electric and propane? That’s my biggest energy concern, as it needs to continually run, and a necessity for me and full time living.

of course… with my Jeeps water pump going out I’m pivoting for the moment. Haha. Always something.
That's a fantastic-looking addition to the van! Well, both or them, the cameras and the stove. I'm glad your Cody didn't get hit...really glad!
Camera system is going to be pretty sweet! The big screen will be nice.

Not sure what gas piping is best for mobile applications. Maybe someone with experience can chime in? People use lots of different things.

The dual propane/electric fridges are only efficient to use on propane. The electricity is 120v and if I recall, they are power hogs! So only use the electric side when plugged into shore power. If you are doing a solar system, you might as well get a 12v fridge, they are very efficient. They won't run 24/7. I would figure on average one would run 4 amps and only run 20 min every hour. That's like 32 amp/hours per day. Those numbers can obviously vary one way or the other.
I think that what you'd see as propane lines in a "real" camper would be copper.
I think that what you'd see as propane lines in a "real" camper would be copper.
Yes, I’ve been looking into them. My dad had wired? Piped? one of our cabins totally in propane. We had lights in ever room, even nice “scones”, it was really “fancy”. There was a huge propane tank out back and as we could only access the cabin from landing on the beach or shoring a boat, I’m not sure how we got it to the property nor how it was refilled if ever. Crazy looking back on childhood as realizing how amazing your parents were.

I saw where they ran copper piping under carriage like one would with plumbing or diesel lines for heater. Of course all my propane with be within about 6 sq feet. As will the water. Idk, I guess I thought that was how one was suppose to design layouts.. around systems, function rather than fashion. I can see how running systems underneath might actually be better as it’s accessibility is easier. No need to take down cupboards, wall, flooring. One can put in valves for access and turn off to isolate, drain, fix.

There are 12v freezers, yes? I’m thinking I’ll need more of a freezer than fridge. I would eventually like to go solar, that would help address several issues. But not sure how expensive it is, esp if there’s an upcharge here in AK as it’s not as common. I do see panels for sale in marketplace for a few hundred each, but haven’t really looked at building a system yet. I think I’d like to have a system that can have multiple methods of energy sources. So I could plug in, run off solar, run off leisure battery that’s charged off alternator. I like that with solar, one isn’t going to find themselves stuck with no fuel (even with a duel fuel generator) or needing cash money money to power my computer so I can play solitaire as having actually cards is a rarity these days, and you can’t lose a card down the vent.
(Some of my favorite things to do is to just play cards and read books .. actual tangible things.)

I guess the stove needs some propane line work, so I imagine I’ll because a YouTube expert on that soon.

Right now it’s trying to figure out replacing my water pump on my jeep. I remember the days of having to bike down to the library to check out a Chilton’s manual to sort it all out. Haha. Damn I’m old.
They make all kinds of 12v fridges and freezer. Some units have two compartments and you can choose if you want one fridge and one freezer, or both fridge, or both freezer. You can get chest ones and vertical swing out door ones like in a house. They are usually very expensive. Used market is good. Home Depot also sells some.

You're thinking right by building now for future things. Going to install solar later? Run the wiring now. Also good to have many ways to charge your batteries. Living in Alaska you will not have the best success with solar since you don't get much sun up there. Having backup alternator charging will be great supplement!

Depending on what Jeep model and engine, water pump can be pretty easy. Good luck!
Any good 12V fridge can be a freezer with a low temp setting.

Sometimes it's difficult to keep a chest fridge below 41F near the top, and not have something at the bottom freeze.
Calypso, beautiful vintage stove. Those that I've experienced, if they have pilot lights, have no automatic propane shutoff on pilot lights if they go out, or if the propane is turned on before pilot light(s) are lit.

The one I'm using now (1965 model), has no pilot light for top burners, but a pilot for the oven that allows for temperature control. Mine has a manual valve underneath the top burners' cover to turn on/off the oven pilot light supply. If I forget, leaks just enough to smell.
Wow… it’s been a bit since my last post. Not like that much had happened. But I’ll do an update for my own record.

