coronavirus in Italy [split] Shelter dogs

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Mar 26, 2020
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I am so happy that I adopted my dog 3 years ago! As we are living in a real estate in lake Garda I can easily go for a walk with my Bobby twice a day. With the situation we have here in Italy it is really like a breath of a fresh air to be able just to enjoy a simple 10-15 minute walk. Hope it will all finish soon.
Wow, someone in Italia has found this forum!!! Welcome.

I spent many happy weeks traveling in that country in the 1990s. The people were so friendly. Sorry that Lombardia and the Veneto are bad right now. Take care.
Thank you! Take care of yourself please. Seems like it will be all around the world very soon
Hi Qaffo.

MrAlvinDude gave this link on another thread. I have been following these graphs for the past few days. I'm not sure that many people can understand these curves, but you might show the page to others around you for discussion. In short, as bad as it is in Italy, the graphs indicate that things are slowing down over there. Not stopping, but slowing. In contrast, and as the curves clearly show, the numbers in the US are skyrocketing with no end in sight. So, stay isolated as much as possible in the meantime.