The BLM’s “ Blueprint for 21st Century Outdoor Recreation ”

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Wo AC do I feel fortunate that never once in the last 4 years have I ever run into a Ninja force type of Natikn AC l Forest Ranger or BLM ranger. Every contact I have had they have been impeccable in following the non confrontational behavior scripts that their training drilled into them.
I have no doubt they are also well trained in dealing with some of the very aggressive types of antisocial characters out camping on Federal landscape
Rangers getting terrorist training. Who knows it might come in useful. There are eco terrorist around.
Dear Maki:
Please don't take this as a's not meant to be...but the term "eco-terrorist" has rankled me for a lot of years, since I first heard the term used when Weyerhauser (if I recall right) had their PR people refer to people who protested logging by climbing trees and lashing themselves to them by that title. Demonizing a protester as a "terrorist" really grinds my gut. A Terrorist is one who is willing (and sadly, bent on) killing the innocent indiscriminately to try to spread panic, and I can't think of any instance of eco-terrorism ever. Maybe some on the forum can. Even when logging trucks got burned by the most radical they were careful NOT to do bodily harm to anyone. I don't defend them, but they were simply Vandals, not Terrorists. Yeah, there are nutcakes galore out there, but could we all dial back on inflating the terms? Thanks for reading. rpmh.
Dear Maki:
Please don't take this as a's not meant to be...but the term "eco-terrorist" has rankled me for a lot of years, since I first heard the term used when Weyerhauser (if I recall right) had their PR people refer to people who protested logging by climbing trees and lashing themselves to them by that title. Demonizing a protester as a "terrorist" really grinds my gut. A Terrorist is one who is willing (and sadly, bent on) killing the innocent indiscriminately to try to spread panic, and I can't think of any instance of eco-terrorism ever. Maybe some on the forum can. Even when logging trucks got burned by the most radical they were careful NOT to do bodily harm to anyone. I don't defend them, but they were simply Vandals, not Terrorists. Yeah, there are nutcakes galore out there, but could we all dial back on inflating the terms? Thanks for reading. rpmh.
lol!!! Union coal miners on strike come closer to the term and government with soldiers and company security have killed. I guess we could classify them as terrorisrs!
If all they seem to want out there on the BLM is big "expensive" Class A's, I would be willing to bet that the RV industry is behind that with generous contributions to those who administrate over those areas. Even land developers and "Tower Builders" who leverage their wealth & position. At a hefty annual fee that would empty the areas, they may even advance the rationalization that, "no one is using those area anymore". (and then exploit the opportunities they can make for themselves) Then when all the Nomads start showing up in Cities the people there will begin to wonder.....why ? Could it have been the people they voted into office ?????