I’ve ordered lots of things for the van, Amazon likes to shop things one item at a time so my mailman (whom I went to grade school -high school with… have I mentioned Alaska is a small town?) anyway he must really think I’m made of money or some shopaholic. Okay, maybe the later is true.

I ordered some tool organizers… this really cool roll up one. A paint additive which is suppose to increase insulation (which sounds hokey but has some good studies behind it and didn’t cost much so why not), some thinsulate for areas that I’ll need more R value but have little room, a side drain for my shower/mud room area.

After I got all that, waiting for the tie rod to get fixed, I installed the front/rear cameras. (Still have to do sides). But soon it was finally drivable, and the guy was going to move it over to a better lot he had. He did a test drive, everything was fine, until he went to move it and it had issues. Anyways long story short, it got towed to the new lot and I still hadn’t driven her. They dropped her nose down in a hole and I had to figure out what to do. Turned out the starter had a busted bolt or terminal or whatever it is. So with the help of my buddy here, PoG he convinced me it was a job I could handle. Changed it out myself and got her started and actually drove around them bumpy dirt lot … go me. I did a few figure eights but didn’t have the nerve to jump onto the busy road leading into the lot. I’m thinking that’ll be a midnight ride sort of thing
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So now she’s running… still pretty rough to start, need to hold down gas to get rpm’s up to stay running. I know at one point why that was, and what I needed to do to fix it, but my brain doesn’t want to work. Maybe it had to do with the draw of the cameras on the battery? Or something? Maybe I need to shim the starter .. heck if I know anymore. But I’ll figure it out.

Been back working on her more often now. Tried a few things to fill in all the holes. Okay, so the aluminum rods were a bust as they just broke off and sort of disintegrated. Maybe I was doing the torch wrong. The white putty weld stuff never hardened up and just would squish through the holes. The grey JB weld just spilled through the holes, maybe if I waited until it thickened up a bit? Idk. I didn’t try the aluminum tape and actually the one that worked best was the clear JB weld gel. It dried really fast too which is nice for an impatient person. So I got about 2/3 of the holes filled. It’s not like I needed them strong to drill anything into them, just filled.

Hotter than a witch’s ***** here at up to 78 degrees. So the issue of insulating when it’s cold sorta took on a new meaning, as the roof is almost too hot to touch, and I noticed the roof warping and pulling up from the cross members, so yeah ummm don’t attach anything to the skin.. ya think? Which got me thinking maybe I need to do the roof stuff first including a fan. So ordered a fan (noooo it’s not the AirMaxxxxx or whatever, maybe I’ll regret that) but it has a manual lever so I don’t need electricity if I just want to open the hatch, it does go both directions and it has an led light. Also ordered some 12v lights and components for the “control center”. I’ve sorta figured putting my power center in the middle of the floor so it’s fairly equal distance for running wires and within an arms reach from anywhere in the van.
I ordered switches, usb/cigarette lighter outlets, and a voltage meter that gives battery charge and temp of the battery compartment. Just to watch if it gets too hot or cold in there. The van has great structure to run lines through so it “should” be within my wheelhouse.

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Now to sort out the layout … I’ve been at home bouncing between photos and books and drawings with dimensions in them and then I figured I’ll just write down the measurements and take a photo so I know exactly what’s what and I don’t confuse myself more than I already am.
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Part of this was deciding what still needed access, so my rear wall, in case I needed to deal with wiring for lights and the hatch in the center behind the wheel wells… which I was told is access to the gas tank controller device thingy. (Thanks PoG). In doing this I wondered about the wheel wells and if that space could be used .. idk what for, like dropping a line down through the top and across. I was thinking of putting a grey tank in front of the gas tank and since my sinks are positioned above the wheel well, maybe I could just drop it through, there is loads of space. Somewhere I saw a guy who shortened his wells, which isn’t what I need to do but there’s like a foot up there.. using a few inches along the upper side should be a thing, other than the rocks and such. Idk. Maybe I’m dumb. I’ve got this thought about having a seasonal grey tank underneath and a way to just do a quick switch/divert for interior during the winter. Obviously taking a shower would either have to be dumped right away or taken somewhere else, unless I got a sump pump. Which I’m not there yet.

