Calypso’s Ogygia .. the Odyssey of the P42

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Digital will last longer than actual paper photos. Takes less space too.

Those coolant heaters should create lots of heat. If not, something is wrong and will need to be diagnosed.
I can tell you how my wife deals with it.... she threw a lot of my stuff away when we first were married (37 years today) and when she helped my father and stepmother move she tossed just about everything. I don't recommend that approach.
Well, first… Happy Anniversary 💕💝. I’m always so impressed by couples such as yourselves. Good show, old chap! (Young)

I know what you mean about “those type”. My sister in law is one and while her house is spotless, and very much not cluttered … my sister and I saw how she acted with her family’s things and just decided we’d skip that generation unless my brother really wanted something… idk, he’ll “get back to us”. My daughter is the only granddaughter, female cousin, 2nd cousin once removed… blah blah on both sides my mom and dad. Their father dropped off the face of earth, so my side is all they have. So she gets all of women's heritage for holding on to and passing to the next line. But she’s in college so it’s still on my care.

I better get a better scanner to digitize everything. Haha. Or pay someone, I know there are services that do that. but part of the fun is looking at all the pictures yourself. And nothing will replace holding your great grandfathers 1907 copy of Robert Service’s The Spell of the Yukon. Idk … I’m a nerd.

I think I need to find that balance between your wife and my mother. 🤣

Bit then I think … what are we savings these items in boxes for? They are not being appreciated, their beauty not making our day a bit more peaceful, how are they enriching my life and connecting me to something larger than myself if it’s all just sitting in a box for decades? And I swear as I have to move the boxes around yet again, and try to manage around them. I have so many rocks and shells from my grandfather, and myself, and my kids… his are all labeled (engineers!). But I need to use them for something in my van, somehow integrate them and make something practical, something I can see and use and it has a purpose and function as well as honoring memory.

Whoopppp… another project! Crap.. need to get another whiteboard, I’ll write on the back for now.
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Well, thanks for the anniversary wishes....but full disclosure, she's wife #3. #1 was 8 years, wife #2 was my first love, whom I refer to as "my own personal mental illness", and that one lasted a grand total of two years, counting living together and marriage both. The good news is, we got past all the rocky roads a decade or so ago and the forecast is for smoother traveling from here on out.
Youtuber Mav just tried out the same heater you got. He cut some corners, and/or didn't know what he was doing. Just be careful. There are a bunch of people here that know all the tips and quirks about these Chinese heaters.

Youtuber Mav just tried out the same heater you got. He cut some corners, and/or didn't know what he was doing. Just be careful. There are a bunch of people here that know all the tips and quirks about these Chinese heaters.

I watched a few videos, this guy down under had some good stuff. Made a follow up video about a year later with some fixes. I also have an aux heater under the drivers seat, so I need to check all the heaters when I get it all back together and practice driving.
I’m planning to take her out this summer to try things out before I put anything permanent in. I have a fairy hut in my head that I keep seeing and I need to bring myself back to reality a bit. (But the fairy hit is SO much fun to pretend live in.. it’s my mental escape from reality). But I can still live in fairyland when I’m in my ogre van. (Don’t tell her that, I still think she’s beautiful … always).
I’m not sure I can do this. Even if I do get the van functional, idk how I’m going to drive it as I am a nervous city driver as it is in my jeep. I’m starting to spiral up with worry about what would happen if I broke down on the road, or in the bushwhackidy world. I mean, I’ve never had a flat tire (I did have a whole wheel go flying off at 50mph, but that was in city and was easy to get family/friends to come help with the kids and get a tow truck). I’ve never had a gasket blow or transmission drop out or or or or or. My luck all those things have been waiting to happen until I’m out in lala desertland.

Which is another wtf issue. Alaska has no snakes or scorpions or poisonous spiders (I’m sitting here trying to flick off the spider emoji.. it’s not real). We don’t even have rats or cockroaches. I worry about my Cody dog getting bit and I don’t have anything to do to save him. I. Fine with bears and crazy moose Mamas, the little biting stuff kinda freaks me out… they’re sneaky.

