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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2017
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on the bench
Hello everyone! I was invited to start my own chat thread. If anyone would like to check in or chat with me this is the place. 

Please do not use any sensitive words on this thread. 

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I think we were talking about food, and vitamin C.
Currently sipping a mixed up "Emergen-C" packet. The fizz on these always tickles my nose, and contain 1000 mg vitaminC and some vitamins. 

Menu for tonight is basmati rice with garlic and carrots, veg chop with red cabbage and oil and vinegar dressing, and maybe fried hamburger stk with pickle relish. 

I am also putting on some red beans to soak. I like to soak them overnight as my dry food is really very dry. 

Pretty restful day, still 65 degrees at 9pm.

Stk in the food world is for steak.
I take D3 and Zinc.... so far it has worked for me.
travelaround said:
Vitamin C is good but also... my sister, a nurse practitioner,  told me to also take D3 and Zinc to be less likely to get covid.
Good idea. I got the recomend for D3 from the doc. Not sure where to get zinc other than a pill?  -crofter
crofter said:
Menu for tonight is basmati rice with garlic and carrots, veg chop with red cabbage and oil and vinegar dressing, and maybe fried hamburger stk with pickle relish....
The hamburger went into the rice dish instead, with tomatoes and peppers, garlic, and corn. Dessert is dates with walnut halves.  Quite a feast for being out of food.
We used to have " porcupine" Yes..I am from the hills... No they aren't what you think. 

Take cooked rice and mix with ground meat and fry..I haven't made them in years... Probably a good way to stretch the kitchen budget for young parents of 4... We ate them often lol.

Dates and walnuts sounds great for a nice finish.... Now I'm seriously craving date nut bread... I hardly ever run into that anymore... I may have to make a few loaves.
The D3 gel pills have oil in them as well most are soy but supposedly olive oil does a better job of dispersing the D3. My multivitamin has about 1000 IU and I’ve been taking a 5,000 IU D3 for years. Some say anything over 4,000 IU can be harmful, some say 10,000 IU. My understanding is some patients have been given larger doses of a more direct form of vitamin D as most people who go into intensive care and later die have a vitamin D deficiency. Those that don’t tend to not go into intensive care and survive. D3 has to go through the liver and kidneys before it does any good so it may take a while to overcome a deficit. All this is from my doctor years ago when I kept getting colds and sinus infections as well as YouTube videos so take it for what it is worth.
Has anyone tried these at home medical tests? This might work for dwellers who don't want to drive to town for testing and to get the certificate. They also have other lab tests to choose from.

Looking a little further, I could not find how you get the blood for tests like thyroid. Looks like you would still have to go to a lab for that. -crofter

Description: link to remote lab testing site
RVTravel said:
Experts: Don't Waste Your Money on Multivitamins  Three studies find the supplements don't help extend life or ward off heart disease and memory loss
Interesting, says the multivitamin helped (difference of less than 10 percent) for cancer and cataracts, but not memory loss. Then went on to say you can't fix a bad diet with vitamins, I agree with that. What prompted me to change was that hospital stay. I'll do anything to avoid another one of those. 

Mom takes special vitamins for her eyes. She is convinced that the vitamins help for macular degeneration, but not so much the shot in the eye at the Dr. She loses vision for a few days after the eye shot which is scary and disabling. Can't blame her if she doesn't want that shot. -crofter
crofter said:
....Quite a feast for being out of food.
Didn"t Bob have a minimalist tradition of eating up all the food before shopping for more? I remember hearing about that, and one person had so much food stashed in the van that it was not possible to eat it all. 

I have that going on in the van, always carrying 10 pounds of freeze dried backpacker food that does not get eaten. I am sure I will run out of water before I run out of food.  -crofter
desert_sailing said:
...Dates and walnuts sounds great for a nice finish.... Now I'm seriously craving date nut bread... I hardly ever run into that anymore... I may have to make a few loaves.
And dates boost your potassium, a good reason to eat some when you stop at your oasis. -crofter

Description: link to nutritionist article
Well it looks like the second wave is much like the first wave here in southern AZ. It was a great day for shopping, in the 80's but no TP. How can we be out of TP already? I stocked up on rice and beans, what will I do when the beans kick in !  Also out of all paper products and out of the cleaning products here and we are only 2 weeks into it. The winter visitors are back, welcome to my world guys. We do have supplies of masks and hand sanitizer still in the stores, an improvement over the first wave.

Here is a link for the daily update Yuma County, 79 cases in the hospital, 11 cases in ICU, and 15 ventilators left. To use this link, scroll down and click on the date and it takes you to the stats for that day.

El Centro has erected a tent in their hospital parking lot for patients. Not sure who gets to stay in the tent. It was reported that El Centro also got more hospital staff to go with the tent. So those are the options if you get sick in the low desert of southern AZ.
crofter said:
Well it looks like the second wave is much like the first wave here in southern AZ. It was a great day for shopping, in the 80's but no TP. How can we be out of TP already? I stocked up on rice and beans, what will I do when the beans kick in !  Also out of all paper products and out of the cleaning products here and we are only 2 weeks into it. The winter visitors are back, welcome to my world guys. We do have supplies of masks and hand sanitizer still in the stores, an improvement over the first wave.

Don't forget to check for paper napkins or tissues, they can be a fair substitute for tp, if it's all you can find, if you can find it.
GntlStone said:
Don't forget to check for paper napkins or tissues, they can be a fair substitute for tp, if it's all you can find, if you can find it.
We still get the newspaper delivered, so guess what is getting recycled soon? 

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