Now that the van is out of her hole I poked around a bit more under her belly. Tickle tickle. Took a lot of pictures but this one sort of concerned me. Just a lot of gunk.

I found a manual to print out along with the whole 50 page wiring schematic layout diagrams that I had from before that still boggles me. Making a notebook with dividers that has the info I can access without having to get cell service and read on a tiny screen that keeps going to sleep on me.

Sooo… that’s where we are at. I’m house sitting my parents house for a week at the end of the month and want to make use of my Dads workshop and many many cool tools and their garages. But need to practice driving as it’s a good two hour drive in Ms. Vander-lot-of-noise. The dude whose property where I have her now is making all these “work pads slots areas” or such to rent out to people who have work rigs and such and can’t keep them in their neighborhood or want to buy property of their own. One guy has a welding company so he does his work there, another guy does something with temp energy stations, another is doing something with a motor home.

Morgan said he’d make a spot for me that’s not as big as theirs. He’d get it all graveled out and compacted down, nice and level with good drainage, space for a work tent and materials… maybe even a tent “powder room” …lol. I’m pretty stocked about that. Will cost a bit more but I could literally live there once I get the van to that level. I know it’s not the white picket fence girls are suppose to dream about … I’ve already had that, didn’t work out well for me. I mean it was nice at the time, but I’m over the Jones.

That’s all for now, brown cow. I’m taking about six weeks off so I can just focus on getting life back into sorts and make headway on the van. Actually do real projects not just a few hours here and there. Still have to restore the old stove too and figure out the propane.. Oh I have a thought about that too… but I’ll save it for next time.
Nice job fixing things! Inside them wheel wells is a violent place. Be careful what you put in and around those tires. Also, greasy gunk is just GM's rust preventative measures. No worries!
I’m spending a week at my folks place out in the boonies and would of been a great time to work on the van as I have my Dads workshop and two garages and no neighbors to worry about. But alas, I didn’t trust driving my van the 80 miles one way up here. After the tie rod was replaced, we did a manual alignment it just didn’t work. I also haven’t driven it much since I replaced the starter and don’t have a lot of confidence in it, esp when I’m out in the woods and it breaks down. Just don’t trust it.

Luckily, I found a place that does alignments on bigger rigs, but they are booked up until July. Even though their title is Alginment Center, they actually do RV work. I had been looking for an actual shop that could work on it, but this place wasn’t listed, I was only finding regular passenger care mechanics. Next week I have an appointment for a total tune up and run diagnostics. I will feel so much better after that. She’d been sitting for a few years so needs more TLC than I can give her. So she’s getting a day at the spa.

I’m looking at a solar setup that someone had built, but his rig wrecked before installing it, and now selling it all. Brand new with all the components, panels, controllers, wires, refeidge,the whole kit and kaboodle. I’ve been driving myself crazy with trying to figure it all out. He’s already done the thinking and paid the shipping, so it might be a good option, it is a pretty penny though… a gorgeous penny, but still a deal when taking shipping costs into account.

That brings in the issue of attaching panels, which I haven’t looked into too much. I have seen some setups that allow for panel adjustment, which may be a good idea here as our sun is often lower in the horizon. One build had included Linear Actuators that could be controlled to adjust angle. (They had also used them for their lift bed, and help with leveling it without having to level van. Wasn’t sure what people thought of this, any feedback or ideas, would be welcome.

Here’s one I looked up. I don’t know what would be recommended to use. But I like the idea of being able to maximize the use of the solar panels by adjusting the angle. The system will cost me almost as much as the van did, so it would be good to use it to its best capacity. Still have to look up how to attach a rack for the panels and how these would be attached, but one step at a time. First I need to get it running drivable and trustworthy.
Haha I have trust issues with my rig too! As for the solar panels, the simplest things would be to just bolt them down and be done with it. But with you living so far north, you would really benefit from being able to tilt your panels. Hmmm, but that's a lot of work. Decisions, decisions...
Finally making progress. Need to post updates and pictures to document and reference. I’m really grateful for the support I get from other builders.

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