I’ve never been much of a worrywart. Hell, I packed up my kids and moved to Thailand with about a months notice and I even ate scorpions and other strange insects and wormy/slug/whatever things there. But they were stationary … and dead.. and I was drunk. (No, the kids were not with me! Haha)

But, I’m still waiting to to get the stuck screws out, and if I can’t do that, how can I rig up a whole electrical system or mount a propane tank underneath… what if it falls off on one of those superhighways they have in the states and it goes Big Boom boom?

I worry about camping out in the boonies by myself… there was that one horror movie I remember seeing where … well, I can’t say it as I don’t even want to think about it. I have only watch others play the “Last of Us” but I mean.. maybe the zombies are lingering out there somewhere. I mean… the poor saps in the movies and games were all “oh no, it can’t happen to me, that stuff isn’t real”… until bang bang bang on the door.

I know it sounds like I’m a whack job… but I mean, let’s set that debate aside for the time being. I’m just putting down some of the thoughts that go through my head. The main one is breaking down and being stuck somewhere alone or having a major issue. I guess being alone is the underlying fear… even though the main reason I’m doing this is to be alone and away from all this “human stuff”. That and Ive been stuck, and now my kids are grown and my identity has been a mother, a single mother. So now what?

Doing this for myself is a strange experience and unsettling. I always did things for my kids or worried and dealt with the parts that would effect them, I always had another reason to do things, that enabled me to just move past the what ifs and just do it. Now when I only have myself to do it for, I’m a bit lost and not so brave. And I have no idea what to expect. Which is what I want as I hate the make or break, gerbil racing, stuck in a plan for every day for the next endless number of years, the needing to stay in crappy situations because they have you by your money balls. So the exact reason why I want to do this, is the exact same reason it worries me.

Maybe I’ll try camping a bit this summer with the mindset that I can’t go back to the safety of my bed in my townhouse. Not like I have before when it was just a fun weekend to blow off steam or … drink around the bonfire, or hike knowing there’s a shower and washing machine and fish knowing there’s a freezer and .. a shower.

I’m not really worried about that part. I know what all these old crumbily hard veterans of the van wars of the 21st centery would say. That’s fine, they also say they knew I would say that. I’m not planning this forever, there’s a reason I’m not making the van wheelchair accessible. Idk… guess I’m being honest and it’s okay to say you’re worried, that you’re unsure, that you dont know, that you are second guessing. I don’t care how crusty of desert dirt one is, they all had some of the same thoughts, but I’ll let them keep their secrets. 😝. Maybe others have the similar thoughts as I. It’s not like it’s going to stop me, I’m still going to try, I just have eyes open… and am also looking inward.
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"I don’t care how crusty of desert dirt one is, they all had some of the same thoughts, but I’ll let them keep their secrets"
You just said it yourself...everybody is unsure before the first few steps. You got this!
Well … finally got back to work site… front end repair STILL not done. (Breath)

But was able to get all the stuck bolts out and the crossbars down, ceiling and insulation down, and bulkhead removed.

The ceiling panels were just held up by the plastic screws so super easy to pop down once the bars came down. Now have a bag of pretty yellow itch stuff.

The bulkhead… okay, it was NOT a pretty process. My methods can get a bit “unconventional” at times.

But it finally came down and boy what a difference! Lots of happy dancing and yelling “I AM A BAD ASS!” Cody dog wasn’t much amused… crazy mom, calm down woman.


There are Sooooo many holes in the floors. The ones at the top of the walls will be easy to plug, but the floor.. idk.

I saw this one video of a guy gluing pennies over the holes with silicon, I mean what else are you going to use Pennie’s for these days? But that’d be a pretty penny to do all of them (get it? 😂). Idk if cutting out pieces of the ceiling skin and using as a patch would work just as well, to glue it down and add pressure. Idk?

Idk if painting it after would make me feel any better. I’ll be adding dampening mats. Yes I know step vans are noisy,.. that does not mean I can’t do something to reduce it a bit. If I wanted a silent runner, I would of gotten idk.. something else. I know there will be sound, I’m okay with that, I like that, but I can lessen the rattle so it’s not deafening for hours of driving. There are these paint additives that don’t cost much and say they help with acoustics and insulation, but I’m not sure how … seems like a gimmick.

Now I can see the and measure the bare ceiling cross members and height. On bare floor and bare ceiling, we’re at 6’1”… sucks as I like dating tall guys, but that’s a mere technicality I’m sure I can work around. But the shorter roof will not be such an issue with wind and gas mileage than a 7’ tall cargo, at least that’s what I tell myself.

I can deal with the roof height later if I want. It’s too much to think about right now, I’ll get overwhelmed and get fixated on the concept. I’ve listened to what others say about cutting the ceiling supports … for the moment. And figure I can install long skylights between them, parallel … so 18”-22” x 36” (or something) and I wouldn’t be affecting the supports and framing would be more secure.

I found some skylights on Amazon, and wondering if I can double stack them, with room in between, to make them double pane and improve insulation. Sound stupid… don’t answer that. I do need more light and it’ll help visually with the height. Again, if I wanted everything perfect I’d of bought a new one exactly to my specs and contracted a builder. But this is what I have (I’ve seen one stepvan advertised since I got this one 2 months ago)… one can also do something to improve, not just throw up hands and say oh well. I don’t have to accept things “as is” .. I can actually see something “undesirable” and make it good. (Well, I’ve learned that that doesn’t apply to men, no more of the saving them from themselves for me, but I digress). Cody dog is my Main man now! 🥰

The cab and dash are going to take a bit. But now that the bulkhead is down, I’m realizing how much room there is up there. Esp around the drivers seat… like tons, especially since there is not a door on that side. I could easily have my battery bank there.

Water storage and shower. Think I figured out how I’ll do the water. I wanted to have both fresh and grey tanks inside so I can be in colder climates. But how to have drainage when you can’t use gravity. Think I found a solution. It’s what I did when I put a bathroom in my slab bottom floor of house… and using what I did in sailboats and such. Just a sump pump, which only cost like $150, and will work with the shower water … plus it has the compartment and flap to prevent backwash. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I have room.

Plus the back two feet of the van will be a “mud room”, with the bathroom/toilet an area to shower, store wet gear, keep wet dirty Cody dog, rinse area, store muddy bike, keep muddy boots, rain area, ect. I’ll have a basic sliding door, with plexiglass on top to let door light in, which will also help with any cold drafts, but can close to keep the back 2’ separate when needed. The wet closet I can run a heat vent to and I’ll have the rear fan in that area to help with moisture.

Exploring in the northwest is a wet business. I dont want the front cab area muddy and stinky and wet dog shaking area, but the back can have planked flooring over something like a long shallow shower pan graded down towards the actual shower area which can have a curtain around it. I’d have to have drains in different areas maybe in case of non level ground, or something. It would be better if I had under carriage grey tank, But with the sump pump I think it’ll work. I’m not going to have a waterfall fancy shower. The wood planks over the top would allow gravel and dirty to drop which will easily be swept up. Yes, I’ll lose some height, but I could run the shower hose outside if I really wanted. Or I could sit down, might need to after a day of hiking. But it’s not necessarily living area, so height is not as much as an issue. I do kinda need a gear area, esp to hang a bike inside, and not worry about wet and mud and such. Did I mention wet dog who agrees to share his bed with me at times and doesn’t really mind wet sheets.

I’ll do some camping and travels this summer, maybe hit a few of the “out in the boondock backwoods” areas that hold music festivals. Do some biking and hiking and such.

But I need to get a backup and side cameras and practice driving. 24’ long is a bit different from my short Jeep with a rear view.

Okay .. that’s a lot of writing. I always get jacked up after I pass a mile marker such as finally getting the wall down. It just looks and feels different. I will be building another, but move it forward, and use window panes/plexiglass on the top to let the light through. The lower half will be insulated and a sliding door to close off, but the top “glass” so I can still see out the front which makes me feel safer to be able to see what’s outside. It won’t be as insulating from heat/cold as a solid bulkhead, but I can use thermal curtains if I like.
It’s a compromise.. Just as life is … a compromise, and accepting not everything needs to be 100%. 85% of perfect is still really good and actually attainable.

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I found an example of what I was thinking for the back two feet. I’m not exact.y sure how I’d do the plumbing if I tried to have the grey tank inside. I guess maybe I would have to drop the drain under floor and use the sump pump to pull the water back up into the tank, but then you’d have sitting water in the p trap or low spot outside. Why do I make things so difficult? Maybe I’ll just have the grey tank underneath and just drain it right away so it’s not really holding anything when in freezing temps.


The shower drain pan I can craft out of aluminum since I would t be standing on it, but on the teak/redwood planks or maybe trek decking which I always find scraps around, often for free (maybe too thick). Since the floor will be the first thing I do, I’d need to figure it out as far as laying down insu,action, subfloor, top flooring. But I’m really liking the idea of a mud room in the back to help contain dirt and have bike, wet gear, muddy boot garage type storage, but still have access out the back as my kitchen is in the read and it’d be nice for outdoor cooking to have easy access.

I never understood the whoopdie whoop over Pinterest until I started all of this… it’s my wake in the middle of the night activity to get over night terrors, a quite comforting rabbit hole distraction. I then I find things that are exactly what I have in my head, which is always reassuring it’s not a crazy idea.
Idk… I was mainly looking at the flooring. But I plan on some type of cassette toilet, can’t do those composting ones, and not going to do a separate tank. But that one looks like the typical cassette self containing ones.
I think it's kinda stylish as that type of toilet goes.
This is kinda what I had been thinking, if I put in a semi permanent one… mainly because it’s easier to clean around, vs the boat style ones, is secure and has larger capacity. But as you’ll notice they’re spendy. What I would really love is a incinerator one, but we’re talking thousands. 🤣. Talk about not having a pot to piss in, that’s about all I’d have.. just a big empty bare van with a toilet sitting in the middle.

So for now it’ll be a decent port. And I have to have an actual room, I don’t know how these folks poo right in their kitchen and push it back under the counter. I mean if I had to I would, but I don’t understand folks who put $10k+++ into a van and poo in a kitchen drawer. I know they say it doesnt stink but I just couldn’t deal with knowing there’s a big ol’ log sitting under my Apple chopping area, and a mashed up one is even worse. But that’s just me, it’s probably one of my many issues. Plus, they aren’t really composting, that’s a much longer process… it’s more just like mash potatoes, they’re still potatoes. And that’s about as far as I’ll take that metaphor.

We use ports potty at our cabin now, as well as the outhouse, but that sucks when it’s 10 below. . Anyway, I don’t much like talking about this sort of thing. I AM a lady after all. 👸

I just don’t want 3 tanks, nor using my camp area as a littler box, and I figure I can use the grey water from the shower in the water flush compartment of the pot and it would save me on weight and lugging around extra water, why not reuse it? Every little bit of weight counts, and doesn’t waste fresh. I’m trying to figure out the size of tanks, where to put them and for how long they would last me. I’d like the option to stay out of “civilization” for as long as I can. Who knows how long my sanity can last (or what’s left of it), but I’m all about stretching the limits of reality.

I think in order to do the mud room as I’m thinking it would have to be elevated a bit for the curb of the “pan” and wood plank mat or such. Wouldn’t have to be much, would just need to sort out drain and make sure I parked level. I can always put in a transition between the mud room and living area as to not stub one’s toe. (Can you tell I’m use to designing and building houses?). But this will be my house, not a camper or temporary “situation” so why not have it such as I’d have my house, or at least in my head as so. It’s what I do when I can’t go and do work on it, which is limited right now.

I’m going to try and get as much of the wood and such out of it today. Maybe store the 14’ under the van on top of the hanger crossmembers to keep off wet muddy ground. That way I can really get a sense of the whole thing being empty, not just one side at a time. It’s a lot of wood, and once I get the nails out on the 2”x10”x14’ it’ll be useful, esp with prices be as they are.
Got a chance to crawl arachnid on my back and see what the wiring was about. So confused. It’s such a mess, and so many colors, well if I can see through the dirt. So much grime, and wires just everywhere. 😂.

I tried to trace certain wires to see what they were attached to and didn’t get very far.

My driving cameras are on their way, backup camera as well as dash and each side. I thought I was suppose to find a blue wire with a white stripe but no luck… not sure how Im to figure it out. I’m really really bad at this stuff, so far out of my wheelhouse. I just want to take everything apart and blast it all with soapy water, I want pretty organized wires all labeled and ****. (No I’m not a clean freak, my house is a disaster I won’t even get into the garage.)

I don’t know how people get such pretty undercarriage and engines and all that. Maybe they have an shop … that would be fun, to just take everything apart and clean and able to leave things out from one day to the next. I almost don’t want to do anything more until I white glove it.

I am hoping to have the cargo flooring done within the next 2 weeks. But need to wash it out.. argh. The doghouse is the priority in the cab after the camera install. The seal is shot, I did scrap off the icky yellow foam, but there are holes in the floor from where there were some strange holddowns, the bolt on one side is busted, one of the top clips is gone, it just jiggles around and that whole area needs to be sound proofed. There several random types of sound dampening, bits and pieces here and there.

So holes, cargo flooring, camera, doghouse.

I did finally convince myself that I don’t need to save every single bolt and screw and nut and whatever (I’m not doing engine work) I have a horrible compulsion to try and save all the hardware to reuse it… I literally have a picker full of tap screws, bolts and worn down nuts right now and need to take them out before wash. But I had saved all the carriage bolts and washers and all the screws … which I always do and have coffee cans full of them (thanks Dad for instilling that in me). But I am NOT going to do it this time. If I need a certain type, I’m going to go buy the right kind, nice and new and not try to retrofit random from my pockets.

Well, I’m trying.. I do have a separate trash bag where I’m putting all the hardware … but no really, I am going to throw it out, toss it in the bin, seriously. I mean, once the bag is full that is… and I may need to sort them. 🫣


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An outdoor biffy in northern Minnesota winters. Cold, but no odor. No sitting and thinking.

"Take a whiify, take a sniffy, it's springtime in the biffy."
After waiting a month for these whohas to locate parts and have the, shipped up only to find out the were the wrong ones. Then I was told that the tie rods and tube would have to be custom built… I got out my iPad, went onto Mill Supply Inc. and located the exact parts needed and in the cart ready to ship within 5 mins.
A month ago I had my arse chewed out about how they were a professional shop and they don’t need their customers finding parts for them, esp a woman.
“Okay, okay… well you go ahead and do that boys… I’ll wait.” They were so sure they knew better than me.

Couldn’t find it could ya? Haha idiots.

Ummm… a woman with her Van Gogh almond blossom iPad cover just did what a shop of “professional” men could not. “Told ya” I said as I snapped my flowered cover shut in front of their faces.
Thank you Mill Supply for being awesome, I love any opportunity to sashay my sass in front of some stupid ass.
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On a side note… I got my camera system in order that I can actually see my 315 degrees of blind spots. 😝. And have NO idea how to hook it up in the fuse panel, in fact cant figure any of it out. Printed out a huge manual of all the wiring and still clueless. I ca t even get to the fuse box and it’s upside down. Tried to take the dash off and it’s stuck by the cables to the blower and not sure how to disconnect the, without screwing something up as it’s all under tension, doesn’t seem like a quick release like on bike brakes (don’t laugh, it’s what it looks like to me, same concept).

So frustrate. Took of seat to try and climb under there upside down to sort out wires and still limited access, plus upside down doesn’t work out well with glasses.

The cameras can be wired in with reverse and turn signals to display that camera when activated, but I’m just trying to figure out the basic power. The videos all make it so simple, as they’re demonstrating it on a workbench, not in some cramped space with greasy dirt sticking to your eyeball, no glasses didn’t block that. Not like I can drive it anywhere anyways, been up on blocks for a month.

Finally tracked down a blowtorch, Lowes and Home Depot we’re out of everything. But tried out this JBWeld paste putty, just roll it in a little pea size ball and push into hole and smooth over. May have to tape up holes on other side so it doesn’t just get pushed through. The other kind just runs out and I have yet tried the blowtorch. I wasnt really trusting myself with fire yesterday.

In order to really find and fill the holes and cracks I need to get it to a place with access to water and wash it, but can’t go anywhere as the wheels are off AND I’ve never driven one of these and the mirrors are poo poo. So need the cameras in order to see and feel like a driver that is allowed to be on the street. (Need to get the windows replaced too as they have cracks and chips.) can’t put cameras in until I sort out the wiring, can’t seem to get to the wiring or else dismantle the dash and try to figure out how to out it back. Feel stupid I don’t know Jack all about electrical and plugging in a stupid fuse. I just need power, I don’t even care about the trigger wires or whatever. Oh and I need to fix the doghouse as it’s just laying off to the side in the back, I guess just so I can look down ag the engine with bewilderment.

Was so frustrated and cold and felt defeated so packed up all the stuff I had brought to the van as it had accumulated just a mess of things over the past weeks and was just a shitshow. Can never find anything that I think I might need, only to discover it was left at home.. But have 3 of something that I’ll never need.

So today (when taking breaks from writing my paper) I’m going to sort out the mess into totes, replace all the drills, bits and pieces, reorder the sockets, clean out the used screws and nails and crap that’s collected in the toolboxes after years or projects, sort out what is needed at rig and make up an organized box that just stays there. I’m such a space cadet, I put my coffee in the freezer to heat up and couldn’t figure out where the buttons were… once I got it in the correct appliance, heated up too hot to grab, then found it there 6 hours later cold.

I want to just hire someone to lay on their back with me to clean up the wires, but the ladies of the night were too busy so I’m kinda SOL.

Maybe I just don’t wash the inside and just wipe it down and get floor insulated. At least that’s something I know how to do .. well sorta, I guess use self tapping screws to connect furring strips to floor. And frame in area to make the shower pan / mud room area. I just want to feel somewhat productive, that I’m actually able to do something.

My victory over the dumbarse who are suppose to fix the drag link was short lived and a bit empty when I turned a faced all this unknown. She, the van, seems to just sit there all patient like as if she knows she’s complex but totally worth it and just waiting for me to figure her out. Akin to some Sophie Lauren sitting at a bar with those eyes looking across the Smokey room at you and you just know she’s trouble, but a good kind that will totally be worth the risk of grabbing your drink and making your way with stone feet and a silly feeling in your gut… she’s watching you the whole way over and waits for you to speak first.. as your brain blanks out and your tongue turns into a snail.

Alright Lady, you’re way outta my league and I’m totally perplexed yet totally bewitched.
The worse you can say is no… but please don’t.

(Either that or some Wisconsin dairy cow just eyeballing me with a look that says “just try to come over here and cow tip me you bastard punk”)
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Haha, I love this! More proof that you don't need mechanics! Millsupply has all the stuff you need. They even have stuff to fix up your doghouse. Shipping is a little pricey, but you'll get the right stuff the first time. Good call!

I might suggest not messing with the stock vehicle wiring. Leave the vehicle fuse box alone and order yourself a new, additional fuse box and wire all your new stuff to that. Wiring the cameras in to the reverse and blinker lights, I don't know though, you might have to tap into those wires. I left my stock wiring alone and rigged up my cameras to seperate switches. Just a thought. Sometimes I don't bother to hit the reverse camera switch and end up using my bumper to find things though!

Please don't use self tapping screws through your beautiful floor. You might be inviting corrosion issues down the line. Any hardware coming in contact with aluminum should be stainless steel. Your floor is also thick enough to drill and tap threads into.

You're doing great! What an adventure you're on! it must feel good to be organized. Things can get out of hand quick. They make degreaser sprays. Brake cleaner works good to blast away grease and grime, but it's some pretty potent stuff. Keep posting photos and asking questions! How is the diesel heater?
Your day may have been frustrating, but it made for a good post that was fun to read.

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